Open Carry, a good idea?

College Campus at UAH is a gun free zone...quite a deterrent, wasn't it.

When anyone reaches a point when the just don't give a KRAP, all the so called 'deterrents'
do not amount to a hill of unbaked beans.

Knowing that in most states that murder is a capital offense and the penalties may include life in prison or even DEATH, it doesn't give those involved a moment of pause in committing a violent act. That point of 'blind rage' precludes all logical or rational thinking.

The story for those that may have missed it.

"Professor Shoots Up College Campus At UAH"

NEWS: Professor Shoots Up College Campus At UAH freshtoast
Keep in mind that the shooter at UAH wasn't some wild-eyed, long haired, rightwing, pickup drivin', ammo stockpilin', NRA member, US military veteran (read 'domestic terrorist' if your a liberal) hillbilly, fundamentalist redneck me.

It was a Harvard educated Doctor of Philosophy female University Professor Intectual.
Which further proves you're not safe anywhere with anyone ever.

makes me think of the unabomber. PhD in Mathematics from michigan. taught at berkeley
So, how do we know which person who carries a firearm openly is sane or sober?
How do those of you feel about Iran going nuclear? Is a preemtive strike warranted?
If I'm in a coffee shop with my wife or child, and someone walks in with a holstered firearm, do I have the right, or do I have a responsibility, to take preemtive action?
I report, you decide.
I've already decided to boycott Starbucks, they support the fringe element playing cowboy; Peet's on the other hand tossed the fool out and made it known that anyone with a weapon is not welcome, unless they are a uniformed officer.

as soon as the market opens on tuesday, i'm dumping all my SBUX.


thanks for the heads up.
Feb. 13, 2010

Huntsville, Alabama
A women opened fire in a biology faculty meeting at the U of Alabama campus on Friday, killing three people and injuring three others, two of them critically.

Des Moines, Iowa
A 12 year old boy was charged Friday with murder and other counts in a shooting that killed his stepfather and wounded a five year old girl.

Well, guns are prohibited at U of A and that did a lot of good, right?

Regarding Iowa, it is illegal for a 12 year old kid to be in possession of a gun. That certainly stopped him from killing someone, huh.
If I'm in a coffee shop with my wife or child, and someone walks in with a holstered firearm, do I have the right, or do I have a responsibility, to take preemtive action?

Every action has a consequence. I imagine your wife and child won't particularly enjoy themselves at your funeral.
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it. " - President Thomas Jefferson
So, how do we know which person who carries a firearm openly is sane or sober?
How do those of you feel about Iran going nuclear? Is a preemtive strike warranted?
If I'm in a coffee shop with my wife or child, and someone walks in with a holstered firearm, do I have the right, or do I have a responsibility, to take preemtive action?
I report, you decide.
I've already decided to boycott Starbucks, they support the fringe element playing cowboy; Peet's on the other hand tossed the fool out and made it known that anyone with a weapon is not welcome, unless they are a uniformed officer.

In my right hand, I have an apple.
In my left, an urangutan.
Which is better?

In case that is too deep for the lefties.... carrying a firearm has no relevance on the nukes in Iran issue. Anyone who thinks there is a similarity is a fool.... or a liberal.... and very likely both.

Well, I suppose in your eyes I'm a fool. Rather than call me a name, maybe you can explain why you believe my example is foolish. Name calling is easy, justifying your opinon is not so. Maybe the example is too abstract for the RW brain, I'll work on a concrete example that requires no thought; an example that appeals to emotions, they are so much more easier to understand.
Open Carry, a good idea?

Do you know what one is??

You are not persuading me with these old lame arguments.
If I'm in a coffee shop with my wife or child, and someone walks in with a holstered firearm, do I have the right, or do I have a responsibility, to take preemtive action?

Every action has a consequence. I imagine your wife and child won't particularly enjoy themselves at your funeral.

So, if I challenge an open carrying person, I can expect to be shot, and likely killed? Thanks for the best example of why you and your kind are so stupid.
So, how do we know which person who carries a firearm openly is sane or sober?
How do those of you feel about Iran going nuclear? Is a preemtive strike warranted?
If I'm in a coffee shop with my wife or child, and someone walks in with a holstered firearm, do I have the right, or do I have a responsibility, to take preemtive action?
I report, you decide.
I've already decided to boycott Starbucks, they support the fringe element playing cowboy; Peet's on the other hand tossed the fool out and made it known that anyone with a weapon is not welcome, unless they are a uniformed officer.

