Open Borders: Turkey Says "Migrant Deal Has Ended" Set To Unleash Thousands Of Refugees...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Western Europe and the US better brace themselves. Hopefully, the Left 'Open Borders' folks aren't still running the Immigration Systems in those places. But i fear they are in most of Western Europe. The US might be a different case though. There has been a change in leadership.

This stuff is so disturbing, considering Assad and Russia's repeated warnings about Terrorists fleeing to the West disguised as 'Refugees.' I really do hope we're prepared for this coming onslaught. Stay tuned i guess.

As we noted moments ago, the tit-for-tat aggression resumed its escalation between Turkey and the Netherlands, with Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus exclaiming from Ankara that "Europe's politicians are under fascist, neo-nazi influence" and in response, Turkey will suspend all high-level diplomatic meetings and cancel all flight permissions for Dutch politicians.

As part of its furious response, Turkey said it would impose various travel sanctions on Dutch diplomats such as halting all high-level political discussions with the Netherlands in the wake of the Dutch government's decision to bar two cabinet ministers from campaigning in the country. Kurtulmus said during a news conference following a weekly cabinet meeting that Ankara also is closing its air space to Dutch diplomats until the Netherlands meets Turkish requests, according to the AP.

Kurtulmus also says the Dutch ambassador to Turkey, who was traveling when the diplomatic row started, won't be allowed to return, and said that Turkey's government plans to advise parliament to withdraw from a Dutch-Turkish friendship group.

the most troubling development, and one which has the potential to sway the outcome of the Dutch election which will be held in less than two days, is that in the final power play aimed towards Merkel, Kurtulmus exclaimed that since "Europe has not kept its promises on the migrant deal, for us that agreement has ended."...

Turkey Says "Migrant Deal Has Ended", May Unleash Millions Of Refugees | Zero Hedge
Europe migrant crisis: Syrian president Bashar al-Assad warns terrorists among

Mr Assad told Czech Television there was a mix of genuine Syrian refugees and terrorists among the hordes of people trying to enter Europe.

"The majority, they are good Syrians, they are patriots... But of course you have infiltration of terrorists among them, that is true," he said.

Czech Television said it had interviewed Mr Assad in Damascus and would air the full interview on Tuesday.

Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees have reached Europe this year — often without documents — sparking fears in many countries that Islamic militants may be among them...

Syrian president warns terrorists among genuine refugees in Europe
Zero hedge is a pro-Russian propaganda journal.

Turkey did not yet say they will stop keeping the borders closed. Nor did they say the deal was abolished. They merely said that all of the deals points hadn't been kept (because neither have they -> so it can't be true) and that they would look at it.

It's all ridiculous pro-Russian rubbish. Turkey has not been promised anything about the visas. The European union has promised to quicken the pace of helping to make it happen. Turkey does not fulfill the requirements to the visa free travel in European Union. Namely, the passports their citizens have are not the kind acceptable in the European Union. Also there are problems regarding the protection of personal data and the independence of legal authorities and the accountability of them to work according to law. Their principles on terrorism and action thereof should be according to EU standards. And some other things, 7 of them altogether that were on the deal they signed and have not been met. Some of them are going to take time for Turkey to implement. The schedule that they approached with the deal was way too fast and everyone knew they would never make it in time, if at all.

All the information about the problems with granting anything to Turkey can be found from the official pages of the European Union.

Turkey - European Neighbourhood Policy And Enlargement Negotiations - European Commission

Your remark about the president's of Russia and Syria warning about such a thing is inane since they on purpose are causing the refugee flow, always did and for long they will.
Zero hedge is a pro-Russian propaganda journal.

Turkey did not yet say they will stop keeping the borders closed. Nor did they say the deal was abolished. They merely said that all of the deals points hadn't been kept (because neither have they -> so it can't be true) and that they would look at it.

