Open carry

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Aurora teen walks on busy streets with shotgun, videotapes encounter with police |

AURORA, Colo. — A teenager carrying a loaded shotgun on a busy street in Aurora was stopped by police. But he says he should not have been stopped and he videotaped his encounter with officers. Police have a different opinion.


“I simply carry this for the protection of myself and those around me,” Lohner says.

His shotgun is a Stoeger P-350 12 gauge.

“I’ve been stopped close to a dozen times for this and this is actually the first time I’ve been forced to provide ID,” he says.

The teen says he’s on a campaign to call attention to open carry laws. “I feel like a lot of people now they see a weapon like that and they think, you know, James Holmes or Sandy Hook,”

Lohner says that’s why he started walking along major streets with his gun.

“It’s alarming to the citizens — alarming enough to where they call,” says Aurora police spokesman Frank Fania.

Colorado law backs up Aurora police when asking to see an ID while investigating a possible crime.

“He may be within his rights and legal, within the law to carry this gun but if we’re investigating it and he refuses to cooperate that may violate other municipal laws,” Fania says.


Police say they have to respond to 911 calls when people call about what Lohner is doing. They reiterate they may be getting pulled away from other real, life-threatening situations.

Lohner faces a misdemeanor obstruction charge for refusing to show his identification.

We spoke to Lohner’s mother and she told us she is concerned about his safety.

Little twerp is gonna get himself killed.

Read the rest and see the video at the link.
?My Parents Open Carry? kid?s book portrays day in the life of ?typical? gun nut family

My Parents Open Carry tells the story of “13-year-old Brenna Strong along with her mom, Bea, and her dad, Richard [spending] a typical Saturday running errands and having fun together,” according to the book’s official site. However, “[w]hat’s not so typical is that Brenna’s parents lawfully open carry handguns for self-defense.”

The book’s authors, Brian Jeffs and Nathan Nephew, claim that they were inspired to write the book because they “looked for pro-gun children’s books and couldn’t find any. Our goal was to provide a wholesome family book that reflects the views of the majority of the American people, i.e., that self-defense is a basic natural right and that firearms provide the most efficient means for that defense.”

In an interview with Armed American Radio, the official radio program of The United States Concealed Carry Association, Jeffs and Nephews said that the book represents “an open carry adventure” in which the Strong family goes to the grocery store and the book store and confronts people.

Nephews said that “it’s a good book” not just for children, but for friends and neighbors too. “It will help put people at ease,” because it’s parents, not children, who are alarmed when people openly carry firearms. “Most kids aren’t scared of a gun,” he said, “that’s another good point this book tries to make.”

Indoctrinate the kiddies while they're too young to think for themselves. That way, they'll understand when daddy gets himself shot at the pizza joint.
A certain amount of these kinds of demonstrations are good. The media and the left want there to be stark raving FEAR whenever anyone sees a gun. That's why they are conditioning the children with this zero tolerance bullshit that will get a kid suspended for a Pop Tart sculpture or for playing Nerf guns in his own yard.

Good for the shotgun toting kid, and fuck you Luddy and all your gun grabbing faggots. Stick it.
Personally, I prefer open carry to concealed.

Either way, I have never felt the need or compulsion to do either, and I have some really nice firearms...
? Professor Has Simple Way To Deal With Open Carry Activists, And Pro-Gun Businesses Aren?t Going To Like It (VIDEO)


(This photo has got to be one of the funniest I've seen. If ever there was a poster for taking guns away from idiots, this is it.)

If you’re enjoying a nice meal at a restaurant with your family and you see a man carrying an assault rifle walk in, it could be one of two things: either he’s a crazy person intent on killing someone or he’s a crazy person intent on showing his gun off in public and daring someone to ask him to leave it at home. While the NRA would say just give him the benefit of the doubt, the possibility that you could be the victim of a shooting might make you lose your appetite.

You would think that businesses wouldn’t want that kind of scenario being played out in their establishments – people afraid of dying don’t usually stay for dessert – but instead they are more concerned with upsetting the guys with guns. And for good reason. The NRA* and other pro-gun groups have demonstrated again and again, they are willing to bring down a world of pain on any business that they perceive as going soft on supporting people’s God-given right to carry machine guns wherever they go.

