Oopsie.. electric cars may not be so enviro-friendly

Electric cars don't solve any real envirnmental problems EXCEPT local pollution.

Every time one creates energy (from any source) and then store it to be used later, you are losing energy that will never be recaptured.

I know that many of leftie bretheren congratulate themselves for driving hybrids, but I think their high opinions about how lighty they're treading their carbon footprints on the world are little more than a conceit.

I don't even care if we find a free carbon neutral source of energy, the idea that we're going to become a world with 7 or 8 billion private transportation vehicles (and the infrastructure for them to get about on) is a silly and shortsighted notion.

Eventually, and I mean in this century, mankind is collectively going to come to the conclusion that private automobiles to serve our tranportation needs is a terrible waste of resources.

Mankind will no doubt come to this conclusion kicking and screaming and fighting it all the way, but they will inevitably realize that the automotive age is over.
That may be true in the cities, but in rural areas, it's an exceedingly ignorant notion.


How the hell are you going to have mass transit in farm country?

What does that matter? Food comes from the supermarket!

/leftist mode
So that is the reason to support the most harmful way to create energy?

By your posts you are stating that it is great to build coal plants that continue to degrade the environment for the whole of their use, while it is wrong to build solar and wind which does not degrade the environment during it's use. An odd logic, indeed.

Where is he saying that?
Electric cars don't solve any real envirnmental problems EXCEPT local pollution.

Every time one creates energy (from any source) and then store it to be used later, you are losing energy that will never be recaptured.

I know that many of leftie bretheren congratulate themselves for driving hybrids, but I think their high opinions about how lighty they're treading their carbon footprints on the world are little more than a conceit.

I don't even care if we find a free carbon neutral source of energy, the idea that we're going to become a world with 7 or 8 billion private transportation vehicles (and the infrastructure for them to get about on) is a silly and shortsighted notion.

Eventually, and I mean in this century, mankind is collectively going to come to the conclusion that private automobiles to serve our tranportation needs is a terrible waste of resources.

Mankind will no doubt come to this conclusion kicking and screaming and fighting it all the way, but they will inevitably realize that the automotive age is over.
That may be true in the cities, but in rural areas, it's an exceedingly ignorant notion.

I live in a 852.74 sq mile county with two (that's 2) stop lights!

So think I know a little about rural life than one might expect a dazzlingly urbane person like myself typically understands, Daveman.

I'm not talking about tomorrow, but sooner rather than later (like by 2100 for sure) the dependence mankind currently has for private automobiles is going to look rather silly and extremely wasteful.

Market forces will inevitably make the kinds of changes I'm suggesting are inevitably going to happen.

Believe me, no government edict will ever have as much power to alter the way mankind structures society as those economic forces that come from changes in demographics.
Yeah. What's the big industry in your county? In mine, which has 342 square miles and ONE caution light, it's farming.

Do you think people can farm without private transportation?
That may be true in the cities, but in rural areas, it's an exceedingly ignorant notion.

I live in a 852.74 sq mile county with two (that's 2) stop lights!

So think I know a little about rural life than one might expect a dazzlingly urbane person like myself typically understands, Daveman.

I'm not talking about tomorrow, but sooner rather than later (like by 2100 for sure) the dependence mankind currently has for private automobiles is going to look rather silly and extremely wasteful.

Market forces will inevitably make the kinds of changes I'm suggesting are inevitably going to happen.

Believe me, no government edict will ever have as much power to alter the way mankind structures society as those economic forces that come from changes in demographics.
Yeah. What's the big industry in your county? In mine, which has 342 square miles and ONE caution light, it's farming.

Do you think people can farm without private transportation?

Brain study reveals right-wing conservatives have larger 'primitive' amygdala | Mail Online
That may be true in the cities, but in rural areas, it's an exceedingly ignorant notion.

I live in a 852.74 sq mile county with two (that's 2) stop lights!

So think I know a little about rural life than one might expect a dazzlingly urbane person like myself typically understands, Daveman.

I'm not talking about tomorrow, but sooner rather than later (like by 2100 for sure) the dependence mankind currently has for private automobiles is going to look rather silly and extremely wasteful.