It's all ridiculous pro-Russian rubbish. Turkey has not been promised anything about the visas. The European union has promised to quicken the pace of helping to make it happen. Turkey does not fulfill the requirements to the visa free travel in European Union. Namely, the passports their citizens have are not the kind acceptable in the European Union. Also there are problems regarding the protection of personal data and the independence of legal authorities and the accountability of them to work according to law. Their principles on terrorism and action thereof should be according to EU standards. And some other things, 7 of them altogether that were on the deal they signed and have not been met. Some of them are going to take time for Turkey to implement. The schedule that they approached with the deal was way too fast and everyone knew they would never make it in time, if at all.

All the information about the problems with granting anything to Turkey can be found from the official pages of the European Union.

Turkey - European Neighbourhood Policy And Enlargement Negotiations - European Commission

Your remark about the president's of Russia and Syria warning about such a thing is inane since they on purpose are causing the refugee flow, always did and for long they will.

I don't support your Open Borders policies. And i'm not interested in your loony 'Red Scare' rants about Russia either. Assad and Russia have warned about many Terrorists fleeing and heading to Western Europe and the US as 'Refugees.' I'm taking them at their word. And Turkey threatening to open the floodgates, makes it an even more serious concern.

I just hope we keep you Open Borders Leftists in check here in the US. I've pretty much lost hope for Western Europe though. The Open Borders nutters are still in control of most of the Immigration Systems there. My main focus is making sure we don't repeat Western Europe's Immigration disaster.
Zero hedge is a pro-Russian propaganda journal.

Turkey did not yet say they will stop keeping the borders closed. Nor did they say the deal was abolished. They merely said that all of the deals points hadn't been kept (because neither have they -> so it can't be true) and that they would look at it.

It's all ridiculous pro-Russian rubbish. Turkey has not been promised anything about the visas. The European union has promised to quicken the pace of helping to make it happen. Turkey does not fulfill the requirements to the visa free travel in European Union. Namely, the passports their citizens have are not the kind acceptable in the European Union. Also there are problems regarding the protection of personal data and the independence of legal authorities and the accountability of them to work according to law. Their principles on terrorism and action thereof should be according to EU standards. And some other things, 7 of them altogether that were on the deal they signed and have not been met. Some of them are going to take time for Turkey to implement. The schedule that they approached with the deal was way too fast and everyone knew they would never make it in time, if at all.

All the information about the problems with granting anything to Turkey can be found from the official pages of the European Union.

Turkey - European Neighbourhood Policy And Enlargement Negotiations - European Commission

Your remark about the president's of Russia and Syria warning about such a thing is inane since they on purpose are causing the refugee flow, always did and for long they will.

I don't support your Open Borders policies. And i'm not interested in your loony 'Red Scare' rants about Russia either. Assad and Russia have warned about many Terrorists fleeing and heading to Western Europe and the US as 'Refugees.' I'm taking them at their word. And Turkey threatening to open the floodgates, makes it an even more serious concern.

I just hope we keep you Open Borders Leftists in check here in the US. I've pretty much lost hope for Western Europe though. The Open Borders nutters are still in control of most of the Immigration Systems there. My main focus is making sure we don't repeat Western Europe's Immigration disaster.
No wonder you're out in the cold about the situation in western Europe. It's all the propaganda telling lies and making big tragedies out of tiny incidences.

Take them for their word.. I bet you take them for their money.
Zero hedge is a pro-Russian propaganda journal.

Turkey did not yet say they will stop keeping the borders closed. Nor did they say the deal was abolished. They merely said that all of the deals points hadn't been kept (because neither have they -> so it can't be true) and that they would look at it.

It's all ridiculous pro-Russian rubbish. Turkey has not been promised anything about the visas. The European union has promised to quicken the pace of helping to make it happen. Turkey does not fulfill the requirements to the visa free travel in European Union. Namely, the passports their citizens have are not the kind acceptable in the European Union. Also there are problems regarding the protection of personal data and the independence of legal authorities and the accountability of them to work according to law. Their principles on terrorism and action thereof should be according to EU standards. And some other things, 7 of them altogether that were on the deal they signed and have not been met. Some of them are going to take time for Turkey to implement. The schedule that they approached with the deal was way too fast and everyone knew they would never make it in time, if at all.

