Another girl murdered by an illegal immigrant in Virginia and barely getting any media

Well, here's the thing.

We have 43,000 gun deaths a year.
Maybe only 20 involve undocumented aliens if you count auto accidents.

Here is the thing, Jack.

That piece of shit Potatohead that dumbass uneducated Moon Bats like you voted for allowed nine million goddamn Illegal low life welfare queens to flood into this country and they are murdering, raping, bringing in drugs, sex trafficking, stealing and only god knows what else and fucking morons like you don't give a shit.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is a moron. You fit that bill.
DeSantis is worse than Trump in oh so many ways because he does get things done. But the things he does are all going bye bye because they're all unconstitutional and illegal.

DeSantis has the worst record in the USA for covid. More Floridians died or got sick as a result of his policies than New Yorkers. Even worse, after all of your hysteria about Cuomo returning nursing home patients to their nursing homes, DeSantis and Abbott had MUCH higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York.

You cannot impose religion on schools and government. Not to mention the 6 week abortion ban will get DeSantis tossed out of office next election.

Why do you favour candidates who strip voters of their rights to protest, get medical care, and follow good public health advice????
Scatterbrain yabbers about everything except the subject of the thread. LOL
DeSantis is worse than Trump in oh so many ways because he does get things done. But the things he does are all going bye bye because they're all unconstitutional and illegal.

DeSantis has the worst record in the USA for covid. More Floridians died or got sick as a result of his policies than New Yorkers. Even worse, after all of your hysteria about Cuomo returning nursing home patients to their nursing homes, DeSantis and Abbott had MUCH higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York.

You cannot impose religion on schools and government. Not to mention the 6 week abortion ban will get DeSantis tossed out of office next election.

Why do you favour candidates who strip voters of their rights to protest, get medical care, and follow good public health advice????

Lecture on the US Constitution from a Cunadian!


Well, here's the thing.

We have 43,000 gun deaths a year.
Maybe only 20 involve undocumented aliens if you count auto accidents.

That is bullshit.

Every time you hear of a hit and run, drunk driver killing somebody, a robbery, a murder, rape or just about any other crime it is a either a Negro or somebody with a Hispanic name.

Here in Florida the group other than the goddamn Illegals that have Hispanic names are Cubans and they are very law abiding citizens.

Why are you doing the typical Libtard "mababydindunuffin" bullshit when you know as well as us Americans that they are low life murderous scum?
You would think that a deal breaker for entry into the country would be gang tattoos on face, chest and back. But Democrats say "Welcome NEWCOMER!"
Except he didn't have tatoos on his face. He had one tattoo on his stomach.
Here is the thing, Jack.

That piece of shit Potatohead that dumbass uneducated Moon Bats like you voted for allowed nine million goddamn Illegal low life welfare queens to flood into this country and they are murdering, raping, bringing in drugs, sex trafficking, stealing and only god knows what else and fucking morons like you don't give a shit.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is a moron. You fit that bill.
Actually, the undocumented are less likely to commit crimes, because they don't want to screw up their immigration cases.

The flood was coming because we are dealing with multiple humanitarian crises across the world.
hat is bullshit.

Every time you hear of a hit and run, drunk driver killing somebody, a robbery, a murder, rape or just about any other crime it is a either a Negro or somebody with a Hispanic name.
Except most of those are legal immigrants or people born here, so you are making my point.
Except most of those are legal immigrants or people born here, so you are making my point.

You dumbass Moon Bat Libtards voted for that piece of shit Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election and now you shitheads are denying that he fucked up everything by allowing nine million low life welfare queens and criminals to flood into this county. One of the most stupid, if not the most stupid, thing ever done by an American President.

The only reason the asshole did it was to get more welfare queens to do the job that real Americans find disgusting - voting for Democrats.

Of course that is typical. You little dumbass Moon Bats always deny the damage you do to this country. Either that or blame it on somebody else.

You are a fucking idiot.

By the way moron. You are are confused as usual. They are not "immigrants". Immigrants come into this country through legally established processes. They are goddamn criminals that disobeyed the law because idiots like you voted for a peice of shit that allowed them to do it under the illegal gise of claiming asslym.
You dumbass Moon Bat Libtards voted for that piece of shit Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election and now you shitheads are denying that he fucked up everything by allowing nine million low life welfare queens and criminals to flood into this county. One of the most stupid, if not the most stupid, thing ever done by an American President.
They were coming regardless.