Market forces will inevitably make the kinds of changes I'm suggesting are inevitably going to happen.

Believe me, no government edict will ever have as much power to alter the way mankind structures society as those economic forces that come from changes in demographics.
Yeah. What's the big industry in your county? In mine, which has 342 square miles and ONE caution light, it's farming.

Do you think people can farm without private transportation?

Is that a county or a town? The county that I was mostly raised in has 4529 sq. mi., two stop lights, and one caution light. And it is one of the smaller counties of that area. The county south of it has 10,226 sq. mi., both have about 7000 inhabitants.


Prairie City, Oregon - Official Web Site for Prairie City, Oregon (www.prairiecityoregon.com)
I live in a 852.74 sq mile county with two (that's 2) stop lights!

So think I know a little about rural life than one might expect a dazzlingly urbane person like myself typically understands, Daveman.

I'm not talking about tomorrow, but sooner rather than later (like by 2100 for sure) the dependence mankind currently has for private automobiles is going to look rather silly and extremely wasteful.

Market forces will inevitably make the kinds of changes I'm suggesting are inevitably going to happen.

Believe me, no government edict will ever have as much power to alter the way mankind structures society as those economic forces that come from changes in demographics.
Yeah. What's the big industry in your county? In mine, which has 342 square miles and ONE caution light, it's farming.

Do you think people can farm without private transportation?

Brain study reveals right-wing conservatives have larger 'primitive' amygdala | Mail Online
Are you being intentionally stupid, or is it just natural?
I live in a 852.74 sq mile county with two (that's 2) stop lights!

So think I know a little about rural life than one might expect a dazzlingly urbane person like myself typically understands, Daveman.

I'm not talking about tomorrow, but sooner rather than later (like by 2100 for sure) the dependence mankind currently has for private automobiles is going to look rather silly and extremely wasteful.

Market forces will inevitably make the kinds of changes I'm suggesting are inevitably going to happen.

Believe me, no government edict will ever have as much power to alter the way mankind structures society as those economic forces that come from changes in demographics.
Yeah. What's the big industry in your county? In mine, which has 342 square miles and ONE caution light, it's farming.

Do you think people can farm without private transportation?

Is that a county or a town?
It's my county.
The county that I was mostly raised in has 4529 sq. mi., two stop lights, and one caution light. And it is one of the smaller counties of that area. The county south of it has 10,226 sq. mi., both have about 7000 inhabitants.


Prairie City, Oregon - Official Web Site for Prairie City, Oregon (www.prairiecityoregon.com)

Grant County, Oregon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Livestock raising and timber harvesting remain important sectors of Grant County’s economy...​
How do you think those will work without private transportation?
I live in a 852.74 sq mile county with two (that's 2) stop lights!

So think I know a little about rural life than one might expect a dazzlingly urbane person like myself typically understands, Daveman.

I'm not talking about tomorrow, but sooner rather than later (like by 2100 for sure) the dependence mankind currently has for private automobiles is going to look rather silly and extremely wasteful.

Market forces will inevitably make the kinds of changes I'm suggesting are inevitably going to happen.

Believe me, no government edict will ever have as much power to alter the way mankind structures society as those economic forces that come from changes in demographics.
Yeah. What's the big industry in your county? In mine, which has 342 square miles and ONE caution light, it's farming.

Do you think people can farm without private transportation?

Brain study reveals right-wing conservatives have larger 'primitive' amygdala | Mail Online

March 28, 2011
Water Issues Worry Americans Most, Global Warming Least

Environmental concerns are flat since 2010, but down over past decadeby

Lydia Saad

PRINCETON, NJ -- With Earth Day about a month away, Americans tell Gallup they worry the most about several water-related risks and issues among nine major environmental issues. They worry least about global warming and loss of open spaces.

Water Issues Worry Americans Most, Global Warming Least

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And this has been common knowledge for years. I think we can agree that the green movement doesn't give a shit about the environment; they're all about destroying industry and forcing their agenda upon others.

