OPINION Video: Debunking The Most Common Myths White People Tell About Race

America has not yet began to pay for it's sins. But the time is coming,
Spoken like a political chump.

Yes that's what you are.


View attachment 221685

When did X say that?

Last week? During the Obama presidency?

Because if he spoke those words recently I'm damn sure going to listen because he rose from the dead to say it. Therefore he has some insight about the current democratic party that needs to be seriously considered.


You deny he spoke those words and I didn't create it ya loon... Democrat Black leadership sold you Out and still do because you are a Chump. Who politically controls the most oppressed Black neighborhoods and have since the 60's. Liberal Democrats .. prove me wrong.

mmm. lets try this Chumpy ..

I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years –U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according to Ronald Kessler’s “Inside the White House”

Malcolm X was a controversial figure during the civil rights era. If Malcolm X were alive today he would have been disappointed with the African-Americans and others who overwhelmingly vote for the Democrat party. Why? Because Malcolm X often spoke out against the American establishment, in particular, the Democratic Party for their involvement in the destruction of the African-American community and how they are used as “tools” for political power over their Republican rivals. There is no doubt that he would have continued to expose the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and how they have failed the African-American community for decades.

Malcolm X was not a Republican and he certainly was not a Democrat as he once said “We won’t organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.” Before and even after the Civil Rights Act was established in 1964 under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. and the well-known racist President Lyndon B. Johnson, racism in America was still at an all-time high.

You should comprehend it all.. one of many (slave minded) Chumpy Black Guys

(this is where you usually run away) ... :lol:


Malcolm X would have been repulsed that his country elected Trump
Funny...all the black people I interact with daily would tell you you're full of shit.
As would the hispanic girl I was engaged too.

People like you are no better than notsoSharpton.

I doubt that very much. And if you think so, join an all black forum, express yourself and see what you get.

A black forum filled with racist such as yourself?
I'll pass.
Why would you assume that a black forum is filled with racists? I think it's because you don't want your feelings hurt.

And IM2 is not a racist although I understand why you all don't like him.

You think I havent perused black sites in the past?
I'm not talking about perusing them, I'm talking about actually debating the people there.

African Americans are typically much more knowledgable about American history, U.S. policies & procedures and how it adversely impacts us because we've had to become knowledgeable. If you think about it or even do a quick perusal of the comment history here on U.S. Message Board you will find that the African American members that have been cited - IM2, Asclepias and Paul - have imparted a enormous wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics but the common thread is generally the impact that the topics have on African American lives but also in some cases by extension the lives of all Americans (take the topic of the racist origins of gun control for example).

In contrast, their opponents have contributed nothing of value that imparts knowledge or understanding of U.S. laws, policies, history, etc. or why and how African Americans came to be socially/economically disadvantaged. Aside from the denigrating and disengenuous insults and lies they tell, they apparently are not interested in learning anything or imparting any knowledge they have (at this point I'm not sure they have any), they merely want a forum where they can insult and bash black people, without opposition.
African Americans barely know basic history, if that, as a whole.

I have been on black forums for longer than I have been on political or "white forums", and the type of nonsense coming out of those forums was so hilariously wrong that my 16 year old trending Democrat, basically mute self decided to challenge them. It was black forums like topix afam(which is moderate and more grounded in reality compared to most black forums, which says a lot) that ultimately made me unapologetic in my pro-white outlook. I probably would have started earlier on challenging black lunacy, but it took until my sophomore year in high school before I finally realized that the majority of black people were really that insane and uneducated.

I remember perusing the internet as an elementary school kid looking up Martin Luther King Jr. factoids to stay ahead of the class when I came upon an early black supremacist site talking about "white devils", and immediately my young mind couldn't process that these were even real people talking to each other in a serious manner; much less fathom that these were real people talking about white people like myself and my family. I actually thought at the time that I had stumbled upon a site for black fiction writers or black conspiracy nuts talking about biblical demons who were hurting black people. Even as a bratty, selfish kid I had vastly superior morals to the average black person.