By the way moron. You are are confused as usual. They are not "immigrants". Immigrants come into this country through legally established processes. They are goddamn criminals that disobeyed the law because idiots like you voted for a peice of shit that allowed them to do it under the illegal gise of claiming asslym.

Except by claiming asylum, they are following the laws as they are written.

You want to resolve the issue, dedicate more resources to resolving these cases. But probably 80% of them would be granted asylum.
An Orwellian falsehood on its face.

Merely by being here, these invaders are already breaking our laws, which makes them criminals—every last one of them—regardless of what else they may or may not be doing to further violate our laws.

Talk about swallowing the Republican Kool-Aid on immigration, hook, line and sinker. Both Joe Biden and Barrack Obama deported more people in their first terms than Donald Trump.

Republicans have no interest in actually dealing with immigration. They're getting too many votes by doing nothing and then falsely claiming that immigration and resettlement, which has been going on since the dawn of time, is an "invasion" and harming the nation, when in fact, the recent waves of immigrants are driving the success of your economic recovery.

Crossing the border illegally is the legal equivalent to jaywalking. If the immigrant has been processed by ICE, and given a court date, they are not "illegals" at all. They are immigrants. But you slavishly parrot the Republican lies - the same lies slave holders told the free sharecroppers about the slaves - they're "stealing your jobs".

Proving that conservatives have learned NOTHING in all these years, you're falling for this old lie the same way the white sharecroppers and indentured workers fell for in in 1619 and for the same reason: If poor white people and poor black people joined forces, the rich white folks wouldn't be able to screw either group over. By keeping racism alive and well, Republicans are protecting their wealthy donors./

These refugees are not "invaders", and they're not breaking the law either. The are, in fact, following the law, because the law says you cannot claim asylum UNLESS you are standing on US soil, and if you are claiming asylum, it is not illegal to cross the border, and you aren't charged with illegally crossing the border.

Stop being an idiot for the people who are employing illegals. Donald Trump being chief among them.
You dumbass Moon Bat Libtards voted for that piece of shit Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election and now you shitheads are denying that he fucked up everything by allowing nine million low life welfare queens and criminals to flood into this county. One of the most stupid, if not the most stupid, thing ever done by an American President.

The only reason the asshole did it was to get more welfare queens to do the job that real Americans find disgusting - voting for Democrats.

Of course that is typical. You little dumbass Moon Bats always deny the damage you do to this country. Either that or blame it on somebody else.

You are a fucking idiot.

By the way moron. You are are confused as usual. They are not "immigrants". Immigrants come into this country through legally established processes. They are goddamn criminals that disobeyed the law because idiots like you voted for a peice of shit that allowed them to do it under the illegal gise of claiming asslym.









DeSantis is worse than Trump in oh so many ways because he does get things done. But the things he does are all going bye bye because they're all unconstitutional and illegal.

DeSantis has the worst record in the USA for covid. More Floridians died or got sick as a result of his policies than New Yorkers. Even worse, after all of your hysteria about Cuomo returning nursing home patients to their nursing homes, DeSantis and Abbott had MUCH higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York.

You cannot impose religion on schools and government. Not to mention the 6 week abortion ban will get DeSantis tossed out of office next election.

Why do you favour candidates who strip voters of their rights to protest, get medical care, and follow good public health advice????
I live inFlorida and in my opinion DeSantis did an excellent job.

For one thing he dropped the useless mask mandate. He also kept schools open which put Florida students ahead of students in other states that closed their schools.

You say DeSantis has the worst record …

Ron DeSantis can’t quit Covid​

The national pandemic health emergency is expiring. But the governor is still highlighting his Covid record.


One indicator of the current mood is boosters and vaccinations. In Florida, which has the second highest population of people aged 65 and over in the country, the number of people getting booster shots has plummeted. About 8,000 people received Covid-19 booster shots during the last week of April, according to data from the Florida Department of Health. During that same time last year, about 47,000 people got the jab.