They really hate People.
Electric cars may not be so green after all, says British study | The Australian

ELECTRIC cars could produce higher emissions over their lifetimes than petrol equivalents because of the energy consumed in making their batteries, a study has found.

see the bolded word.

shocking that one of rupert murdoch's newscorp holdings would say that, eh?

It's funny how 'could' turns into absolute proof. Many of the same people scoff when it's said that man 'could' be effecting the earth's climate. :cool:

actually, there's no doubt that we are affecting the earth's climate. it's just not the ONLY cause which is why the faith based warming deniers like to focus on things like cycles.
see the bolded word.

shocking that one of rupert murdoch's newscorp holdings would say that, eh?

It's funny how 'could' turns into absolute proof. Many of the same people scoff when it's said that man 'could' be effecting the earth's climate. :cool:

actually, there's no doubt that we are affecting the earth's climate. it's just not the ONLY cause which is why the faith based warming deniers like to focus on things like cycles.

who cares honey???

Your side is losing by buslengths........the public doesnt give a rats ass about "global warming" in 2011. If they do.......perhaps you can show me where??:up::up::funnyface:

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Electric cars may not be so green after all, says British study | The Australian

ELECTRIC cars could produce higher emissions over their lifetimes than petrol equivalents because of the energy consumed in making their batteries, a study has found.

see the bolded word.

shocking that one of rupert murdoch's newscorp holdings would say that, eh?

It's funny how 'could' turns into absolute proof. Many of the same people scoff when it's said that man 'could' be effecting the earth's climate. :cool:

Unlike someone like rdummy, mr. shithead, or truthdoesnotmatter.. I did not say proof nor put this out there as fact or proof... merely posted a study link that said things may not be as eco friendly as many of the enviro-nazis put forth on a continual basis... figured it may be a good point for discussion
see the bolded word.

shocking that one of rupert murdoch's newscorp holdings would say that, eh?

It's funny how 'could' turns into absolute proof. Many of the same people scoff when it's said that man 'could' be effecting the earth's climate. :cool:

Unlike someone like rdummy, mr. shithead, or truthdoesnotmatter.. I did not say proof nor put this out there as fact or proof... merely posted a study link that said things may not be as eco friendly as many of the enviro-nazis put forth on a continual basis... figured it may be a good point for discussion

Given the line in BOLD and the fact that you put "Ooopsie" in the title, belies the contention that you were merely posting to get "a good point for discussion". NO, it sounds like just another wingnut opportunity for bashing environmentalists.
Yeah. What's the big industry in your county? In mine, which has 342 square miles and ONE caution light, it's farming.

Do you think people can farm without private transportation?

Brain study reveals right-wing conservatives have larger 'primitive' amygdala | Mail Online
Are you being intentionally stupid, or is it just natural?

Neither. You and the rest of the echo chamber (EC) go gaga over one British Study. I simply posted another British Study - what's so hard to understand?

This thread is silly, for there are more reasons to consider electric cars/scooters/mopeds than their effect on Climate Change - and the EC denies humanity is a cause anyway.

Most urban and suburban Americans could easily get by with an all electric second car. Electric motors don't require tune-ups, oil changes, new radiator cores, transmissions, etc. and are easier to maintain and less expensive to repair.

They don't pollute the air, are quiet and have plenty of power. Consider the use of the second car in America. Run to the grocery, pick up a pizza, get the dry cleaning, take a kid or two to school, practice or the dentist. All local trips easily managed by an electric vehicle and if we skip the kids, all doable on an electric scooter (or for those who want to exercise a bit on an electric bike or moped).

Consider too local government agencies, setting aside emergency response ones. County and City workers in most areas service a limited geographic area. Most get their vehicles from a county lot, or the parking area near the building where they work. County/City and even state and federal office buildings in much of America can be fitted with solar panels and electric vehicles charged for free. Saving tax payer money after the initial expense and if the fleets of government cars are replaced by attrition with electric ones, demand will reduce costs for the average consumer.

The sad thing is callous conservatives and echo chamber echoers seem to have no imagination or incliniation to support innovation and change. They are very good, however, at name calling [and no, callous conservative and the echo chamber exist, they are not straw men and women nor are the terms I used pejoratives to be used for personal attacks - they perfectly define a set of Americans].
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And this has been common knowledge for years. I think we can agree that the green movement doesn't give a shit about the environment; they're all about destroying industry and forcing their agenda upon others.