Unlike most "opponents" I know exactly the kind of nonsense the typical black person will spout and I know how to humiliate a supposedly "smart" black Democrat before they even get their full range of talking points out. The only thing more terrifying to ignorant black people than an uppity, educated and "woke" white person is an uppity, educated and "woke" white millennial.
Spoken like a political chump.

Yes that's what you are.


View attachment 221685

When did X say that?

Last week? During the Obama presidency?

Because if he spoke those words recently I'm damn sure going to listen because he rose from the dead to say it. Therefore he has some insight about the current democratic party that needs to be seriously considered.


You deny he spoke those words and I didn't create it ya loon... Democrat Black leadership sold you Out and still do because you are a Chump. Who politically controls the most oppressed Black neighborhoods and have since the 60's. Liberal Democrats .. prove me wrong.

mmm. lets try this Chumpy ..

I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years –U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according to Ronald Kessler’s “Inside the White House”

Malcolm X was a controversial figure during the civil rights era. If Malcolm X were alive today he would have been disappointed with the African-Americans and others who overwhelmingly vote for the Democrat party. Why? Because Malcolm X often spoke out against the American establishment, in particular, the Democratic Party for their involvement in the destruction of the African-American community and how they are used as “tools” for political power over their Republican rivals. There is no doubt that he would have continued to expose the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and how they have failed the African-American community for decades.

Malcolm X was not a Republican and he certainly was not a Democrat as he once said “We won’t organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.” Before and even after the Civil Rights Act was established in 1964 under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. and the well-known racist President Lyndon B. Johnson, racism in America was still at an all-time high.

You should comprehend it all.. one of many (slave minded) Chumpy Black Guys

(this is where you usually run away) ... :lol:


Malcolm X would have been repulsed that his country elected Trump

To be fair, Brother Malcolm would probably been repulsed by the election of Barack Obama.

Brother Malcolm was an angry man.
I wouldn't save a white liberal if they were drowning. In fact I would jump in to make sure the deed is done using my talents in the water.

Just because I understand that non-whites are where the Democrat votes come from doesn't mean I am exempting white liberals from anything. White liberals need to be exterminated off the face of the earth along with their racist non-white masters.
But what you actually do is let white liberals off the hook by not singling them out for Americas problems...they are the problem
They are a powerless minority long supplanted by their non-white masters. Only your deeply embedded white guilt makes you keep coming back to these pathetic cucks.

Non-whites have controlled the Democrat party since at least the late 90s.

By the time Obama came along it was not just non-whites who determined what Democrats did, it was the most radical and hateful non-whites who elected the Democrat presidential candidate and ultimately the president.

The only reason why you would blame white liberals is because theoretically they could vote Republican and insure a Republican national majority for a few more decades , but even then the actual reality is that if we somehow got every single white vote then non-whites would simply attack the system anyway and the pathetic guilt ridden whites would again bow to their wishes.
I wouldn't save a white liberal if they were drowning. In fact I would jump in to make sure the deed is done using my talents in the water.

Just because I understand that non-whites are where the Democrat votes come from doesn't mean I am exempting white liberals from anything. White liberals need to be exterminated off the face of the earth along with their racist non-white masters.
But what you actually do is let white liberals off the hook by not singling them out for Americas problems...they are the problem
They are a powerless minority long supplanted by their non-white masters. Only your deeply embedded white guilt makes you keep coming back to these pathetic cucks.

Non-whites have controlled the Democrat party since at least the late 90s.

By the time Obama came along it was not just non-whites who determined what Democrats did, it was the most radical and hateful non-whites who elected the Democrat presidential candidate and ultimately the president.

The only reason why you would blame white liberals is because theoretically they could vote Republican and insure a Republican national majority for a few more decades , but even then the actual reality is that if we somehow got every single white vote then non-whites would simply attack the system anyway and the pathetic guilt ridden whites would again bow to their wishes.