Throughout the pandemic, DeSantis faced harsh criticism for his hands-off approach to Covid. At the height of the Delta variant surge in the summer of 2021, Florida made up roughly one in five new infections nationally and at one point had more than 10,000 people hospitalized. Florida and DeSantis were mocked by late night TV hosts and denounced by Biden, who told GOP governors to “get out of the way” of their efforts to stop the spread of the virus.

A snapshot of the virus in Florida, however, shows a more complicated picture. Florida had more than 87,000 Covid-related deaths since the first cases of Covid appeared in March 2020 and its death rate was 13 highest in the nation, according to data from the New York Times. But according to that data, it had a lower death rate than New York and New Jersey, two Democrat-led states that imposed some mask and vaccine mandates.

DeSantis was also an early proponent of vaccinating the elderly and prioritized seniors over young, healthy workers in December 2020. But his stance eventually changed, and at a press conference in 2021 he stood next to peoplewho were staunchly anti-vaccine, including one who falsely said the shot “changes your RNA.” DeSantis last December asked the state Supreme Court to empanel a grand jury to investigate Covid vaccines and the drug companies that manufacture them.[/i]


Trump claims that Florida is “Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People)” and “Third Worst for Total Number of Cases, at 7,516,906.” So, “why do they say that DeSanctus [sic] did a good job?” the former president asked. In response to this rhetorical question, the mainstream press’s hyperactive fact-checking apparatus has gone quiet, a silence rendered more conspicuous by the sheer audacity of Trump’s conclusions.

That Florida had more cases and deaths than New York tells us little, given that the former has 2 million more residents than the latter. What’s more relevant: Florida has a larger elderly population, and so its age-adjusted mortality rate from Covid was 8 percent lower than even the median state, to say nothing of New York, which is surpassed in this gruesome metric only by New Jersey and the two Dakotas. Florida’s better policies surely played a role in its better outcome. As journalistic outlets revealed and New York State attorney general Letitia James’s office confirmed, the Cuomo administration’s policy of warehousing Covid-exposed seniors in long-term-care facilities contributed to excess deaths among the elderly — a fact Cuomo’s administration tried to cover up. Florida’s government resisted public pressure to adopt New York’s model even as other states succumbed to that pressure (to tragic results).

I personally feel DeSantis made the right choice with his abortion ban. It takes guts to do the right thing and DeSantis has guts. If he loses, he still did what was right not not was politically expedient.
That is Libtard bullshit.

In my area when they report crimes there are many more Hispanic names than non Hispanic. The Cubans don't commit much crime in Florida so it is the goddamn Illegals. They are giving the Negroes a run for the money.

These shitheads are all welfare queens and we know they are drug dealers/smugglers/distributors and the sex slave trade bosses and they steal, rape and murder. That doesn't even include the Illegal street gangs like MS-13. They are low life scum.

Don't give us that sorry ass Libtard shit that your babies don't du nutffin because that shit don't fly. They are filth and never should have been allowed to come into the country. The Democrats are assholes letting them flood into the country. One of the most, if not the most, despicable thing ever done by an American President. All that destruction inflicted on our country just so the vile Democrat shitheads could grow the Democrat voter base. Shame!

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot.

How to tell us you're a scumbag racist without saying I'm a racist.

Why am I not surprised that you believe in the Replacement Theory.
I live inFlorida and in my opinion DeSantis did an excellent job.

For one thing he dropped the useless mask mandate. He also kept schools open which put Florida students ahead of students in other states that closed their schools.

You say DeSantis has the worst record …

Ron DeSantis can’t quit Covid​

The national pandemic health emergency is expiring. But the governor is still highlighting his Covid record.


One indicator of the current mood is boosters and vaccinations. In Florida, which has the second highest population of people aged 65 and over in the country, the number of people getting booster shots has plummeted. About 8,000 people received Covid-19 booster shots during the last week of April, according to data from the Florida Department of Health. During that same time last year, about 47,000 people got the jab.

Throughout the pandemic, DeSantis faced harsh criticism for his hands-off approach to Covid. At the height of the Delta variant surge in the summer of 2021, Florida made up roughly one in five new infections nationally and at one point had more than 10,000 people hospitalized. Florida and DeSantis were mocked by late night TV hosts and denounced by Biden, who told GOP governors to “get out of the way” of their efforts to stop the spread of the virus.

