Opioids Have Sparked an HIV Outbreak in Massachusetts


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
See other USMB HIV threads for Wisconsin. Beware Chinese spies (22-pound heroin bust at Cincinnati), because Chinese economic hitmen have already invested in Venezuelan grassroots agriculture (2009), as they crave the north-south axis split along the Mississippi.

7 Aug 2018 Opioids Have Sparked an HIV Outbreak in Massachusetts
Opioids Have Sparked An HIV Outbreak In Massachusetts
Did anyone force any US citizens to ingest these drugs? Did anyone force any US citizens to have unprotected sex ?
Are there any known plans for either of these things to happen in the future.
The way to avoid opiate addiction is to refrain from using opiates.
There is such a thing as natural selection, and we should allow it to run it's course.
Thanks to our corrupt central government, Big Pharma is protected by government, rather than the government protecting the people.

This is true for so many other industries in the good old USA.
125-case HIV cluster in Wisconsin, mostly high school students who know each other, as natural selection must also include the gun crime and robberies linked to opiate addiction, and by default the collateral damage done to the bystanders.
According to addled dopers and assorted weirdos, people are somehow entitled to do business with murdering scumbag narco syndicate vermin or something, and its not their fault these scum kill people over money. Only govt. is to blame for everything, never dipshit losers pouring money into the pockets of these scumbag criminal gangs. The government is also forcing people to butt fuck each other without condoms, cuz 'homophobes'!!!!

No one should have to exercise any sort of self-restraint, cuz 'Freeee Dum!!!!' and stuff.​
Did anyone force any US citizens to ingest these drugs? Did anyone force any US citizens to have unprotected sex ?
Are there any known plans for either of these things to happen in the future.
The way to avoid opiate addiction is to refrain from using opiates.
There is such a thing as natural selection, and we should allow it to run it's course.
Peer pressure in youth is the number one problem here. Young people are susceptible, even when the raw material is good. Ignoring an epidemic like this saying "it will run its course" is a bit foolish. Naturally cartels and their lower distributors are going to target our youth; because youth are the most susceptible demographic to peer pressure despite their better teachings. Good judgment is in short supply in those under 30, from my experience.

Just four days ago another overdose in my tiny town. This time by a young woman who was clean, trying to get her life in order and one of her gal party buddies was bounced out of jail without treatment and decided to nudge this old friend to shoot up "just once more, to celebrate" getting out of jail. The one trying to get sober is dead. The piece of shit lives on. Naturally. Nobody is talking about the cause of death because "it's so sad and shameful". So the piece of shit will get off the hook for what was essentially murder. For sure negligent homicide. If we tried these people with new laws under "attempted negligent homicide" or some such, we'd see a drastic increase in success for newly recovering and old recovered addicts.

This is why I've pushed over and over for new laws clamping down hard on people approaching others who are in treatment or have gotten sober. "Old party buddies" (drug family members) are THE #1 reason for relapse and death from overdose. When someone gets off heroin or meth and then goes back "just that one time" for a friend's pressure, to party just like old times, their body is no longer acclimated to the normal levels they used to take. And so, another recovering addict is dead and the active one survives to go influence more. Just yesterday I heard her walking down my street, urging & arguing a reluctant young man who also is trying to get clean. The active addict's addiction is pernicious and it wants her old party buddies to fall in line. Why? Because it guarantees a broad spread of ready supply spots when the urge to use again calls the shots.

Heroin and meth addiction is like a living, breathing monster that runs the show. It manipulates human social systems. It rarely is one isolated addict. It's a family of them in a contained system from which once signed up, there is little hope of escape. The shells of human beings caught in its web run the gamut from ne'er do wells to the sons and daughters of the most accomplished. Peer pressure is how it gets going. Everyone wants to belong. So until we teach a couple new generations that the "unbridled fun fest" of drugs and sex is something to be shunned and not embraced, we are going to be in deep shit.
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This is why I've pushed over and over for new laws clamping down hard on people approaching others who are in treatment or have gotten sober. "Old party buddies" (drug family members) are THE #1 reason for relapse and death from overdose. When someone gets off heroin or meth and then goes back "just that one time" for a friend's pressure, to party just like old times, their body is no longer acclimated to the normal levels they used to take. And so, another recovering addict is dead and the active one survives to go influence more. Just yesterday I heard her walking down my street, urging & arguing a reluctant young man who also is trying to get clean. The active addict's addiction is pernicious and it wants her old party buddies to fall in line. Why? Because it guarantees a broad spread of ready supply spots when the urge to use again calls the shots..

There are several reports out there on how dealers now set up shop near rehab centers these days, it's like a standard 'business plan'.
There are several reports out there on how dealers now set up shop near rehab centers these days, it's like a standard 'business plan'.
With all the money we hemmorhage into law enforcement, crime, prisons, rehab & relapse drug issues, not to mention the parallel HIV escalation, you'd think drug family laws would become vogue. If caught near recovering addicts, other users face severe penalties. It breaks up the "glue" that binds these people together. That glue is an active addict's desire to have as many steady supply points as possible. . Jail is the "antichrist" to an active addict. And that's because an active addicts' greatest fear is interruption of supply.

So instead of grooming recovering addicts to start using again, they fear approaching him or her because such an approach might mean the opposite: termination of steady supply.
freedom....the solution.....but also the problem.

Countries with less freedom than citizens of the USA enjoy are often summarily executed for drug offenses.

I've always said, not ALL people deserve freedom. People who abuse their freedom don't deserve it. But being a nation of politically correct morons we've cultivated this massive problem and it's coming to a head after all these years. Soft & weak liberal judges etc. No surprise we have an opioid epidemic and crime epidemic.

But the left is all about control. I offer you Bloomberg for example....and Jerry Brown. These power mongers are NOT about freedom or liberalism. It's just their means of grabbing power.

If the true Left ever gains full control, I have a feeling the loss of freedom will bring Communist style (capital) punishment for drug offenses to the USA. You know, those "tolerant" liberals and all that horse shit. All these gay people and drug addicts fighting for the left will be the ones who end up paying the most for their stupid choices. Conservatives need to learn that too much tolerance is just as bad.
I've always said, not ALL people deserve freedom. People who abuse their freedom don't deserve it. But being a nation of politically correct morons we've cultivated this massive problem and it's coming to a head after all these years. Soft & weak liberal judges etc. No surprise we have an opioid epidemic and crime epidemic.

It's a simple matter of the People enacting laws that judges HAVE to follow. Where the word "may" appears, instead the People insert the word "shall" in mandatory sentencing. Non-discretionary sentencing for those who sabotage newly-recovering addicts. Like I said, one active addict was just released OR to recommit in a month. I even warned the judge formally that she would harm other people during that time. They had ample reason to keep her behind bars immediately upon sentencing. But instead they thought it would be cool to let her out. Now another woman/recovering addict lays on a marble slab at the coroner's office.

We pass laws with the words "shall" in them, judges have no choice. Turn recovering addicts from active addict's "game to re-initiate", into "oh my God I can't use anymore if I go near them now!" And watch the number of opioid overdoses go down down down....and the value of our investment $$ in drug rehabilitation go up up up... It really is magic bullet for the drug epidemic. It's like banding a dog's tail. Right now it's wagging the dog, but it will soon lose life and drop away in numbers predictably.
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