I told IM2 what it would look like if ya switched the "black" and "white" around and replaced "racist" with "white guilt", he tried to pretend that was not going to happen but now it's just something else he was/is wrong about.
I wouldn't save a white liberal if they were drowning. In fact I would jump in to make sure the deed is done using my talents in the water.

Just because I understand that non-whites are where the Democrat votes come from doesn't mean I am exempting white liberals from anything. White liberals need to be exterminated off the face of the earth along with their racist non-white masters.
But what you actually do is let white liberals off the hook by not singling them out for Americas problems...they are the problem
They are a powerless minority long supplanted by their non-white masters. Only your deeply embedded white guilt makes you keep coming back to these pathetic cucks.

Non-whites have controlled the Democrat party since at least the late 90s.

By the time Obama came along it was not just non-whites who determined what Democrats did, it was the most radical and hateful non-whites who elected the Democrat presidential candidate and ultimately the president.

The only reason why you would blame white liberals is because theoretically they could vote Republican and insure a Republican national majority for a few more decades , but even then the actual reality is that if we somehow got every single white vote then non-whites would simply attack the system anyway and the pathetic guilt ridden whites would again bow to their wishes.

I told IM2 what it would look like if ya switched the "black" and "white" around and replaced "racist" with "white guilt", he tried to pretend that was not going to happen but now it's just something else he was/is wrong about.

Actually, your posts look very similar to his.

You are both profoundly ignorant about the recent past and the present, and you both blame white people for everything.
You just said absolutely nothing in a one liner. Congratulations.
I'm sure everyone else understood it
i guarantee you that no one besides yourself did.

If you meant that my argument that white people must be included and considered in any legitimate progressive humanist causes is "winning", then your response poorly indicated that you intended for your post to be interpreted that way, and your tone would demonstrate yet again how similar you are to IM2 and his merry band of black supremacists. Only a fool or a truly morally compromised person would ever take issue with white people being treated with the same respect and dignity that we ourselves demanded that our societies treat outsiders with.

Beyond that interpretation your post was incoherent.
Not to agree with IM2, but how does having a mixed-race president for 2 terms in any way prevent individual or systemic racism from still being present in the country? What is the "racist America bullshit" that it contradicts?

You think 12% of the population elected barry?

12%? Sorry, I'm not sure where that number comes from. Did IM2 claim 88% of the country is racist or something?

Also, somewhere around 20-22% of the population elected Obama in each election he won.

Are you seriously claiming you dont know what the 12% means?

At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?
Spoken like a political chump.

Yes that's what you are.


View attachment 221685

When did X say that?

Last week? During the Obama presidency?

Because if he spoke those words recently I'm damn sure going to listen because he rose from the dead to say it. Therefore he has some insight about the current democratic party that needs to be seriously considered.


You deny he spoke those words and I didn't create it ya loon... Democrat Black leadership sold you Out and still do because you are a Chump. Who politically controls the most oppressed Black neighborhoods and have since the 60's. Liberal Democrats .. prove me wrong.

mmm. lets try this Chumpy ..

I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years –U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according to Ronald Kessler’s “Inside the White House”

Malcolm X was a controversial figure during the civil rights era. If Malcolm X were alive today he would have been disappointed with the African-Americans and others who overwhelmingly vote for the Democrat party. Why? Because Malcolm X often spoke out against the American establishment, in particular, the Democratic Party for their involvement in the destruction of the African-American community and how they are used as “tools” for political power over their Republican rivals. There is no doubt that he would have continued to expose the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and how they have failed the African-American community for decades.

Malcolm X was not a Republican and he certainly was not a Democrat as he once said “We won’t organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.” Before and even after the Civil Rights Act was established in 1964 under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. and the well-known racist President Lyndon B. Johnson, racism in America was still at an all-time high.