All the information about the problems with granting anything to Turkey can be found from the official pages of the European Union.

Turkey - European Neighbourhood Policy And Enlargement Negotiations - European Commission

Your remark about the president's of Russia and Syria warning about such a thing is inane since they on purpose are causing the refugee flow, always did and for long they will.

I don't support your Open Borders policies. And i'm not interested in your loony 'Red Scare' rants about Russia either. Assad and Russia have warned about many Terrorists fleeing and heading to Western Europe and the US as 'Refugees.' I'm taking them at their word. And Turkey threatening to open the floodgates, makes it an even more serious concern.

I just hope we keep you Open Borders Leftists in check here in the US. I've pretty much lost hope for Western Europe though. The Open Borders nutters are still in control of most of the Immigration Systems there. My main focus is making sure we don't repeat Western Europe's Immigration disaster.
No wonder you're out in the cold about the situation in western Europe. It's all the propaganda telling lies and making big tragedies out of tiny incidences.

Take them for their word.. I bet you take them for their money.

Nah, the Open Borders Left has trashed Western Europe. I don't think the awful damage can be repaired. Only a massive Right Wing Revolution can save Western Europe at this point.
Zero hedge is a pro-Russian propaganda journal.

Turkey did not yet say they will stop keeping the borders closed. Nor did they say the deal was abolished. They merely said that all of the deals points hadn't been kept (because neither have they -> so it can't be true) and that they would look at it.

It's all ridiculous pro-Russian rubbish. Turkey has not been promised anything about the visas. The European union has promised to quicken the pace of helping to make it happen. Turkey does not fulfill the requirements to the visa free travel in European Union. Namely, the passports their citizens have are not the kind acceptable in the European Union. Also there are problems regarding the protection of personal data and the independence of legal authorities and the accountability of them to work according to law. Their principles on terrorism and action thereof should be according to EU standards. And some other things, 7 of them altogether that were on the deal they signed and have not been met. Some of them are going to take time for Turkey to implement. The schedule that they approached with the deal was way too fast and everyone knew they would never make it in time, if at all.

All the information about the problems with granting anything to Turkey can be found from the official pages of the European Union.

Turkey - European Neighbourhood Policy And Enlargement Negotiations - European Commission

Your remark about the president's of Russia and Syria warning about such a thing is inane since they on purpose are causing the refugee flow, always did and for long they will.

I don't support your Open Borders policies. And i'm not interested in your loony 'Red Scare' rants about Russia either. Assad and Russia have warned about many Terrorists fleeing and heading to Western Europe and the US as 'Refugees.' I'm taking them at their word. And Turkey threatening to open the floodgates, makes it an even more serious concern.

I just hope we keep you Open Borders Leftists in check here in the US. I've pretty much lost hope for Western Europe though. The Open Borders nutters are still in control of most of the Immigration Systems there. My main focus is making sure we don't repeat Western Europe's Immigration disaster.
No wonder you're out in the cold about the situation in western Europe. It's all the propaganda telling lies and making big tragedies out of tiny incidences.

Take them for their word.. I bet you take them for their money.

Nah, the Open Borders Left has trashed Western Europe. I don't think the awful damage can be repaired. Only a massive Right Wing Revolution can save Western Europe at this point.
Show me awful damage, please.
Turkey threatens to send Europe '15,000 refugees a month'

Turkey's Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu has threatened to "blow the mind" of Europe by sending 15,000 refugees a month to EU territory, in an intensifying dispute with the bloc.

Ankara and Brussels almost a year ago on March 18 signed a landmark deal that has substantially lessened the flow of migrants from Turkey to Europe.

But the accord is now hanging in the balance due to the diplomatic crisis over the blocking of Turkish ministers from holding rallies in Europe.

"If you want, we could open the way for 15,000 refugees that we don't send each month and blow the mind" of Europe, Soylu said in a speech late Thursday, quoted by the Anadolu news agency...

Turkey threatens to send Europe '15,000 refugees a month'

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