OPINION Video: Debunking The Most Common Myths White People Tell About Race

Are you seriously claiming you dont know what the 12% means?

At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Like I said, if it had been a depiction of Obama as a chimp eating a banana, then yeah, it would be considered racist, because blacks have been associated with chimps as a lower form of life by racists for years.

Saying something is Mickey Mouse on the other hand, is simply saying that you think the person or subject being called such is cartoonish and ineffective. Has been that way in the American psyche for years, so no, depicting Obama wearing a Mickey Mouse hat isn't racist. That is a commentary on the cartoonish president that some see Obama as.
Thats what I told the black family yet they were having none of it.
It was racist no matter what.

Because it was racist. Whites don't get to tell us what is and is not racist.

Thanks for proving my point.

You have no point to prove.

I said blacks see racism where it doesnt exist.
The T-shirt isnt racist in the least yet you say it is.
Again....thanks for proving my point.

Maybe if you explained why it's racist?
Black people also often ignore racism where it DOES exist when they are not subjected to it.

That's certainly not limited to blacks.
Are you seriously claiming you dont know what the 12% means?

At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Sure there's racism out there,from both sides.
But it's not nearly as bad as blacks like to claim.

The wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant has about a fifty fifty mix of white and black customers,and as regulars we know many of the black customers by name and we all get along famously.

The constant cries of racism only exacerbate the problem.
Because it was racist. Whites don't get to tell us what is and is not racist.

Thanks for proving my point.

You have no point to prove.

I said blacks see racism where it doesnt exist.
The T-shirt isnt racist in the least yet you say it is.
Again....thanks for proving my point.

Maybe if you explained why it's racist?
Black people also often ignore racism where it DOES exist when they are not subjected to it.

That's certainly not limited to blacks.

Not really. We are very aware that our fight against racism also is a fight for others who face real racism.
At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Sure there's racism out there,from both sides.
But it's not nearly as bad as blacks like to claim.

The wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant has about a fifty fifty mix of white and black customers,and as regulars we know many of the black customers by name and we all get along famously.

The constant cries of racism only exacerbate the problem.

You are broad-brushing blacks, as though all blacks make the same claims about the degree of racism that exists. More, you're generalizing the claims themselves, as though all claims about racism are the same.

Sure, there are people who see racism in everything. But, as I said, there are people who refuse to see racism even where it exists. The shirt seems to be an example of the former rather than the latter.
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Looks like you need you a edumacation on what "Prager U" is.

It's a radio blowhard talking head filling up YouTube with bullshit in five-minute plops. That's one of the more infamous ones replete with stretches, omissions, lies and just made-up crap from the toilet of an asshole (Dennis Prager by name) who can't be bothered to crack a history book so instead he pulls it out of his ass and hires some talking head to read his script. I've torn that very video apart many a time on this board and elsewhere.

Me, I don't have a "party". I don't believe in being a joiner. What I have is history books because I do believe in knowing where we got here from and I do believe in the fucking Truth.

Here's a novel idea --- next time you want to know history look in an actual history book rather than trotting off to the fantasy world of YouTube where anyone can post anything they like and it's never vetted by anybody except the comment section. Which you should read. That's what I did (over the years) in order to post that history you just hit "Reply" to. That's right, I pulled it out of my own experience rather than running off to hide behind some "fake U" echo chamber that would project what I wished to have been the past instead of what actually IS the past.

I left you all manner of facts and figures in that post. Feel free to get off your ass and break a book sweat to try to refute any of it.
Your logic fails because your entire argument is squarely based on a logical fallacy known as an ad hominem attack.

Bullshit. Ad hom would be if I attacked you for being retarded enough to post a video from "Prager U". That may be true but instead I exposed Propaganda U for the sham it is.

Once AGAIN I gave you a historical synopsis to which you offered no response. Hiding behind the skirts of a propagandist whose propaganda is easily and regularly debunked is not by any definition a response or rebuttal. Once AGAIN address what I posted directly and quit running away from it, or else just accept it as the historical fact it is.
You left out the part about Democrats supporting slavery and Republicans opposing slavery.

And BTW, calling Dennis Prager an asshole propagandist is indeed and ad hominem attack. Your logic fails again, party of slavery apologist.

Dennis Prager isn't here. YOU are. I trashed Prager with a description of what he does, as a pattern. In other words I dismiss your source as complete bullshit and provably so.

And you STILL have yet to take on any of the points I laid out --- WITHOUT a propaganda video.

And further, "party of slavery apologist" is ad hom.
Prager's and the Republican argument that Democrats are the real racists based on the past is no less insidious and no less a form of propaganda than the Democrat's claim that the changing demographics in this country doesn't affect who the racists are today.

Umm...yyyyyeah. Where did anybody say that?
At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Sure there's racism out there,from both sides.
But it's not nearly as bad as blacks like to claim.

The wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant has about a fifty fifty mix of white and black customers,and as regulars we know many of the black customers by name and we all get along famously.

