Ooooh Baby....Blowback Begins in Ferguson


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
It was only a matter of time....

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues, Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case
WASHINGTON -- A member of the grand jury that ultimately decided not to indictformer Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown is suing the prosecuting attorney in St. Louis County, accusing Robert McCulloch of mischaracterizing the grand jury process.

The still-anonymous grand juror, referred to only as "Grand Juror Doe" in the lawsuitfiled by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, believes that his or her voice "could contribute to the current public dialogue concerning race relations" in the country. The grand juror believes that the Wilson case was handled much differently than the hundreds of other cases presented to the grand jury before the Wilson case."""

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case
It was only a matter of time....

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues, Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case
WASHINGTON -- A member of the grand jury that ultimately decided not to indictformer Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown is suing the prosecuting attorney in St. Louis County, accusing Robert McCulloch of mischaracterizing the grand jury process.

The still-anonymous grand juror, referred to only as "Grand Juror Doe" in the lawsuitfiled by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, believes that his or her voice "could contribute to the current public dialogue concerning race relations" in the country. The grand juror believes that the Wilson case was handled much differently than the hundreds of other cases presented to the grand jury before the Wilson case."""

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case

Why shouldn't it had been handled "differently"? The Dems made it a political theater, and they got the results they knew they would get. They just knew if they played it up as a racial thing the inevitable acquittal would evoke outrage and chaos....which is what the Dems really wanted....not justice.
The complaint is that the DA mischaracterized the case which resulted in the gag order which is preventing this juror from writing a book and making paid appearances about the hearing.
It was only a matter of time....

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues, Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case
WASHINGTON -- A member of the grand jury that ultimately decided not to indictformer Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown is suing the prosecuting attorney in St. Louis County, accusing Robert McCulloch of mischaracterizing the grand jury process.

The still-anonymous grand juror, referred to only as "Grand Juror Doe" in the lawsuitfiled by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, believes that his or her voice "could contribute to the current public dialogue concerning race relations" in the country. The grand juror believes that the Wilson case was handled much differently than the hundreds of other cases presented to the grand jury before the Wilson case."""

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case

Uh oh...time to ramp up the old Tort Reform machine to prevent people from suing. Thats the American way.

and if this is true, just remember how many times people said "the jury had all the evidence and they decided no crime was comitted"

You'll see that narrative change to a new more flexible option
It was only a matter of time....

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues, Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case
WASHINGTON -- A member of the grand jury that ultimately decided not to indictformer Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown is suing the prosecuting attorney in St. Louis County, accusing Robert McCulloch of mischaracterizing the grand jury process.

The still-anonymous grand juror, referred to only as "Grand Juror Doe" in the lawsuitfiled by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, believes that his or her voice "could contribute to the current public dialogue concerning race relations" in the country. The grand juror believes that the Wilson case was handled much differently than the hundreds of other cases presented to the grand jury before the Wilson case."""

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case

Uh oh...time to ramp up the old Tort Reform machine to prevent people from suing. Thats the American way.

and if this is true, just remember how many times people said "the jury had all the evidence and they decided no crime was comitted"

You'll see that narrative change to a new more flexible option

A more flexible option, like concealing evidence?

The GJ never said that anything about the evidence would have resulted in a different outcome. What this juror said was that
the gag order believes that his or her voice "could contribute to the current public dialogue concerning race relations" in the country.

IF this Juror believes there was an impropriety, it will take more than one juror who has a story to sell to say so. You think this is all about the evidence and the way it was presented. It isn't. It's about the gag order.

The ACLU said the "life-time gag order" against grand jurors in the case is not fair in the Wilson case because of the extraordinary publicity Brown's death received and the strange way the case was presented.
"The Supreme Court has said that grand jury secrecy must be weighed against the juror's First Amendment rights on a case-by-case basis," ACLU of Missouri Legal Director Tony Rothert said in a statement. "The rules of secrecy must yield because this is a highly unusual circumstance. The First Amendment prevents the state from imposing a life-time gag order in cases where the prosecuting attorney has purported to be transparent."

There will be numerous death threats against the jurors, including this one. Some might rise to the level of actual attempts. All to make a buck. Put everyone's life at risk, just on the chance of making a buck. The court will not lift the gag order.
IF this Juror believes there was an impropriety, it will take more than one juror who has a story to sell to say so. You think this is all about the evidence and the way it was presented. It isn't. It's about the gag order.

You hope so...why not hear from them and see if that is truly all? Sounds like the Prosecutors story didnt jive with the jurors.

here will be numerous death threats against the jurors, including this one. Some might rise to the level of actual attempts. All to make a buck. Put everyone's life at risk, just on the chance of making a buck. The court will not lift the gag order.

Yes, dont let them tell their side because someone could die...hard! :rolleyes:
So you're upset that one of the Grand Jurors can't sell their story? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Grand Juries by their very nature supposed to be secret? Why should this person be able to cash in on a volatile case?
So you're upset that one of the Grand Jurors can't sell their story? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Grand Juries by their very nature supposed to be secret? Why should this person be able to cash in on a volatile case?

Considering everything was done unlike other juries, like releasing all the transcripts, holding press conferences and doing a number of radio interviews. I dont see why you want only one person to shut it
I don't think they should have released ANY information! It's not the way our system is set up. A Grand Jury is supposed to be a secret process that is removed from public pressure. What's sad is that so many people involved felt the need to cover their own asses by releasing information that should have remained behind closed doors. But that's what you're going to get when you've got a politically charged case like this one.
But I DEFINITELY am opposed to a member of a Grand Jury being able to sell their story! The ramifications of that could be catastrophic. Let's say you're sitting on a Grand Jury on something like the OJ Simpson might be tempted to push for a controversial decision simply because you could then turn around and sell the story of what happened in the Grand Jury and make a killing. The more controversial the decision...the more money your story would be worth. Jurors should not be thinking about writing their "memoirs" for profit when they are deciding cases.
Grand Juries are supposed to be secret. That was the deal when they signed on. The fact that they get greedy is simply too bad. Lives could be at stake.
Im thinking here that the OP might just be the stoopidest USMB member.....and that's saying something!!


Nobody cares about Ferguson anymore s0n!!!:up:

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