You should comprehend it all.. one of many (slave minded) Chumpy Black Guys

(this is where you usually run away) ... :lol:


Malcolm X would have been repulsed that his country elected Trump

Eh, he would have been more repulsed by Obama screwing over Blacks with high unemployment, lousy education and expansion of Democratic Party controlled ghettos etc.. There's more but I suspect you could care less.given your lack of holding the Democraptic Party and Obama responsible for their pathetic and consistent failures.
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When did X say that?

Last week? During the Obama presidency?

Because if he spoke those words recently I'm damn sure going to listen because he rose from the dead to say it. Therefore he has some insight about the current democratic party that needs to be seriously considered.


You deny he spoke those words and I didn't create it ya loon... Democrat Black leadership sold you Out and still do because you are a Chump. Who politically controls the most oppressed Black neighborhoods and have since the 60's. Liberal Democrats .. prove me wrong.

mmm. lets try this Chumpy ..

I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years –U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according to Ronald Kessler’s “Inside the White House”

Malcolm X was a controversial figure during the civil rights era. If Malcolm X were alive today he would have been disappointed with the African-Americans and others who overwhelmingly vote for the Democrat party. Why? Because Malcolm X often spoke out against the American establishment, in particular, the Democratic Party for their involvement in the destruction of the African-American community and how they are used as “tools” for political power over their Republican rivals. There is no doubt that he would have continued to expose the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and how they have failed the African-American community for decades.

Malcolm X was not a Republican and he certainly was not a Democrat as he once said “We won’t organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.” Before and even after the Civil Rights Act was established in 1964 under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. and the well-known racist President Lyndon B. Johnson, racism in America was still at an all-time high.

You should comprehend it all.. one of many (slave minded) Chumpy Black Guys

(this is where you usually run away) ... :lol:


Malcolm X would have been repulsed that his country elected Trump

Eh, he would have been more repulsed by Obama screwing over Blacks with high unemployment, lousy education and expansion of Democratic Party controlled ghettos etc.. There's more but I suspect you could care less.given your lack of holding the Democraptic Party and Obama responsible for their pathetic and consistent failures.


You are out of your mind. You have made up a Malcolm X that never existed.

When did X say that?

Last week? During the Obama presidency?

Because if he spoke those words recently I'm damn sure going to listen because he rose from the dead to say it. Therefore he has some insight about the current democratic party that needs to be seriously considered.


You deny he spoke those words and I didn't create it ya loon... Democrat Black leadership sold you Out and still do because you are a Chump. Who politically controls the most oppressed Black neighborhoods and have since the 60's. Liberal Democrats .. prove me wrong.

mmm. lets try this Chumpy ..

I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years –U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according to Ronald Kessler’s “Inside the White House”

Malcolm X was a controversial figure during the civil rights era. If Malcolm X were alive today he would have been disappointed with the African-Americans and others who overwhelmingly vote for the Democrat party. Why? Because Malcolm X often spoke out against the American establishment, in particular, the Democratic Party for their involvement in the destruction of the African-American community and how they are used as “tools” for political power over their Republican rivals. There is no doubt that he would have continued to expose the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and how they have failed the African-American community for decades.

Malcolm X was not a Republican and he certainly was not a Democrat as he once said “We won’t organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.” Before and even after the Civil Rights Act was established in 1964 under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. and the well-known racist President Lyndon B. Johnson, racism in America was still at an all-time high.

You should comprehend it all.. one of many (slave minded) Chumpy Black Guys

(this is where you usually run away) ... :lol:


Malcolm X would have been repulsed that his country elected Trump

Eh, he would have been more repulsed by Obama screwing over Blacks with high unemployment, lousy education and expansion of Democratic Party controlled ghettos etc.. There's more but I suspect you could care less.given your lack of holding the Democraptic Party and Obama responsible for their pathetic and consistent failures.


You are out of your mind. You have made up a Malcolm X that never existed.

... you're a coward with a slave mentality.. just another liberal democrapt suckholing uncle tom...:itsok:
You think 12% of the population elected barry?

12%? Sorry, I'm not sure where that number comes from. Did IM2 claim 88% of the country is racist or something?