In my right hand, I have an apple.
In my left, an urangutan.
Which is better?

In case that is too deep for the lefties.... carrying a firearm has no relevance on the nukes in Iran issue. Anyone who thinks there is a similarity is a fool.... or a liberal.... and very likely both.

Well, I suppose in your eyes I'm a fool. Rather than call me a name, maybe you can explain why you believe my example is foolish. Name calling is easy, justifying your opinon is not so. Maybe the example is too abstract for the RW brain, I'll work on a concrete example that requires no thought; an example that appeals to emotions, they are so much more easier to understand.

...and your posts thus far have been.....?
Open Carry, a good idea?

Do you know what one is??

You are not persuading me with these old lame arguments.

Do I know what one is? Well, I assume it's when a person goes out in public with an unloaded firearm displayed. It's a stupid thing to advocate or do, and obviously you're not bright enough to foresee the unintended consequences of such behavior.
I carry most days if I'm not going to a store or other business. I carry everyday that I go out for my medicinal walk the doctors tell me to take. Of course most of the time I end up down along the river someplace. I have a concealed permit should I ever want to use it. Mostly I don't bother. But there is always a loaded gun or two or three in the house.

But then every weapon is always loaded.....
In my right hand, I have an apple.
In my left, an urangutan.
Which is better?

In case that is too deep for the lefties.... carrying a firearm has no relevance on the nukes in Iran issue. Anyone who thinks there is a similarity is a fool.... or a liberal.... and very likely both.

Well, I suppose in your eyes I'm a fool. Rather than call me a name, maybe you can explain why you believe my example is foolish. Name calling is easy, justifying your opinon is not so. Maybe the example is too abstract for the RW brain, I'll work on a concrete example that requires no thought; an example that appeals to emotions, they are so much more easier to understand.

...and your posts thus far have been.....?

Nice post, a perfect red herring. Are you too so limited you are unable to understand the example?
I carry most days if I'm not going to a store or other business. I carry everyday that I go out for my medicinal walk the doctors tell me to take. Of course most of the time I end up down along the river someplace. I have a concealed permit should I ever want to use it. Mostly I don't bother. But there is always a loaded gun or two or three in the house.

But then every weapon is always loaded.....

Every gun should be assumed loaded, and anyone who carries an unloaded gun is a fool.
Well, I suppose in your eyes I'm a fool. Rather than call me a name, maybe you can explain why you believe my example is foolish. Name calling is easy, justifying your opinon is not so. Maybe the example is too abstract for the RW brain, I'll work on a concrete example that requires no thought; an example that appeals to emotions, they are so much more easier to understand.

...and your posts thus far have been.....?

Nice post, a perfect red herring. Are you too so limited you are unable to understand the example?

Just pointing out either

a) your hypocrisy


b) stupidity.

It's up to you which one you want to claim. But it's a binary choice. Gotta be one or the other.
Open Carry, a good idea?

Do you know what one is??

You are not persuading me with these old lame arguments.

Do I know what one is? Well, I assume it's when a person goes out in public with an unloaded firearm displayed. It's a stupid thing to advocate or do, and obviously you're not bright enough to foresee the unintended consequences of such behavior.

Let's see...I posted 3 lines and you have played me in your little box. hmmmm, so that is overwhelming evidence for you to cast me as one of your suspicious characters. OK anything you say!!!
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I think open carry would prevent a few crimes - maybe - but in the cases when somebody opens up fire on a college campus, or in a mall, or in the presence of other groups of people I do believe that if somebody in that group also had a firearm, and was not afraid to use it, that these sort of things could be stopped more quickly once it began.
I think open carry would prevent a few crimes - maybe - but in the cases when somebody opens up fire on a college campus, or in a mall, or in the presence of other groups of people I do believe that if somebody in that group also had a firearm, and was not afraid to use it, that these sort of things could be stopped more quickly once it began.

Not afraid Dog!
Yes, it is a good idea. Open carry means little except that other people can see that you are carrying. Otherwise, they would not know.

Police with guns don't bother me. Upstanding citizens with guns do not bother me. It's the criminals with concealed weapons that bother me.

I think every citizen in the United States should be required to carry (openly) a working handgun....loaded for bear!

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