Consequently, there wasn’t really a good way to prevent this from happening.

Finally, a philosophy professor thinks he may have come up with a solution. Pro-gun businesses are going to hate it.


My proposal is as follows: we should all leave. Immediately. Leave the food on the table in the restaurant. Leave the groceries in the cart, in the aisle. Stop talking or engaging in the exchange. Just leave, unceremoniously, and fast.

But here is the key part: don’t pay. Stopping to pay in the presence of a person with a gun means risking your and your loved ones’ lives; money shouldn’t trump this. It doesn’t matter if you ate the meal. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just received food from the deli counter that can’t be resold. It doesn’t matter if you just got a haircut. Leave. If the business loses money, so be it. They can make the activists pay.

Actually makes good sense.

Nothing quite as dumb as staying in a place that is overrun by armed nutters. There's no way to know what they're up to. Staying could get you killed. I would then call the cops and go back to pay after the place was safe.
When I see young men carrying way over-powered weapons around in stores and public places, what comes to mind is NOT that they have a need to protect themselves rather:

inadequate ratio's of testosterone vs brain cells
lack of maturity and understanding of what is "appropriate" and what is daft

Is there anything a weapon like that will do that a discretely holstered side-arm wouldn't? Seriously?

Guns are a fricking tool - not a penis extension, not a pitbull on a logging chain. You don't see people hauling a rototiller or lawn mower around the 7-11 do you?
The only time I open carry is when no cops are around and I can drink a public....Colt45...and 2 Zig Zags....Crazy Rap
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Personally, I prefer open carry to concealed.

Either way, I have never felt the need or compulsion to do either, and I have some really nice firearms...

Same here. I prefer open carry as well.

I'm really thinking I need to get rid of some. I've got a .38 S&W M&P and Glock .40 I'd like to sell. There's a shop in town where I might offer it on consignment. The M&P is the Victory model so I'm thinking I could get a fair amount for it. Need to do some research before I take anything in though and I never seem to get to it.

Or, I might keep the S&W and get rid of a couple of bigger hand guns I have.
I'll give you a hundred bucks and mow yer lawn...I hope they are not those heavy rifle types...
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When I see young men carrying way over-powered weapons around in stores and public places, what comes to mind is NOT that they have a need to protect themselves rather:

inadequate ratio's of testosterone vs brain cells
lack of maturity and understanding of what is "appropriate" and what is daft

Is there anything a weapon like that will do that a discretely holstered side-arm wouldn't? Seriously?

Guns are a fricking tool - not a penis extension, not a pitbull on a logging chain. You don't see people hauling a rototiller or lawn mower around the 7-11 do you?

Like the photo I posted.

Those two may not have crime in mind but I sure as hell wouldn't trust either of them to know which end the bullet comes out of.
I usually carry the AR slung on meh property. Keeps the meth heads from Missouri that run dope on the back road in check. I usually use the web gear and in the winter I sometimes put on the plate carrier vest with the plates in it.

Drug runners are super crazy. As long as you're not being a dumb shit or brandishing the weapon you'll be fine, but causing public alarm will get the cops on your ass whether it's constitutional or not, because they have to respond to silly shit. Silly shit pisses them off, and they'll arrive in a foul mood.
I used to open carry in my truck gun rack until I started worrying about thugs breaking and stealing my shit for thier next drive by.
I usually carry the AR slung on meh property. Keeps the meth heads from Missouri that run dope on the back road in check. I usually use the web gear and in the winter I sometimes put on the plate carrier vest with the plates in it.

Drug runners are super crazy. As long as you're not being a dumb shit or brandishing the weapon you'll be fine, but causing public alarm will get the cops on your ass whether it's constitutional or not, because they have to respond to silly shit. Silly shit pisses them off, and they'll arrive in a foul mood.

Another good example of someone who may not be a criminal but is so jumpy, he'd blow away a couple of bird watchers cuz their binoculars skeert him.
I usually carry the AR slung on meh property. Keeps the meth heads from Missouri that run dope on the back road in check. I usually use the web gear and in the winter I sometimes put on the plate carrier vest with the plates in it.