The constant cries of racism only exacerbate the problem.

What you call racism from both sides is your refusal to understand that one side is reacting angrily in response to the racism put on them by whites. Racism IS just as bad as we claim. Turn black before you say other wise. And your Cajun restaurant doesn't prove anything. And being quiet abut racism is what exacerbates the problem.
You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Sure there's racism out there,from both sides.
But it's not nearly as bad as blacks like to claim.

The wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant has about a fifty fifty mix of white and black customers,and as regulars we know many of the black customers by name and we all get along famously.

The constant cries of racism only exacerbate the problem.

You are broad-brushing blacks, as though all blacks make the same claims about the degree of racism that exists. More, you're generalizing the claims themselves, as though all claims about racism are the same.

Sure, there are people who see racism in everything. But, as I said, there are people who refuse to see racism even where it exists. The shirt seems to be an example of the former rather than the latter.

I did no such thing.
Nowhere did I say all blacks see racism everywhere but they are for the most part the ones who claim racism where none exists.
And as I said,it's overblown. I can't recall seeing blatant racism from either side other than on the news.
And from what I can tell it's about even when it comes to frequency.
At the time, no, it didn't occur to me. Now I'm guessing that it is supposed to be the percentage of the population that is black. I'm not sure how that answers my original question to you, though.

You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Like I said, if it had been a depiction of Obama as a chimp eating a banana, then yeah, it would be considered racist, because blacks have been associated with chimps as a lower form of life by racists for years.

Saying something is Mickey Mouse on the other hand, is simply saying that you think the person or subject being called such is cartoonish and ineffective. Has been that way in the American psyche for years, so no, depicting Obama wearing a Mickey Mouse hat isn't racist. That is a commentary on the cartoonish president that some see Obama as.

It was racist.
You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Sure there's racism out there,from both sides.
But it's not nearly as bad as blacks like to claim.

The wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant has about a fifty fifty mix of white and black customers,and as regulars we know many of the black customers by name and we all get along famously.

The constant cries of racism only exacerbate the problem.

You are broad-brushing blacks, as though all blacks make the same claims about the degree of racism that exists. More, you're generalizing the claims themselves, as though all claims about racism are the same.

Sure, there are people who see racism in everything. But, as I said, there are people who refuse to see racism even where it exists. The shirt seems to be an example of the former rather than the latter.

I did no such thing.
Nowhere did I say all blacks see racism everywhere but they are for the most part the ones who claim racism where none exists.
And as I said,it's overblown. I can't recall seeing blatant racism from either side other than on the news.
And from what I can tell it's about even when it comes to frequency.

Whites like you make up racism where it is not.
You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Sure there's racism out there,from both sides.
But it's not nearly as bad as blacks like to claim.

The wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant has about a fifty fifty mix of white and black customers,and as regulars we know many of the black customers by name and we all get along famously.

The constant cries of racism only exacerbate the problem.

What you call racism from both sides is your refusal to understand that one side is reacting angrily in response to the racism put on them by whites. Racism IS just as bad as we claim. Turn black before you say other wise. And your Cajun restaurant doesn't prove anything. And being quiet abut racism is what exacerbates the problem.

Actually your constant cries of racism pisses me off as it does for a lot of people.
So how exactly does that help?
Did yall know milk is "racist"? Yep, it's true...milk.

Damn, cant post links yet, look it up if you doubt me.
Because it was racist. Whites don't get to tell us what is and is not racist.

Thanks for proving my point.

You have no point to prove.

I said blacks see racism where it doesnt exist.
The T-shirt isnt racist in the least yet you say it is.
Again....thanks for proving my point.

Maybe if you explained why it's racist?
Black people also often ignore racism where it DOES exist when they are not subjected to it.

That's certainly not limited to blacks.
The difference is that blacks and other non-whites are not guilt tripped for ignoring or dismissing real or perceived racism like white people are.

Antifa and anti-racist action don't give a shit about racism directed towards white people. White people are often attacked by those groups when they so much as challenge anti-white racism.
You fail at the obvious.

You continue to avoid answering the question. Is your argument that since there were whites who voted for Obama, racism is not an issue in the US?

Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Like I said, if it had been a depiction of Obama as a chimp eating a banana, then yeah, it would be considered racist, because blacks have been associated with chimps as a lower form of life by racists for years.

Saying something is Mickey Mouse on the other hand, is simply saying that you think the person or subject being called such is cartoonish and ineffective. Has been that way in the American psyche for years, so no, depicting Obama wearing a Mickey Mouse hat isn't racist. That is a commentary on the cartoonish president that some see Obama as.

It was racist.

See it's shit like this that makes me want to call you a dumb ******!!!!
When you make false claims of racism it just inflames the problem.

And again...explain to me why the shirt is racist.
Racism is way overblown in America.
Blacks see it even when it's not there.

I wore this T-shirt to a restaurant in Marble Falls Texas and a black family had a hissy fit and told the manager that it was racist and he wanted us kicked out.

