Operation Endless War: 17 Years In Afghanistan...

Let's change course. Let's end this Endless War Agenda. Time to come home.

We have passed the 17 year mark on the Afghan war and the Taliban control more territory than they have at any time since the launch. So for trillions of dollars, thousands of deaths, and 17 years of US government effort, "victory" is no closer than at day one. Does President Trump want out? Perhaps. But his neocon advisors have other ideas...

The point is to have bases close to Iran and China from which to stir additional disruption.
Let's change course. Let's end this Endless War Agenda. Time to come home.
"Cut and run".

Or as Trump said when he wanted us to cut and run from Iraq in 2007, "Declare victory and leave!"

I would fully support Trump getting us out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. I don't see it happening though. He's allowed the Permanent War Neocons so much influence in his Administration. It's very sad.
Let's change course. Let's end this Endless War Agenda. Time to come home.

We have passed the 17 year mark on the Afghan war and the Taliban control more territory than they have at any time since the launch. So for trillions of dollars, thousands of deaths, and 17 years of US government effort, "victory" is no closer than at day one. Does President Trump want out? Perhaps. But his neocon advisors have other ideas...

The point is to have bases close to Iran and China from which to stir additional disruption.

the right wing has to be serious enough to pay for it, not finance it.
I would fully support Trump getting us out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. I don't see it happening though. He's allowed the Permanent War Neocons so much influence in his Administration. It's very sad.
Trump announced -twice- that he was pulling the troops out of Syria...Both times, there was an alleged gas attack, allegedly perpetrated by Assad (with next to no evidence to back up the claim), whereby Trump got neoconned into lobbing missiles at Syria and leaving the troops there.

There is no general warfare or common offense clause in our federal Constitution; there is a general welfare clause.
There's no general welfare clause either, nitwit...The only place that bastardized phrase exists is in the preamble and Article 1, Section 8, where they are used as generalized aims of the specific enumerated powers which follow.

Your economic ignorance is only exceeded by your illiteracy of the English language.
yes, there is, silly. providing for the general welfare is a general power expressly enumerated in our federal Constitution.

It doesn’t say “providing” the general welfare you Marxist moron. It says “provide” defense and “promote” general welfare.
The words were chosen very carefully.
you must be on the right wing.

I’m on the same wing as the Constitution.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare...”
I would fully support Trump getting us out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. I don't see it happening though. He's allowed the Permanent War Neocons so much influence in his Administration. It's very sad.
Trump announced -twice- that he was pulling the troops out of Syria...Both times, there was an alleged gas attack, allegedly perpetrated by Assad (with next to no evidence to back up the claim), whereby Trump got neoconned into lobbing missiles at Syria and leaving the troops there.

Coincidence, absolutely a coincidence.
I would fully support Trump getting us out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. I don't see it happening though. He's allowed the Permanent War Neocons so much influence in his Administration. It's very sad.
Trump announced -twice- that he was pulling the troops out of Syria...Both times, there was an alleged gas attack, allegedly perpetrated by Assad (with next to no evidence to back up the claim), whereby Trump got neoconned into lobbing missiles at Syria and leaving the troops there.


Yeah, there was no Assad-Chemical Attack. Definitely a False Flag operation. It did force Trump to escalate the war in Syria. The Permanent War folks will do anything to keep the wars going. When will Americans tire of the endless war?
Let's change course. Let's end this Endless War Agenda. Time to come home.

We have passed the 17 year mark on the Afghan war and the Taliban control more territory than they have at any time since the launch. So for trillions of dollars, thousands of deaths, and 17 years of US government effort, "victory" is no closer than at day one. Does President Trump want out? Perhaps. But his neocon advisors have other ideas...

The greatest military in the history of the world has not won a war since 1945 and has been in how many? Go figure.

That was the last war we fought, we have not declared war since then.

The politicians would not let us win Korea or Vietnam.

We won the “war” in Iraq, it was the peace we fucked up royally. You cannot deny the military results.

Even the Soviets figured out after just 9 years there is no winning in Afghanistan, but we are not that smart.

We get sucked into the sunk cost fallacy way too often.

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We need to get out, and let them descend into what they want to be. A bunch of Poppy growing warlords, and a country of men that like little boys more than their wives.
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Let's change course. Let's end this Endless War Agenda. Time to come home.

