Open Letter to Liberal Loons


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
1. So you want Americans to have jobs, but you're OK with millions of foreigners coming here, taking jobs away from them. Brilliant!

2. So you want a good economy, but you're OK with foreigners taking $133 Billion/year out of the US economy. Really bright!

3. So you want Americans to be safe, but you're OK with bringing millions of people into the country, whose doctrine tells them to kill us. How astute!

4. So you don't want, criminals killing Americans, but you're OK with guns being only in the hands of criminals, with Americans being unarmed/defenseless. Really swift!

5. So you don't want US troops getting killed in war, but you're OK with letting healthy, soon-to-be-born babies be killed, to suit women who want to have sex, but don't want a kid (and you want their votes). Charming!

6. So you're against racial discrimination, but you're OK with it (affirmative action), as long as blacks are the beneficiaries and whites the victims. How ingenious!

7. :rolleyes:
1. So you want Americans to have jobs, but you're OK with millions of foreigners coming here, taking jobs away from them. Brilliant!

2. So you want a good economy, but you're OK with foreigners taking $133 Billion/year out of the US economy. Really bright!

3. So you want Americans to be safe, but you're OK with bringing millions of people into the country, whose doctrine tells them to kill us. How astute!

4. So you don't want, criminals killing Americans, but you're OK with guns being only in the hands of criminals, with Americans being unarmed/defenseless. Really swift!

5. So you don't want US troops getting killed in war, but you're OK with letting healthy, soon-to-be-born babies be killed, to suit women who want to have sex, but don't want a kid (and you want their votes). Charming!

6. So you're against racial discrimination, but you're OK with it (affirmative action), as long as blacks are the beneficiaries and whites the victims. How ingenious!

7. :rolleyes:

Pick any one of your brilliant points and I'll debate you one-on-one. I'll happily demolish everything you pretend to believe in.
Oddly, your savior has approved the tax plan that repealed the deduction for moving expenses for individuals if they have to relocate or lose their job. But kept the deduction for moving expenses for corporations if they relocate their entire operations overseas.
Pick any one of your brilliant points and I'll debate you one-on-one. I'll happily demolish everything you pretend to believe in.
You pick it, and I'll demolish YOU. In fact I already did -in the OP. :biggrin:

How about taking it from the top ? >. # 1,... then 2....then 3, etc
Oddly, your savior has approved the tax plan that repealed the deduction for moving expenses for individuals if they have to relocate or lose their job. But kept the deduction for moving expenses for corporations if they relocate their entire operations overseas.
I saw that in another thread (but no source) Got link ? (to something other than liberal fake news trash)

How about a comment about what's in the OP ?
1. So you want Americans to have jobs, but you're OK with millions of foreigners coming here, taking jobs away from them. Brilliant!

2. So you want a good economy, but you're OK with foreigners taking $133 Billion/year out of the US economy. Really bright!

3. So you want Americans to be safe, but you're OK with bringing millions of people into the country, whose doctrine tells them to kill us. How astute!

4. So you don't want, criminals killing Americans, but you're OK with guns being only in the hands of criminals, with Americans being unarmed/defenseless. Really swift!

5. So you don't want US troops getting killed in war, but you're OK with letting healthy, soon-to-be-born babies be killed, to suit women who want to have sex, but don't want a kid (and you want their votes). Charming!

6. So you're against racial discrimination, but you're OK with it (affirmative action), as long as blacks are the beneficiaries and whites the victims. How ingenious!

7. :rolleyes:

Liberals don’t believe in any of this . It’s all righty propaganda bull.
Liberals don’t believe in any of this . It’s all righty propaganda bull.
FALSE! Liberals believe in ALL of it.

1. Almost every Democrat in Congress voted to protect sanctuary cities recently, and have been voting for amnesty for illegal aliens for years.

2. Same answer as #1.

3. Obama and HiIlary have both supported bringing unvettable Muslim Syrian refugees into the US. The fact that they're Muslim should be disqualification enough, even without the vetting (if there ever could be any)

4. Liberals (Obama, Hillary, et al) support gun-free zones. Oppose nationwide CCW.

5. Liberals (Obama, Hillary, et al) support late term abortion.

6. Liberals (Obama, Hillary, et al) support affirmative action discrimination against whites.
1. So you want Americans to have jobs, but you're OK with millions of foreigners coming here, taking jobs away from them. Brilliant!

2. So you want a good economy, but you're OK with foreigners taking $133 Billion/year out of the US economy. Really bright!

3. So you want Americans to be safe, but you're OK with bringing millions of people into the country, whose doctrine tells them to kill us. How astute!

4. So you don't want, criminals killing Americans, but you're OK with guns being only in the hands of criminals, with Americans being unarmed/defenseless. Really swift!

5. So you don't want US troops getting killed in war, but you're OK with letting healthy, soon-to-be-born babies be killed, to suit women who want to have sex, but don't want a kid (and you want their votes). Charming!

6. So you're against racial discrimination, but you're OK with it (affirmative action), as long as blacks are the beneficiaries and whites the victims. How ingenious!