Also, somewhere around 20-22% of the population elected Obama in each election he won.

Are you seriously claiming you dont know what the 12% means?

At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?
12%? Sorry, I'm not sure where that number comes from. Did IM2 claim 88% of the country is racist or something?

Also, somewhere around 20-22% of the population elected Obama in each election he won.

Are you seriously claiming you dont know what the 12% means?

At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

....Oh,the manager told them no because he didnt see it as racist at all.
Yes that's what you are.
And you won't even demand reparations from the party of slavery? Because you're a political chump.

Why should anyone take you seriously, and not consider you to be a political chump, if you don't go after the party of slavery?


There was no "party of slavery". Slavery was a social/economic institution that existed long before there were any political parties and long before there were even colonies here. And the African TransAtlantic type went on starting in the 16th century throughout the Atlantic side of the Americas, many more outside what would eventually become the US than inside it. Nor was a political party needed to own slaves, which were owned by Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, Whigs, Know Nothings, Democrats, Constitutional Unionists and even Ulysses Grant... and more to the point, by owners who had no political party at all.

Generally pre-1860 political parties either came out against slavery (e.g. Free Soil, Republicans) or they danced around the issue taking no position "pro" or "con", as did the Whigs, Know Nothings and Democrats. That failure to take a stand when it could no longer be ignored caused the Whigs to evaporate and the Democrats to finish fourth in the Presidential election of 1860 pulling no electoral votes at all out of the South, the same number (zero) as Lincoln who wasn't even on those states' ballots. The South had already kicked the Democratic convention out of its territory (South Carolina) specifically because it was not a 'party of slavery', which is what the South wanted. And the Confederacy, for its part, had no political parties.

But slavery was brought to the Americas not by political parties or politics but by commerce. Merchants in human cargo from Britain, Spain, France and Portugal, simply to make more money in labor-intensive land exploitations. And though most of those countries and their former colonies had by the time of the US Civil War abolished the practice, it still went on in a few places finally ending in Brazil in 1888 --- where "Democrats" have never existed.
Looks like you need a primer regarding which still existing political party supported slavery.

You party of slavery apologists are some immoral bastards.

And blacks who vote Democrat are political chumps.

Looks like you need you a edumacation on what "Prager U" is.

It's a radio blowhard talking head filling up YouTube with bullshit in five-minute plops. That's one of the more infamous ones replete with stretches, omissions, lies and just made-up crap from the toilet of an asshole (Dennis Prager by name) who can't be bothered to crack a history book so instead he pulls it out of his ass and hires some talking head to read his script. I've torn that very video apart many a time on this board and elsewhere.

Me, I don't have a "party". I don't believe in being a joiner. What I have is history books because I do believe in knowing where we got here from and I do believe in the fucking Truth.

Here's a novel idea --- next time you want to know history look in an actual history book rather than trotting off to the fantasy world of YouTube where anyone can post anything they like and it's never vetted by anybody except the comment section. Which you should read. That's what I did (over the years) in order to post that history you just hit "Reply" to. That's right, I pulled it out of my own experience rather than running off to hide behind some "fake U" echo chamber that would project what I wished to have been the past instead of what actually IS the past.

I left you all manner of facts and figures in that post. Feel free to get off your ass and break a book sweat to try to refute any of it.
Your logic fails because your entire argument is squarely based on a logical fallacy known as an ad hominem attack.

Bullshit. Ad hom would be if I attacked you for being retarded enough to post a video from "Prager U". That may be true but instead I exposed Propaganda U for the sham it is.

Once AGAIN I gave you a historical synopsis to which you offered no response. Hiding behind the skirts of a propagandist whose propaganda is easily and regularly debunked is not by any definition a response or rebuttal. Once AGAIN address what I posted directly and quit running away from it, or else just accept it as the historical fact it is.
And you won't even demand reparations from the party of slavery? Because you're a political chump.

Why should anyone take you seriously, and not consider you to be a political chump, if you don't go after the party of slavery?