Drug runners are super crazy. As long as you're not being a dumb shit or brandishing the weapon you'll be fine, but causing public alarm will get the cops on your ass whether it's constitutional or not, because they have to respond to silly shit. Silly shit pisses them off, and they'll arrive in a foul mood.

As fat as the cops are around here in Missouri, even I could outrun them..but,,, they, cops, have been gettin' into trouble here in McDonald County...
I usually carry the AR slung on meh property. Keeps the meth heads from Missouri that run dope on the back road in check. I usually use the web gear and in the winter I sometimes put on the plate carrier vest with the plates in it.

Drug runners are super crazy. As long as you're not being a dumb shit or brandishing the weapon you'll be fine, but causing public alarm will get the cops on your ass whether it's constitutional or not, because they have to respond to silly shit. Silly shit pisses them off, and they'll arrive in a foul mood.

Another good example of someone who may not be a criminal but is so jumpy, he'd blow away a couple of bird watchers cuz their binoculars skeert him.

In 2009 the cops busted 3 meth labs on the property next to me that used to belong to my grand parents thanks to my observations, which consisted of foot patrols, night vision, and game cameras. It took forever for the useless cops to take it seriously before the assholes threatened me by killing my favorite cat and hanging her mutilated carcass from my fence

During this time I was shot at twice from a hill overlooking my property. You could hear the bullet crack and whiz by 3 feet from head and my 6 year old daughter was just a few feet away.

The land owner rolled on his friends and got a get out of jail free card and is still there, so paranoid they he put a redneck fence and hides behind it with a stupid Glock 9mm.

Don't you EVER talk down to me you insolent god damned son of whore. Now go get your welfare check.
I usually carry the AR slung on meh property. Keeps the meth heads from Missouri that run dope on the back road in check. I usually use the web gear and in the winter I sometimes put on the plate carrier vest with the plates in it.

Drug runners are super crazy. As long as you're not being a dumb shit or brandishing the weapon you'll be fine, but causing public alarm will get the cops on your ass whether it's constitutional or not, because they have to respond to silly shit. Silly shit pisses them off, and they'll arrive in a foul mood.

As fat as the cops are around here in Missouri, even I could outrun them..but,,, they, cops, have been gettin' into trouble here in McDonald County...

Bumpkin cops are often times more dangerous than criminals. The BCSO , and Bella Vista police have horrible reputations. Oh, and don't drive through Sulphur Springs or you might get shot six times by a convicted murderer who is the acting police chief!
"But here is the key part: don’t pay. Stopping to pay in the presence of a person with a gun means risking your and your loved ones’ lives; money shouldn’t trump this. It doesn’t matter if you ate the meal. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just received food from the deli counter that can’t be resold. It doesn’t matter if you just got a haircut. Leave. If the business loses money, so be it. They can make the activists pay."

Actually makes good sense.

Nothing quite as dumb as staying in a place that is overrun by armed nutters. There's no way to know what they're up to. Staying could get you killed. I would then call the cops and go back to pay after the place was safe.

Best be careful because in some states you can be shot for theft. Barack Obama sponsored a law that passed in Illinois that prevents the criminals, their family & estate from suing those who shoot criminals for theft. Shooters also can't be arrested or prosecuted for shooting thieving criminals.
I usually carry the AR slung on meh property. Keeps the meth heads from Missouri that run dope on the back road in check. I usually use the web gear and in the winter I sometimes put on the plate carrier vest with the plates in it.

Drug runners are super crazy. As long as you're not being a dumb shit or brandishing the weapon you'll be fine, but causing public alarm will get the cops on your ass whether it's constitutional or not, because they have to respond to silly shit. Silly shit pisses them off, and they'll arrive in a foul mood.

As fat as the cops are around here in Missouri, even I could outrun them..but,,, they, cops, have been gettin' into trouble here in McDonald County...

Bumpkin cops are often times more dangerous than criminals. The BCSO , and Bella Vista police have horrible reputations. Oh, and don't drive through Sulphur Springs or you might get shot six times by a convicted murderer who is the acting police chief!

Bella Vista is another friendly proactive drug interdiction zone, since Benton County DEA wanna bees were kicked off 49 for road repairs and the center barriers being put up. I live 5 miles from Sulfur Springs.. They're used to me...

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