Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Do you need a PC safe space?



I wish conservatives would remain consistent.

Do they really expect anything more out of Hollywood?

Is this in poor taste? Absolutely.

But it is all about the free market.

Think about Ronald Reagan. He was an actor. HE WAS HOLLYWOOD. What would HE say in his liberal days?

I think everyone here knows. He wouldn't want any PRIOR restraint on what type of humor Hollywood can churn out for the sake of a buck. Sure, we all know that this disease exists. It isn't necessarily making fun of the disease per sea, but it is posing the question, is the most powerful man of the free world absent minded and being controlled. The premise can be made funny.

If a person can not see that, or see the potential humor in that, they are being very partisan, and they are not being able to laugh at life. If we can't laugh at the tragedy of life, all we are left to do is weep. That would make life unbearable.

If people could not feel free to make this movie here, where else could they feel free to make this movie? I remember just a few days ago some conservative was bitching about some guy that was being brought up on trial about being a "holocaust denier." A liberal rightly pointed out the difference that over there in Europe, they are Democracies, here, we have REAL freedom, a Constitutional Republic, liberties by the rule of law.

As Reagan said, if we do not have the freedom to do things here, that freedom will not exist anywhere.


Let these cretins make their slimy picture. Let's see if the market will accept it or reject it.

Earlier in this thread, some poster asked why don't they make a movie about President Clinton? As I pointed out, they already had. But does anyone remember it?

The same will be true about this flick. In ten years, if it doesn't paint Reagan in a good light, it will be forgotten. Sort of like that Thatcher movie that came out a while ago.

That is what freedom is about.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Look who's all ultra-PC now? No sense of humor, RW?
I wish conservatives would remain consistent.

Do they really expect anything more out of Hollywood?

Is this in poor taste? Absolutely.

But it is all about the free market.

Think about Ronald Reagan. He was an actor. HE WAS HOLLYWOOD. What would HE say in his liberal days?

I think everyone here knows. He wouldn't want any PRIOR restraint on what type of humor Hollywood can churn out for the sake of a buck. Sure, we all know that this disease exists. It isn't necessarily making fun of the disease per sea, but it is posing the question, is the most powerful man of the free world absent minded and being controlled. The premise can be made funny.

If a person can not see that, or see the potential humor in that, they are being very partisan, and they are not being able to laugh at life. If we can't laugh at the tragedy of life, all we are left to do is weep. That would make life unbearable.

If people could not feel free to make this movie here, where else could they feel free to make this movie? I remember just a few days ago some conservative was bitching about some guy that was being brought up on trial about being a "holocaust denier." A liberal rightly pointed out the difference that over there in Europe, they are Democracies, here, we have REAL freedom, a Constitutional Republic, liberties by the rule of law.

As Reagan said, if we do not have the freedom to do things here, that freedom will not exist anywhere.


Let these cretins make their slimy picture. Let's see if the market will accept it or reject it.

Earlier in this thread, some poster asked why don't they make a movie about President Clinton? As I pointed out, they already had. But does anyone remember it?

The same will be true about this flick. In ten years, if it doesn't paint Reagan in a good light, it will be forgotten. Sort of like that Thatcher movie that came out a while ago.

That is what freedom is about.


The same people talking about an end to Political Correctness are the first people to tell us not to say something that they don't like.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Do you need a PC safe space?




I understand your comprehension of things like sarcasm are nil.

You are a lawyer....what a laugh.
War involves people dying, it involves tremendous pain and suffering. Yet there are comedies about war.

Anyone seen Blackadder goes forth? Very funny, they all die at the end too.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Everyone knows mocking people with Alzheimer's is hilarious material for the left. They love mocking people with incurable medical conditions. Ferrell will be a hero in Hollywood now.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Everyone knows mocking people with Alzheimer's is hilarious material for the left. They love mocking people with incurable medical conditions. Ferrell will be a hero in Hollywood now.

Or maybe people feel that shit happens, why not deal with it, instead of pretending like we need to pussyfoot around the issue.

My grandfather died of Parkinson's, I wouldn't start getting annoyed because someone made a film about Parkinson's.

An actor and a politician, two jobs where people put themselves in the public eye, in a place where they can be mocked all the time. So then people do.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Everyone knows mocking people with Alzheimer's is hilarious material for the left. They love mocking people with incurable medical conditions. Ferrell will be a hero in Hollywood now.

Or maybe people feel that shit happens, why not deal with it, instead of pretending like we need to pussyfoot around the issue.

My grandfather died of Parkinson's, I wouldn't start getting annoyed because someone made a film about Parkinson's.