They really hate People.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau, environmentalist and documentary maker: "It's terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized, and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable."
John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal: "I suspect that eradicating smallpox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems."
Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University population biologist: "We're at 6 billion people on the Earth, and that's roughly three times what the planet should have. About 2 billion is optimal."
David Foreman, founder of Earth First!: "Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental."
David M. Graber, research biologist for the National Park Service: "It is cosmically unlikely that the developed world will choose to end its orgy of fossil-energy consumption, and the Third World its suicidal consumption of landscape. Until such time as Homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along."
Alexander King, founder of the Malthusian Club of Rome: "My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT, in hindsight, is that it has greatly added to the population problem."
Merton Lambert, former spokesman for the Rockefeller Foundation: "The world has a cancer, and that cancer is man."
John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club: "Honorable representatives of the great saurians of older creation, may you long enjoy your lilies and rushes, and be blessed now and then with a mouthful of terror-stricken man by way of a dainty!"
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund: "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."
Maurice Strong, U.N. environmental leader: "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"
Ted Turner, CNN founder, UN supporter, and environmentalist: "A total population of 250—300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "I got the impression that instead of going out to shoot birds, I should go out and shoot the kids who shoot birds."
It's funny how 'could' turns into absolute proof. Many of the same people scoff when it's said that man 'could' be effecting the earth's climate. :cool:

Unlike someone like rdummy, mr. shithead, or truthdoesnotmatter.. I did not say proof nor put this out there as fact or proof... merely posted a study link that said things may not be as eco friendly as many of the enviro-nazis put forth on a continual basis... figured it may be a good point for discussion

Given the line in BOLD and the fact that you put "Ooopsie" in the title, belies the contention that you were merely posting to get "a good point for discussion". NO, it sounds like just another wingnut opportunity for bashing environmentalists.

Oopsie.. as in a funny way to say 'wait a minute here'... something contradictory

And as for the enviro-nazis... we know who and what they are... and it's the chicken little effect coupled with the want of totalitarian control over anyone supporting anything but windmills and unicorn fart fusion

Yes.. it was put out there for discussion as an opposing tidbit

Neither. You and the rest of the echo chamber (EC) go gaga over one British Study. I simply posted another British Study - what's so hard to understand?
Ahhh. So you're just a butthurt sissy bedwetter.
This thread is silly, for there are more reasons to consider electric cars/scooters/mopeds than their effect on Climate Change - and the EC denies humanity is a cause anyway.

Most urban and suburban Americans could easily get by with an all electric second car. Electric motors don't require tune-ups, oil changes, new radiator cores, transmissions, etc. and are easier to maintain and less expensive to repair.

They don't pollute the air, are quiet and have plenty of power. Consider the use of the second car in America. Run to the grocery, pick up a pizza, get the dry cleaning, take a kid or two to school, practice or the dentist. All local trips easily managed by an electric vehicle and if we skip the kids, all doable on an electric scooter (or for those who want to exercise a bit on an electric bike or moped).

Consider too local government agencies, setting aside emergency response ones. County and City workers in most areas service a limited geographic area. Most get their vehicles from a county lot, or the parking area near the building where they work. County/City and even state and federal office buildings in much of America can be fitted with solar panels and electric vehicles charged for free. Saving tax payer money after the initial expense and if the fleets of government cars are replaced by attrition with electric ones, demand will reduce costs for the average consumer.

The sad thing is callous conservatives and echo chamber echoers seem to have no imagination or incliniation to support innovation and change. They are very good, however, at name calling [and no, callous conservative and the echo chamber exist, they are not straw men and women nor are the terms I used pejoratives to be used for personal attacks - they perfectly define a set of Americans].
Yes, this thread is stupid, but not for your butthurt sissy bedwetter reasons.

The notion that electric vehicles don't pollute is nonsense. Similarly, the idea that personal transportation will ever be made unnecesarry is nonsense as well.

And environmentalists wonder why people say they're unrealistic.

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