OPINIONGOP Reps Release 22 Examples Of Biden’s Corruption After Dems Claim There’s No Evidence

It is because what the claim of the lie is about doesn't refer to illegal activity. You guys have defended a man who lied 37,000 times, so your sudden concer about lies is irrelevant.
How do you know it wasn't illegal activity? We know that Hunter felt the need to hide years worth of income, why?

and why did Xiden lie?
I am glad you are confident. But why did he lie about it?
If people like IM2 actually believed their bs, they'd be all on board with the inquiry in the house....Because it would clear Biden....So, why are they screaming so hard?

Because they know this administration is the most criminal in our history.
No, I'm right.
You can be whatever you please. The damage will be done not in the court room but where the deplorable tactic was always aimed at in the first place. Exoneration is not available...never was.
Nobody knows if what they did was illegal or not, hence why there is an impeachment inquiry.

I would say you are being a troll, but I really think you are just a dembot cultist, not capable of free thought.
Sorry Skippy

But expecting proof of your accusations is not trolling
It is because what the claim of the lie is about doesn't refer to illegal activity. You guys have defended a man who lied 37,000 times, so your sudden concer about lies is irrelevant.
Hahaha...37,000 eh? A fraction of The Biden count right about now. Oops there goes that moral high ground again....see it's just not there.
There were thousands of pages of evidence, text messages, whistleblower reports brought forward in both impeachments. Your denials are meaningless. ALL of the evidence and witnesses against Trump in both impeachments are members of his own staff.

As for Trump's involvement in January 6th, Fani Willis has a terrabyte of documentation and evidence that Trump and his minions were involved. Jack Smith has a similar amount of evidence. In fact, these people have SO MUCH evidence that Trump's lawyers are saying it will take them 2 YEARS to review it all.

ALL of the witnesses and the evidence against Trump in the 91 indictments he's facing, was provided by Trump's own staff and hand picked associates.

Members of Trump's family and his wife, are not standing by him in any of this. Ivanka has testified against her father and disassociated herself from further political involvement, even as Jared is under Senate investigation for his $2 billion "parting gift" from the Saudi's for a job well done on their behalf.

You're the one being delusional here and refusing to hear ANY of it.
Your indictments are meaningless....AND, you don't give two shits about "whistleblowers" unless they are going after your orange boogie man......You're a Canadian, and don't have a say in ANY of this, and you're a hypocrite proven....so there's that....

So, I take your posts for the comedic value more so than anything I should pay any attention to....
Your indictments are meaningless....AND, you don't give two shits about "whistleblowers" unless they are going after your orange boogie man......You're a Canadian, and don't have a say in ANY of this, and you're a hypocrite proven....so there's that....

So, I take your posts for the comedic value more so than anything I should pay any attention to....
Not just a Canadian....a Sino/Canadian....political provacatuer.
Is there a Canadian man responding to this thread? I hadn't noticed.

Post reported for trolling no content.
I just consider you non-binary.....The only man in Hoserland is Kevin Vickers.

Hahaha...37,000 eh? A fraction of The Biden count right about now. Oops there goes that moral high ground again....see it's just not there.
They just make shit up.....Then call it fact....lol

"The problem is that any cursory inspection of the Post database reveals that the idea that Trump has told 20,000 “false or misleading” statements is itself false and misleading. Vast quantities of the 20,000 are redundancies – statements, however tendentious, that Trump has repeated ad nauseum. More problematic is that thousands of statements The Washington Post labels as untrue or misleading are more properly considered the habitual verbal excess for a man known for his immoderate form of communication. Further, a great many of the Post’s objections to Trump’s statements amount to argumentative quibbles that aren’t really “fact checks.”


GOP Reps Release 22 Examples Of Biden’s Corruption After Dems Claim There’s No Evidence​

16 Sep 2023 ~~ By Carver Malone

Democrats and left-wing operatives in the mainstream media say there is “no evidence” that Joe Biden did anything wrong to warrant impeachment.
This key Democrat “talking point” has been carefully crafted as the evidence and seriousness of Biden’s corrupt actions is enough to make your blood boil.
In response, the House Oversight Committee has compiled a startling list of 22 pieces of evidence that show Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s influence-peddling scheme that raked in millions.
  1. In July 2023, former Biden business associate Devon Archer described how Joe Biden was “The Brand” and was used to send “signals” of power, access, and influence to enrich the Biden family from foreign sources.
  2. Devon Archer alone was aware of at least 20 times in which then-Vice President Biden spoke on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates. Democrats would have Americans believe that these phone calls with then-Vice President Biden were simply to discuss the weather.
  3. In February 2014, then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with oligarchs from Russia and Kazakhstan who funneled millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and his business associates.
  4. In April 2015, then-Vice President Biden dined with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates, including Ukrainian Burisma executive Vadym Pozharsky. Burisma was then being investigated by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin for corruption.
  5. Then-Vice President Biden had coffee with Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associate, Jonathan Li of BHR, in Beijing and wrote a college letter of recommendation for his daughter.
  6. In 2015, then-Vice President Biden hosted Hunter Biden and Devon Archer and other business associates at the official residence of the Vice President. The topic of discussion was filling the top seat at the United Nations. The Kazakhstani government official who wanted the U.N. position attended both dinners at Café Milano with then-Vice President Biden.