A snapshot of the virus in Florida, however, shows a more complicated picture. Florida had more than 87,000 Covid-related deaths since the first cases of Covid appeared in March 2020 and its death rate was 13 highest in the nation, according to data from the New York Times. But according to that data, it had a lower death rate than New York and New Jersey, two Democrat-led states that imposed some mask and vaccine mandates.

DeSantis was also an early proponent of vaccinating the elderly and prioritized seniors over young, healthy workers in December 2020. But his stance eventually changed, and at a press conference in 2021 he stood next to peoplewho were staunchly anti-vaccine, including one who falsely said the shot “changes your RNA.” DeSantis last December asked the state Supreme Court to empanel a grand jury to investigate Covid vaccines and the drug companies that manufacture them.[/i]


Trump claims that Florida is “Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People)” and “Third Worst for Total Number of Cases, at 7,516,906.” So, “why do they say that DeSanctus [sic] did a good job?” the former president asked. In response to this rhetorical question, the mainstream press’s hyperactive fact-checking apparatus has gone quiet, a silence rendered more conspicuous by the sheer audacity of Trump’s conclusions.

That Florida had more cases and deaths than New York tells us little, given that the former has 2 million more residents than the latter. What’s more relevant: Florida has a larger elderly population, and so its age-adjusted mortality rate from Covid was 8 percent lower than even the median state, to say nothing of New York, which is surpassed in this gruesome metric only by New Jersey and the two Dakotas. Florida’s better policies surely played a role in its better outcome. As journalistic outlets revealed and New York State attorney general Letitia James’s office confirmed, the Cuomo administration’s policy of warehousing Covid-exposed seniors in long-term-care facilities contributed to excess deaths among the elderly — a fact Cuomo’s administration tried to cover up. Florida’s government resisted public pressure to adopt New York’s model even as other states succumbed to that pressure (to tragic results).

I personally feel DeSantis made the right choice with his abortion ban. It takes guts to do the right thing and DeSantis has guts. If he loses, he still did what was right not not was politically expedient.

You're a man who will never be pregnant nor require an abortion. Nor are you a doctor or trained physician, so your misguided and wrongheaded opinion has no value whatsover. Women are dying and you don't get to say that fine with you.

Both Florida and Texas had higher rates of disease and death in nursing homes than New York. These are not based just on the number of people who got sick and died, but the percentage of those deaths which were in nursing homes. Both Texas and Florida had higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York, ands were among the top 1/3 of the nation in nursing home deaths. New York was middle of the pack.

The AARP says the only 25% of residents and staff at LTC facilities in Florida are vaccinated.

Here are the percentage stats by state.

You're a man who will never be pregnant nor require an abortion. Nor are you a doctor or trained physician, so your misguided and wrongheaded opinion has no value whatsover. Women are dying and you don't get to say that fine with you.

Both Florida and Texas had higher rates of disease and death in nursing homes than New York. These are not based just on the number of people who got sick and died, but the percentage of those deaths which were in nursing homes. Both Texas and Florida had higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York, ands were among the top 1/3 of the nation in nursing home deaths. New York was middle of the pack.

The AARP says the only 25% of residents and staff at LTC facilities in Florida are vaccinated.

Here are the percentage stats by state.

No, I am not a woman but I am not fond of abortion especially late term abortion. I have a right to my opinion as you do to yours. I am not opposed to abortion when the mother’s life is threatened or if caused by rape or incest. I will admit that 6 weeks is a little early for a woman to make the decision.

I fully support a person‘s right to avoid questionable vaccines if they choose. One exception would be the military but the military works under a different Justice system known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ),

When I served in the military I was fully vaccinated and had no choice whatsoever. Of course it was possible that I could be sent to some foreign nation on a moments notice.

I am fully vaccinated against COVID, Flu and RSV today. At my age of 77, I feel the risks of these vaccinations are outweighed by the advantages.

As far as the COVID death issue , I will once again refer to my links in a previous post ….