We have passed the 17 year mark on the Afghan war and the Taliban control more territory than they have at any time since the launch. So for trillions of dollars, thousands of deaths, and 17 years of US government effort, "victory" is no closer than at day one. Does President Trump want out? Perhaps. But his neocon advisors have other ideas...

The greatest military in the history of the world has not won a war since 1945 and has been in how many? Go figure.

That was the last war we fought, we have not declared war since then.

The politicians would not let us win Korea or Vietnam.

We won the “war” in Iraq, it was the peace we fucked up royally. You cannot deny the military results.

Even the Soviets figured out after just 9 years there is no winning in Afghanistan, but we are not that smart.

We get sucked into the sunk cost fallacy way too often.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

We went in to Afgahn with out eyes wide open and accepting a generational occupation. Now Trump may privatize it to Blackwater and the Dept of Education, but I give him credit for telling Iran we won't sit still for its exporting any religious violence. We will win the WOT.

We weren't gonna win land wars in Vietnam or Korea.
We need to get out, and let them descend into what they want to be. A bunch of Poppy growing warlords, and a country of men that like little boys more than their wives.
Funny you should mention that. Under the Taliban government poppy production and child sexual abuse were massively suppressed. Only under US occupation have they been protected and begun to thrive again.
There is no general warfare or common offense clause in our federal Constitution; there is a general welfare clause.
There's no general welfare clause either, nitwit...The only place that bastardized phrase exists is in the preamble and Article 1, Section 8, where they are used as generalized aims of the specific enumerated powers which follow.

Your economic ignorance is only exceeded by your illiteracy of the English language.
yes, there is, silly. providing for the general welfare is a general power expressly enumerated in our federal Constitution.

It doesn’t say “providing” the general welfare you Marxist moron. It says “provide” defense and “promote” general welfare.
The words were chosen very carefully.
you must be on the right wing.

I’m on the same wing as the Constitution.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare...”
lol. yes, you must be on the clueless and Causeless, right wing.

the preamble is our mission statement not an actual delegation of power.
There's no general welfare clause either, nitwit...The only place that bastardized phrase exists is in the preamble and Article 1, Section 8, where they are used as generalized aims of the specific enumerated powers which follow.

Your economic ignorance is only exceeded by your illiteracy of the English language.
yes, there is, silly. providing for the general welfare is a general power expressly enumerated in our federal Constitution.

It doesn’t say “providing” the general welfare you Marxist moron. It says “provide” defense and “promote” general welfare.
The words were chosen very carefully.
you must be on the right wing.

I’m on the same wing as the Constitution.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare...”
lol. yes, you must be on the clueless and Causeless, right wing.

the preamble is our mission statement not an actual delegation of power.

Yet for some reason you went to the trouble to misquote it.
The Preamble has been cited for decision making many times by the Supreme Court. Sorry they didn’t ask you.
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yes, there is, silly. providing for the general welfare is a general power expressly enumerated in our federal Constitution.

It doesn’t say “providing” the general welfare you Marxist moron. It says “provide” defense and “promote” general welfare.
The words were chosen very carefully.
you must be on the right wing.

I’m on the same wing as the Constitution.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare...”
lol. yes, you must be on the clueless and Causeless, right wing.

the preamble is our mission statement not an actual delegation of power.

Yet for some reason you went to the trouble to misquote it.
The Preamble has been cited for decision making many times by the Supreme Court. Sorry they didn’t ask you.
the delegated Powers are in Article the First, Section the Eighth.

I understand Madison.
Too bad LBJ relied on idiots in the CIA and managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory when we won every battle and lost the war in Vietnam. Barry Hussein promised to get out of Afghanistan and that promise gave the Taliban a new lease on life just like LBJ's tearful resignation gave the V.C. a new lease on life. Let's hope President Trump drains the freaking swamp before it's too late.
Too bad LBJ relied on idiots in the CIA and managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory when we won every battle and lost the war in Vietnam. Barry Hussein promised to get out of Afghanistan and that promise gave the Taliban a new lease on life just like LBJ's tearful resignation gave the V.C. a new lease on life. Let's hope President Trump drains the freaking swamp before it's too late.
There is no power to provide for the general warfare.
We need to get out, and let them descend into what they want to be. A bunch of Poppy growing warlords, and a country of men that like little boys more than their wives.
Funny you should mention that. Under the Taliban government poppy production and child sexual abuse were massively suppressed. Only under US occupation have they been protected and begun to thrive again.


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