An actor and a politician, two jobs where people put themselves in the public eye, in a place where they can be mocked all the time. So then people do.
Of course you wouldn't mind a movie mocking people with Parkinson's.
You're a leftist.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Everyone knows mocking people with Alzheimer's is hilarious material for the left. They love mocking people with incurable medical conditions. Ferrell will be a hero in Hollywood now.

Or maybe people feel that shit happens, why not deal with it, instead of pretending like we need to pussyfoot around the issue.

My grandfather died of Parkinson's, I wouldn't start getting annoyed because someone made a film about Parkinson's.

An actor and a politician, two jobs where people put themselves in the public eye, in a place where they can be mocked all the time. So then people do.
Of course you wouldn't mind a movie mocking people with Parkinson's.
You're a leftist.

Yeah, I'm on the left. I believe life is for living. I also believe death is an important part of life. Go read some Borges.

I've also come close to death, and also had those around me come close or exceedingly close (ie, they died in tragic circumstances) and I still believe that life is worth living even more after that.

Seeing how the right are so damn hungry for war and killing of others, then when someone wants to make a film that doesn't kill anyone they get annoyed, you have to wonder where your sense of judgement is.
It would be the right wing version of PC to try to shut this movie down.

Plus, it's helpful to know who the nastiest, most hateful people are, and who agrees with them - someone who would mock an Alzheimer's victim is pretty fuckin' nasty and hateful, and those who would support it are the same.

The idea that someone would actually do this is so ugly that I took the time to confirm the story is true. Amazing, and yet another vivid example of our culture in decay.

That stuff is good to know. Freedom of expression is very instructive.
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Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Everyone knows mocking people with Alzheimer's is hilarious material for the left. They love mocking people with incurable medical conditions. Ferrell will be a hero in Hollywood now.

Or maybe people feel that shit happens, why not deal with it, instead of pretending like we need to pussyfoot around the issue.

My grandfather died of Parkinson's, I wouldn't start getting annoyed because someone made a film about Parkinson's.

An actor and a politician, two jobs where people put themselves in the public eye, in a place where they can be mocked all the time. So then people do.
Of course you wouldn't mind a movie mocking people with Parkinson's.
You're a leftist.

Yeah, I'm on the left. I believe life is for living. I also believe death is an important part of life. Go read some Borges.

I've also come close to death, and also had those around me come close or exceedingly close (ie, they died in tragic circumstances) and I still believe that life is worth living even more after that.

Seeing how the right are so damn hungry for war and killing of others, then when someone wants to make a film that doesn't kill anyone they get annoyed, you have to wonder where your sense of judgement is.
Thanks for validating the left think it's funny to mock the handicapped and those with severe medical conditions.
I wonder how the liberals would react to a movie portraying Bill Clinton as a ruthless rapist attacking women at the White House and on the campaign trail with James Carville and Hillary using the Secret Service to silence them and trash their reputations. Would they find it funny?

That doesnt sound like a funny script so probably not
It would be the right wing version of PC to try to shut this movie down.


Plus, it's helpful to know who the nastiest, most hateful people are, and who agrees with them - someone who would mock an Alzheimer's victim is pretty fuckin' nasty and hateful, and those who would support it are the same.

The idea that someone would actually do this is so ugly that I took the time to confirm the story is true. Amazing, and yet another vivid example of our culture in decay.

That stuff is good to know. Freedom of expression is very instructive.

Oooooh you think you're slick Capt PC. Calling out the PC crowd while presenting shame and scorn aka...Being PC.

Nice flip there. That was a pleasure to watch
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Everyone knows mocking people with Alzheimer's is hilarious material for the left. They love mocking people with incurable medical conditions. Ferrell will be a hero in Hollywood now.
Sometimes we laugh so we don't cry. What happened to your sense of humor? Why so PC now?
It would be the right wing version of PC to try to shut this movie down.


Plus, it's helpful to know who the nastiest, most hateful people are, and who agrees with them - someone who would mock an Alzheimer's victim is pretty fuckin' nasty and hateful, and those who would support it are the same.

The idea that someone would actually do this is so ugly that I took the time to confirm the story is true. Amazing, and yet another vivid example of our culture in decay.

That stuff is good to know. Freedom of expression is very instructive.

Oooooh you think you're slick Capt PC. Calling out the PC crowd while presenting shame and scorn aka...Being PC.

Nice flip there. That was a pleasure to watch
Just honest. Try it sometime. Your head won't explode, I swear.

And your deflection from my point is no surprise, given the content of my post.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Everyone knows mocking people with Alzheimer's is hilarious material for the left. They love mocking people with incurable medical conditions. Ferrell will be a hero in Hollywood now.
Sometimes we laugh so we don't cry. What happened to your sense of humor? Why so PC now?
Thanks for validating the left think mocking handicapped people is funny.

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