There was no "party of slavery". Slavery was a social/economic institution that existed long before there were any political parties and long before there were even colonies here. And the African TransAtlantic type went on starting in the 16th century throughout the Atlantic side of the Americas, many more outside what would eventually become the US than inside it. Nor was a political party needed to own slaves, which were owned by Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, Whigs, Know Nothings, Democrats, Constitutional Unionists and even Ulysses Grant... and more to the point, by owners who had no political party at all.

Generally pre-1860 political parties either came out against slavery (e.g. Free Soil, Republicans) or they danced around the issue taking no position "pro" or "con", as did the Whigs, Know Nothings and Democrats. That failure to take a stand when it could no longer be ignored caused the Whigs to evaporate and the Democrats to finish fourth in the Presidential election of 1860 pulling no electoral votes at all out of the South, the same number (zero) as Lincoln who wasn't even on those states' ballots. The South had already kicked the Democratic convention out of its territory (South Carolina) specifically because it was not a 'party of slavery', which is what the South wanted. And the Confederacy, for its part, had no political parties.

But slavery was brought to the Americas not by political parties or politics but by commerce. Merchants in human cargo from Britain, Spain, France and Portugal, simply to make more money in labor-intensive land exploitations. And though most of those countries and their former colonies had by the time of the US Civil War abolished the practice, it still went on in a few places finally ending in Brazil in 1888 --- where "Democrats" have never existed.
Looks like you need a primer regarding which still existing political party supported slavery.

You party of slavery apologists are some immoral bastards.

And blacks who vote Democrat are political chumps.

Looks like you need you a edumacation on what "Prager U" is.

It's a radio blowhard talking head filling up YouTube with bullshit in five-minute plops. That's one of the more infamous ones replete with stretches, omissions, lies and just made-up crap from the toilet of an asshole (Dennis Prager by name) who can't be bothered to crack a history book so instead he pulls it out of his ass and hires some talking head to read his script. I've torn that very video apart many a time on this board and elsewhere.

Me, I don't have a "party". I don't believe in being a joiner. What I have is history books because I do believe in knowing where we got here from and I do believe in the fucking Truth.

Here's a novel idea --- next time you want to know history look in an actual history book rather than trotting off to the fantasy world of YouTube where anyone can post anything they like and it's never vetted by anybody except the comment section. Which you should read. That's what I did (over the years) in order to post that history you just hit "Reply" to. That's right, I pulled it out of my own experience rather than running off to hide behind some "fake U" echo chamber that would project what I wished to have been the past instead of what actually IS the past.

I left you all manner of facts and figures in that post. Feel free to get off your ass and break a book sweat to try to refute any of it.
Your logic fails because your entire argument is squarely based on a logical fallacy known as an ad hominem attack.

Bullshit. Ad hom would be if I attacked you for being retarded enough to post a video from "Prager U". That may be true but instead I exposed Propaganda U for the sham it is.

Once AGAIN I gave you a historical synopsis to which you offered no response. Hiding behind the skirts of a propagandist whose propaganda is easily and regularly debunked is not by any definition a response or rebuttal. Once AGAIN address what I posted directly and quit running away from it, or else just accept it as the historical fact it is.

If only you were smart enough to critique the shit schools that you graduated from with as much veracity as you do Prager....
I do my best to try to understand as much as humanly possible the things that interest or affect me. I understand that the resistance is a defense mechanism but the perspective that there is nothing of value that a white person would learn from a person of color is baffling. Surprisingly, when it comes to the topic of race, the information doesn't seem to be any more well received when coming from another white person.

Author Robin DiAngelo: Debunking the most common myths white people tell about race
I absolutely believe in Manifest Destiny. Hope that doesn't offend you too much.

I believe we are PAYING for our sins because we've allowed the Turd Worlders into this country and too many have decided to treat these backward cultures as equals.

America has not yet began to pay for it's sins. But the time is coming,
America, Or whites?

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