7. :rolleyes:
You are a propagandist. You lack the imagination and intellectual curiosity to frame a rational argument. The premise of your argument is rejected. But I'll try to dissect it, frame it properly and give you something to consider.

1. So you want Americans to have jobs, but you're OK with millions of foreigners coming here, taking jobs away from them. Brilliant!

Yes everyone wants Americians to have jobs. But your claims of "millions" of foreigners is just silly. Immigration is important to the vitality of this nation. That has been proven over the length of our history. We need cheap labor, entry level labor, agricultural labor. I believe it's your xenophobia that limits your appreciative n of the need,for immigration.

As for taking away American jobs, are there many American families engaged in migrant agricultural work?

2. So you want a good economy, but you're OK with foreigners taking $133 Billion/year out of the US economy. Really bright!

i wonder if your $133 billion number is factual, but immigrants sending money back home I should a noble gesture on,their part. Isn't the money they sent their own money? Isn't the money they send home helping their native economy, thus slowing the need to immigrate? The money sent overseas by immigrants is dwarfed by the amount of money held in off shore accounts by American individuals and corporations. That money does not flow through our economy creating jobs and paying taxes.
You are a propagandist. You lack the imagination and intellectual curiosity to frame a rational argument. The premise of your argument is rejected. But I'll try to dissect it, frame it properly and give you something to consider.

1. So you want Americans to have jobs, but you're OK with millions of foreigners coming here, taking jobs away from them. Brilliant!

Yes everyone wants Americians to have jobs. But your claims of "millions" of foreigners is just silly. Immigration is important to the vitality of this nation. That has been proven over the length of our history. We need cheap labor, entry level labor, agricultural labor. I believe it's your xenophobia that limits your appreciative n of the need,for immigration.

As for taking away American jobs, are there many American families engaged in migrant agricultural work?

2. So you want a good economy, but you're OK with foreigners taking $133 Billion/year out of the US economy. Really bright!

i wonder if your $133 billion number is factual, but immigrants sending money back home I should a noble gesture on,their part. Isn't the money they sent their own money? Isn't the money they send home helping their native economy, thus slowing the need to immigrate? The money sent overseas by immigrants is dwarfed by the amount of money held in off shore accounts by American individuals and corporations. That money does not flow through our economy creating jobs and paying taxes.
This is too easy.

1. You actually claim that there are not millions of foreigners coming to the US and taking jobs from Americans ? Estimates range from 11 million to 30 million, and you would say of these here, less than 2 million are working in the US labor force? That is too ridiculous to even warrant the dignity of a response. Last estimate I heard of illegal aliens working in the US was about 8.5 million.
And that doesn't count millions more working here on a variety of different visas (ex. H1B visas) These legal foreigner not only take jobs from Americans, but the fascist companies that hire them, actually force the loyal longtime Americans whom they are firing, to train the new foreign workers in STEM jobs (many from India). They do this under thread of revocation of severance packages.
What's the matter ? MSNBC didn't supply the report ? :rolleyes:

And if there aren't a lot of Americans doing agricultural work, maybe it's because the wages are too low. The answer to that is higher wages to hire AMERICANS, not foreigners. Hiring cheap labor foreigners to boost profits is anti-American treason.

2. Oh, so you wonder about the $133 Billion/year number being factual, do you ? Well, wonder no more >>

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2015

It is not only factual, but it makes America the 31 victim of imperialism (21st century style ) in the world today. 1000 years ago, Vikings from Scandanavia routinely raided England and engaged in international burglary. Today, it is done without swords, and instead utilizes migrant workers and their remittances$$$, which you seem to be oblivious to.

Trump is protecting us from the imperialism and its yearly multibillion $$ loss from our economy. His actions and new deportation program have a highly valid basis >>

It is based on Mexico (et al) deliberately raiding our economy (21st century style imperialism), and extracting $133 Billion year (2016 Pew Research Center) in remittances$$$ + tens of Billions$$ more per year via the anchor baby racket & false documentation. You show an extreme lack of knowledge.

($24.3 Billion/yr to Mexico alone), and reinserting it into THEIR economies. That's like somebody taking lots of stuff out of your house every year, and reinserting it into their house (AKA 'burglary")
In reality, the remittances$$ and welfare $$ that Mexico has been taking from us IS INDEED vital to THEIR economy. A few years ago, then Mexican president Vicente Fox bragged and gloated that the remittances$$ Mexico was taking from the USA, was their #1 source of income, topping even their oil exports.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

This is reminiscent of when a Danish prince in 960 AD said the loot that the Viking Danes were raiding/stealing from England, was their #1 source of income. Except they never got anything close to $24 Billion/yr (the Vikings would be envious)

In addition, it is based on PROTECTION of US workers from having jobs swiped away from them + PROTECTION of American $$ being taken by migrants using our welfare system to enrich themselves, as we lose $$ and services.

In addition it is based on American immigration LAW that our ancestors provided us with, to PROTECT us from these abuses.

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