Ron DeSantis can’t quit Covid​


A snapshot of the virus in Florida, however, shows a more complicated picture. Florida had more than 87,000 Covid-related deaths since the first cases of Covid appeared in March 2020 and its death rate was 13 highest in the nation, according to data from the New York Times. But according to that data, it had a lower death rate than New York and New Jersey, two Democrat-led states that imposed some mask and vaccine mandates.


Trump claims that Florida is “Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People)” and “Third Worst for Total Number of Cases, at 7,516,906.” So, “why do they say that DeSanctus [sic] did a good job?” the former president asked. In response to this rhetorical question, the mainstream press’s hyperactive fact-checking apparatus has gone quiet, a silence rendered more conspicuous by the sheer audacity of Trump’s conclusions.

That Florida had more cases and deaths than New York tells us little, given that the former has 2 million more residents than the latter. What’s more relevant: Florida has a larger elderly population, and so its age-adjusted mortality rate from Covid was 8 percent lower than even the median state, to say nothing of New York, which is surpassed in this gruesome metric only by New Jersey and the two Dakotas. Florida’s better policies surely played a role in its better outcome. As journalistic outlets revealed and New York State attorney general Letitia James’s office confirmed, the Cuomo administration’s policy of warehousing Covid-exposed seniors in long-term-care facilities contributed to excess deaths among the elderly — a fact Cuomo’s administration tried to cover up. Florida’s government resisted public pressure to adopt New York’s model even as other states succumbed to that pressure (to tragic results).
Talk about swallowing the Republican Kool-Aid on immigration, hook, line and sinker. Both Joe Biden and Barrack Obama deported more people in their first terms than Donald Trump.

Republicans have no interest in actually dealing with immigration. They're getting too many votes by doing nothing and then falsely claiming that immigration and resettlement, which has been going on since the dawn of time, is an "invasion" and harming the nation, when in fact, the recent waves of immigrants are driving the success of your economic recovery.

Crossing the border illegally is the legal equivalent to jaywalking. If the immigrant has been processed by ICE, and given a court date, they are not "illegals" at all. They are immigrants. But you slavishly parrot the Republican lies - the same lies slave holders told the free sharecroppers about the slaves - they're "stealing your jobs".

Proving that conservatives have learned NOTHING in all these years, you're falling for this old lie the same way the white sharecroppers and indentured workers fell for in in 1619 and for the same reason: If poor white people and poor black people joined forces, the rich white folks wouldn't be able to screw either group over. By keeping racism alive and well, Republicans are protecting their wealthy donors./

These refugees are not "invaders", and they're not breaking the law either. The are, in fact, following the law, because the law says you cannot claim asylum UNLESS you are standing on US soil, and if you are claiming asylum, it is not illegal to cross the border, and you aren't charged with illegally crossing the border.

Stop being an idiot for the people who are employing illegals. Donald Trump being chief among them.
My God you're out of touch with reality. This is you going to another country:

You're a man who will never be pregnant nor require an abortion. Nor are you a doctor or trained physician, so your misguided and wrongheaded opinion has no value whatsover. Women are dying and you don't get to say that fine with you.

Both Florida and Texas had higher rates of disease and death in nursing homes than New York. These are not based just on the number of people who got sick and died, but the percentage of those deaths which were in nursing homes. Both Texas and Florida had higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York, ands were among the top 1/3 of the nation in nursing home deaths. New York was middle of the pack.

The AARP says the only 25% of residents and staff at LTC facilities in Florida are vaccinated.

Here are the percentage stats by state.

EXCUSE ME, YOU'RE ASSUMING A MAN CAN'T GET PREGNANT??? It's "birthing person", you transphobe!!!
As in any population, most will follow the laws and a few will not
Claiming no migrants should be allowed in because a few break the law is ridiculous

When did I claim migration should be banned? Many come in legally every day. None of the illegals have followed the law and legal immigrants are fed up with them skipping the line! Irregardless of them being illegal immigrants, I was referring to "know criminals" as illegals who have committed violence or pedophilia. They should be prioritized for deportation so they can't continue to create more victims!

Yes, people from all origins commit crimes. That doesn't mean we should accept or keep criminal migrants in the USA. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to send all violent criminals to another country?

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