You`ll have to go to the source for the other 12 instances of corruption involving Joseph Robinette Biden, his son and the rest of the Biden family.
Bizarrely, most of the violations occurred during the so called "non-scandalous" Obama years.
When proved wrong, fellow Leftist travelers immediately dismiss the accusations claiming there`s no evidence. The whistleblowers and the 1023`s aren't lying.
Ideally the Impeachment of Joe Biden should land in the senate’s lap next October, a couple of weeks before the election. win-win. That`s if Joe doesn't resign first.
Initially I doubt if the Democrat majority led by Schumer will vote in favor of impeachment. The damage has already been done.
1. “The Brand” was the illusion of access

2. Archer was very clear that Joe Biden had no part in business discussions in any of those phone calls

3. Having dinner is not a crime
That's just crazy....Both impeachments were done without inquiry, and outside normal process.
That is just not the case for the first one, bud. The second one??..Ok..but the speech at the Elipse and the insurrection and chaos that followed was pretty cut and dry.
Vindman? What a joke....There was not one thing wrong with a President asking another President to investigate corruption going on between Burisma, and Biden....The problem is that he (Trump) got too close, and that investigation would have kicked over the apple cart on that corruption....So, the impeachment of that was the cover up of Biden corruption...
Wasn't just him. There were others. Burisma had nothing to do with it. Happened after Shokin was removed...and rightfully so.
The footage of a riot, means nothing....You have NO evidence that Trump was involved, participated, or planned anything to do with that....Let's let a former assistant to the AG of the United States explain it to you...

But, I know you won't listen to one minute of it, why? because you're a hack.

Then you should be praising the inquiry....If Biden is so squeaky clean, then the inquiry will bear that out....So, I'll count you as being on board for it then....mmmmmk?

We have his speech at the Elipse, his behavior and demeanor at the White House, and in the days and weeks that followed. Again, cut and dry.
If you have something on Biden, present it. So far, you've presented nothing but heresay.

What is it, j-mac? What is it about this man that is worthy enough to cause you and others to abandon your sense of reason and decency, your integrity, and your self-respect?
What did this man do to deserve your unwavering devotion? I've been watching him actively since the 1980's....and he's just con man. :)
If people like IM2 actually believed their bs, they'd be all on board with the inquiry in the house....Because it would clear Biden....So, why are they screaming so hard?

Because they know this administration is the most criminal in our history.
You make an excellent point
That is just not the case for the first one, bud. The second one??..Ok..but the speech at the Elipse and the insurrection and chaos that followed was pretty cut and dry.

Wasn't just him. There were others. Burisma had nothing to do with it. Happened after Shokin was removed...and rightfully so.

We have his speech at the Elipse, his behavior and demeanor at the White House, and in the days and weeks that followed. Again, cut and dry.
If you have something on Biden, present it. So far, you've presented nothing but heresay.

What is it, j-mac? What is it about this man that is worthy enough to cause you and others to abandon your sense of reason and decency, your integrity, and your self-respect?
What did this man do to deserve your unwavering devotion? I've been watching him actively since the 1980's....and he's just con man. :)
What is it about this man that is worthy enough to cause you and others to abandon your sense of reason and decency, your integrity, and your self-respect?
we could ask the same about biden,
we could ask the same about biden,
Biden isn't worshiped. Or considered a savior. He's just the guy in the chair at the moment. Same as Obama. Same as Bush. Same as Clinton.
I don't expect Biden is going to help deliver or preserve my race from anything. I expect him to be what he is...a career politician.

The devotion and worship is reserved for Trump. I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. :)
Trump supporters truly are cult members.
They just make shit up.....Then call it fact....lol

"The problem is that any cursory inspection of the Post database reveals that the idea that Trump has told 20,000 “false or misleading” statements is itself false and misleading. Vast quantities of the 20,000 are redundancies – statements, however tendentious, that Trump has repeated ad nauseum. More problematic is that thousands of statements The Washington Post labels as untrue or misleading are more properly considered the habitual verbal excess for a man known for his immoderate form of communication. Further, a great many of the Post’s objections to Trump’s statements amount to argumentative quibbles that aren’t really “fact checks.”

If you simply disagree with the left they use the word lie. It is a lie in and of itself. Fact is we all lie. I believe it's an average of 25 to 30 times a day every day per Capita. Politicians? Ten times that amount.
Biden isn't worshiped. Or considered a savior. He's just the guy in the chair at the moment. Same as Obama. Same as Bush. Same as Clinton.
I don't expect Biden is going to help deliver or preserve my race from anything. I expect him to be what he is...a career politician.

The devotion and worship is reserved for Trump. I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. :)
Trump supporters truly are cult members.
I didn't say a damn thing about being worshipped. I quoted part of your rant: "What is it about this man that is worthy enough to cause you and others to abandon your sense of reason and decency, your integrity, and your self-respect?".

you decide to deflect.
I didn't say a damn thing about being worshipped. I quoted part of your rant: "What is it about this man that is worthy enough to cause you and others to abandon your sense of reason and decency, your integrity, and your self-respect?".

you decide to deflect.
Post #121. Last three lines. This is what you typed..correct?
The answer to your question is...we (I) haven't. You have.

Acceptance is the first step to understanding. :)

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