Opinion of the USA in China.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
While reading several Opinion media stories in China Daily I found several that has not appeared in the USA media and wonder about how we are seen overseas.

New directions and motivations for globalization
By Lin Yifu | China Daily | Updated: 2019-01-29 07:37


A logo of the World Economic Forum. [Photo/VCG]
Editor's note: The Center for China and Globalization, a think tank headquartered in Beijing, hosted a forum on globalization in Davos on Wednesday last week. Following are excerpts of a speech on the topic of Lin Yifu, a professor of economics at Peking University and former chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank:

The anti-globalization wave arose because of the weak economic growth after the 2008 global financial crisis-the developed economies grew at 3 percent to 3.5 percent before 2008 and around 1 percent to 2 percent after that-and the stagnant growth of ordinary workers' wage, which has remained almost unchanged for four decades in the United States.

Worse, the distribution of national wealth over the past 30 some years has been extremely unfair in some developed economies, including the US, which has widened the income gap and caused a series of social problems.

Globalization should not take the blame for this, nor China, instead the blame lies with these countries' governments and their policies. For example, after giving a green light to financial liberalization, Washington has been incapable of preventing wealth from being concentrated into a few hands.
Yes, the Davos Set loves 'globalisation', and so does Wall Street; Foreign Affairs magazine routinely runs articles on how wonderful Red China is and how ignorant and annoying American patriots are with their crude belief in 'nationalism n stuff'. Those uppity white proles who keep getting in the way of international labor racketeering and money laundering and dictatorships that favor multi-national corps with lots of bennies just don't know their place.

The media actually peddles the big lie that 'Red China practices 'Free market economics'. I guess 'free markets' according to the WSJ and Economists means police states murdering or imprisoning workers and intellectual property theft.
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