Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

And the only reason you're defending this is because they are doing it to Reagan. Stop being so obvious.

No, I'd say the same thing if it were Clinton, or anyone else.

Not everyone feeds off outrage like you guys do.
I never said I was outraged. But Ronald Reagan's children are outraged, this movie has already deeply hurt them and it hasn't even been made yet. Hurting people deeply is not the hallmark of great comedy.
There's nothing quite like watching conservatives demonstrate their inner sophmore Women's Studies major.
And the only reason you're defending this is because they are doing it to Reagan. Stop being so obvious.

No, I'd say the same thing if it were Clinton, or anyone else.

Not everyone feeds off outrage like you guys do.
I never said I was outraged. But Ronald Reagan's children are outraged, this movie has already deeply hurt them and it hasn't even been made yet. Hurting people deeply is not the hallmark of great comedy.

You didn't have to say that you were outraged.

The fact that you started an outrage thread about it, and have been moralizing at me for pages now proves that one.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.

Pussification of America. You wussies just can't take a good joke. Get all offended and shit. Sorry Will is microagressing against you and violated your safe space, you fucking wus.
I think the liberals on this forum who defend this movie are not being consistent. They normally pretend to be offended when something like this happens. But because a conservative President is the target of the meanness, liberals have no problem with it. I think that proves that they are liars. And that doesn't surprise me one bit.
Anyway, I never said I was outraged. I was only saying that Will Ferrell will make so many enemies if he makes this movie that it will be career suicide. His image as a lovable goofball will be completely gone. He will be exposed as a mean bully who picks on old people with Alzheimer's disease. Not even his own mother will like him anymore.

I am a Will Ferrell fan, so I hope this doesn't happen.
Anyway, I never said I was outraged. I was only saying that Will Ferrell will make so many enemies if he makes this movie that it will be career suicide. His image as a lovable goofball will be completely gone. He will be exposed as a mean bully who picks on old people with Alzheimer's disease. Not even his own mother will like him anymore.

I am a Will Ferrell fan, so I hope this doesn't happen.
Liberals are despicable people and this thread proves it.
Liberals are supposed to be against making fun of handicapped people, so really, their contribution to this thread defending Will Ferrell proves they are hypocrites and liars, and it is not good to be either of those things.
Liberals are supposed to be against making fun of handicapped people, so really, their contribution to this thread defending Will Ferrell proves they are hypocrites and liars, and it is not good to be either of those things.
They have no real moral standards, only those which they impose on everyone else.
Liberals are supposed to be against making fun of handicapped people, so really, their contribution to this thread defending Will Ferrell proves they are hypocrites and liars, and it is not good to be either of those things.
They have no real moral standards, only those which they impose on everyone else.
That's obvious. What's also obvious is that they're mean. One liberal called me a "fool" for starting this thread. Jesus said calling people "you fool" in your heart is a violation of the Fifth Commandment.
"Go fuck yourself, clown."

That's what a liberal said to me because I started this thread saying that it was probably a bad idea for Will Ferrell's career to make a movie making fun of a beloved President for having Alzheimer's disease.

That's hatred, straight from the heart, a clear-cut violation of the Fifth Commandment according to Jesus.

I will pray for this person so that his heart is healed.
"Go fuck yourself, clown."

That's what a liberal said to me because I started this thread saying that it was probably a bad idea for Will Ferrell's career to make a movie making fun of a beloved President for having Alzheimer's disease.

That's hatred, straight from the heart, a clear-cut violation of the Fifth Commandment according to Jesus.

I will pray for this person so that his heart is healed.
From a mod, no less.
Reagan was a shit. There wasnt one right wing dictator he wouldnt suck up to. I hope they throw that bitch Thatcher into this film as well so that we can all enjoy the joke.
Reagan was a shit. There wasnt one right wing dictator he wouldnt suck up to. I hope they throw that bitch Thatcher into this film as well so that we can all enjoy the joke.
Another morally bankrupt liberal chimes in.
Yet when Trump mocked a reporter with a disability which was low class and tasteless the lefts outrage was long and loud it seems some low class and tasteless is more acceptable than others.

One of the two is an actor. The other is running for president.
Ronald Reagan’s Daughter to Will Ferrell: Don’t Mock My Dad’s Alzheimers
Will Ferrell is set to play Ronald Reagan with Alzheimer’s in a comedy movie. In an open letter to the star, Reagan’s daughter is horrified her father’s illness is being played for laughs.
Dear Mr. Ferrell,

I saw the news bulletin—as did everyone—that you intend to portray my father in the throes of Alzheimer’s for a comedy that you are also producing.

Perhaps you have managed to retain some ignorance about Alzheimer’s and other versions of dementia. Perhaps if you knew more, you would not find the subject humorous.

Ronald Reagan’s Daughter to Will Ferrell: Don’t Mock My Dad’s Alzheimers
I wonder how the liberals would react to a movie portraying Bill Clinton as a ruthless rapist attacking women at the White House and on the campaign trail with James Carville and Hillary using the Secret Service to silence them and trash their reputations. Would they find it funny?

Great. Another click flick. lol

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