'Op-Ed': Should Abu Mazen's lies surprise us?


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Israel is enraged following Abu-Mazen's speech to the Palestinians two days ago, the storm surrounding it refuses to subside.

In Abu Mazen's speech, he repeated the same mantra of previous days, same lies as ever, about Israel pushing to change Al-Aqsa's status quo (something that was never actually proved in field), and about Palestinians who stabbed innocent Israelis on the street being innocent passersby. But the mask of deceit proved to be ironically rude this time around.

The boy Ahmed Mansra, 13 from East Jerusalem, Stabbed Na'or, son of Ruth, also 13, in Pisgat Ze'ev, Jerusalem, few days ago. He was filmed armed at the scene, and just seconds after stabbing the Jewish boy, he was forced down on the ground by Israeli civilians, who hit him with baseball bats, cursed and kicked him.

The cops at the scene stopped the angry mob of Israelis from killing the Palestinian terrorist, and he was hospitalized in stable condition, no risk to his life whatsoever (unlike the boy he stabbed, who's in critical condition, but who gives a damn about him, anyway).

In Abu Mazen's speech, however, he seemed to already bury the boy, claiming that- "The zionists execute Palestinian children in cold blood, like the boy Ahmed Mansra from Jerusalem."

Ladies and gentlemen, I now present you the new and improved version of "The Night of The Living Dead." Selling tickets at the theater next to you, all day long. knock yourselves out.

We emphasize that the boy Mansra is alive and well in an Israeli hospital, being fed, talking and moving. What about the Israeli boy who got the shit beaten out of him? Nada. Gurnisht. Nothing.

Oh, right, you probably still don't give a f***.

Later on, Abu Mazen did the huge tribute of translating his speech to English, of course, the world needs to know just how cruel the Zionists are, executing children and then reviving them just to make the PA look bad, but there he changed "Executing children in cold blood" to "shooting children in cold blood."

How nice, you lying to your people in Arabic then fixing it in English, letting the incitement and damage be done while filling your people with lies on top of lies (I doubt they care anyway, since when did they look for an actual reason to go and slay Tthe Yahud?)

We would have liked you to point the bullet holes in Ahmed's body, because frankly, we couldn't find any. Maybe his skull will suffer a little, maybe thanks to that he won't go stabbing any more kids due to lack of coordination from the brain damage, but bullet holes? please enlighten us- where did we shoot that kid, and who exactly shot him?

Why should any of this surprise us? Those who still consider Abu-Mazen a partner of peace are either stupid or incredibly innocent. The man did his PhD on Holocaust denying and Jewish conspiracies of world domination? who in his sane mind came to a conclusion of him being balanced or peaceful?

And why does world's Jewry sided with the man, instead of crying out and support their brothers, while mourning the holy ones who sacrificed their lives, their blood sketching the new walls protecting Jerusalem?

Israel is waking up to realize it has no real truth-seeker ally in the situation, the Jews only caring for themselves. This is how it is and it is how it should be. Praises to the brave civilians who pounce on the terrorists everyday with bare hands to protect their injured and murdered brothers, praises to the police officers, soldiers and law-enforcement people who stay awake day and night protecting our gates and our people from those who rise up against us to
annihilate us.

IN PICTURES: 'Dead' 13-year-old terrorist alive and well

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