Do you see the shirt as racist?

I'm not sure why that would be considered racist, unless there's some Mickey Mouse racism connection I'm unaware of. I mean, I think I've read that Disney himself may have been somewhat of a racist, but that would be a pretty big stretch.

I think racism is both overblown and underblown. Some people see racism anywhere. Some people refuse to see it anywhere. :dunno:

Sure there's racism out there,from both sides.
But it's not nearly as bad as blacks like to claim.

The wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant has about a fifty fifty mix of white and black customers,and as regulars we know many of the black customers by name and we all get along famously.

The constant cries of racism only exacerbate the problem.

You are broad-brushing blacks, as though all blacks make the same claims about the degree of racism that exists. More, you're generalizing the claims themselves, as though all claims about racism are the same.

Sure, there are people who see racism in everything. But, as I said, there are people who refuse to see racism even where it exists. The shirt seems to be an example of the former rather than the latter.

I did no such thing.
Nowhere did I say all blacks see racism everywhere but they are for the most part the ones who claim racism where none exists.
And as I said,it's overblown. I can't recall seeing blatant racism from either side other than on the news.
And from what I can tell it's about even when it comes to frequency.

Whites like you make up racism where it is not.

You calling my shirt racist when it clearly isn't just inflames the situation.

Tell me why it's racist.
Thanks for proving my point.

You have no point to prove.

I said blacks see racism where it doesnt exist.
The T-shirt isnt racist in the least yet you say it is.
Again....thanks for proving my point.

Maybe if you explained why it's racist?
Black people also often ignore racism where it DOES exist when they are not subjected to it.

That's certainly not limited to blacks.
The difference is that blacks and other non-whites are not guilt tripped for ignoring or dismissing real or perceived racism like white people are.

Antifa and anti-racist action don't give a shit about racism directed towards white people. White people are often attacked by those groups when they so much as challenge anti-white racism.

On the other hand, whites have not had the long history of having to deal with racism that minorities have in this country. Whites are the majority, so there if nothing else there is simply more opportunity for whites to be racist toward other races.

I'm not trying to defend antifa for anything. :dunno:
No, I don't see that shirt as racist. I see it more as a commentary on Obama's presidency. You were saying you thought he was a Mickey Mouse president.

Thats what I told the black family yet they were having none of it.
It was racist no matter what.

Because it was racist. Whites don't get to tell us what is and is not racist.

Thanks for proving my point.

You have no point to prove.

I said blacks see racism where it doesnt exist.
The T-shirt isnt racist in the least yet you say it is.
Again....thanks for proving my point.

Maybe if you explained why it's racist?

NewsVine_Mariyam wrote, "If you think about it or even do a quick perusal of the comment history here on U.S. Message Board you will find that the African American members that have been cited - IM2, Asclepias and Paul - have imparted a enormous wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics but the common thread is generally the impact that the topics have on African American lives."

Hello, Ms. NVM. If you think about it or even do a quick perusal of the comment history here on U.S. Message Board you will find the African American members IM2, Asclepias, Paul Essien and NewsVine_Mariyam refuse to address the Fuckery, Savagery, Violence or Sickness currently existing in far too many American communities.

I'm referring to sickness that these courageous Americans are more than willing to address.

This ADULT LANGUAGE, EXTREMELY NSFW video is filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN:

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Black Sisters Destroyed!"
~Chyna Fox

'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"Almost got killed on my wedding day and birthday.smdh" ~James Hawthorne


Nonsense. Besides posting SPAM, what are you really doing "Avery"?
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I see no debunking. I do see opinion. Opinion is worth what it costs. The only thing here is divisive pot stirring.
I understand that the resistance is a defense mechanism but the perspective that there is nothing of value that a white person would learn from a person of color is baffling.
Why are these white people never in the courtroom when black people get their brains blown and the cops walks free ?

She talks a good game but notice she never talks about punishment ? Talk about the death penalty for cops who kill unarmed black people. See when it comes us when we do something wrong we get punished to the letter of the law.

So there is no resistance to say that whites have nothing of value, the problem when I hear white people tell the things that black people have been saying for centuries is that she (Robin De Angelo) is not being honest.

She says at first "I'm white and part of being is not seeing yourself in racial terms"

If she's doesn't get the fk out my face this. White people are HYPER-HYPER aware of their whiteness and what comes with it

There is a video of one them "Yo. Yo. Yo" white boys who was in the interrogation room.

Just look to see how white people are when it get's real serious

Notice there was no "Yo. Yo. Yo." talk ?

This is really telling. He’s actually spelling how them peoples really see us... “regular person like me and you”... his fear broke code talk by accident. See when it's REAL SERIOUS all of sudden he understands the system of white supremacy. "Hey !! I'm white. Yeah I hung with blacks. But c'mon. I'm white like you. I'll snitch on all those n..iggas I hung out with.. Cmon. I'm a white boy. We lock n*ggas up. Not me
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