Orange One expected to announce end to Obama-era DACA, official says. Will deal for wall funds? WOW!

Real information for dumbasses who can't seem to find it on thier own.

"Based on a tip from a whistleblower at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Judicial Watch filed a records request on October 26, 2012 for “all communications, memoranda, emails, policy guidance, directives, initiatives, and any other correspondence respecting the scope and extent of background checks to be performed (or not) on aliens applying to the Obama administration’s DACA program” from “November 1, 2011 through the present.” The Immigration & Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. § 1101 et seq., directs USCIS to maintain “direct and continuous” contact with the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – among other law enforcement agencies – “for the purpose of obtaining and exchanging information” necessary to determine whether an alien is ineligible to enter or remain in the United States due to criminal conduct, among other disqualifying factors. INA also mandates the “coordinated, uniform, and efficient” implementation of such background checks among all classes of immigration applicants. The statute concurrently directs the Attorney General and FBI actively to assist in determining an applicant’s eligibility for admission or continued stay by proactively alerting the State Department and USCIS whether an alien applying for permission to enter or remain in the United States is indexed in the National Crime Information Center’s Interstate Identification Index (NCIC-III), Wanted Persons File, or any other files maintained by the National Crime Information Center, which allows users to interface with all 50 states via the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS)."
DACA was always intended to be temporary, Obama just didn't have the balls to end the program.

Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.
Everyone warned Obama not to run his presidency with a pen...but he was too arrogant and condescending to listen. Trump just bitch slapped Obama today! Are you listening now Obama?

So, The Great Orange Douche is doing same...LOL!
Try to be fair in reviewing these EO's. The Douche is
on a pace to out number Obama's in the first year.

Six times Trump said executive orders were bad before he decided they were actually good.

Donald J. Trump


Why is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?
1:11 PM - Jul 10, 2012
The only way to rid us from Obama's EO's are with new EO's dummy
Not all are about Obama EO's. Try Again.
When you America haters say "try again" that's the cue for you to lie again.
They are here. They are going nowhere. Educating themselves.
As you train as poorly educated burger flippers for life.
Dreamers take EDUCATION away from your KIDS because your kids are put in the back of line, Your kids can't get IN STATE TUTION but they can when they aren't even from the gawd dam state.

Dreamers get fkn Social Security , but our own Americans get rejected wake the hell up

Jeff Bridges Says Illegal Aliens Shouldn’t Receive Social Security – Do You Agree With Him?
Jeff Bridges Says Illegal Aliens Shouldn’t Receive Social Security - Do You Agree With Him?
Everyone warned Obama not to run his presidency with a pen...but he was too arrogant and condescending to listen. Trump just bitch slapped Obama today! Are you listening now Obama?

So, The Great Orange Douche is doing same...LOL!
Try to be fair in reviewing these EO's. The Douche is
on a pace to out number Obama's in the first year.

Six times Trump said executive orders were bad before he decided they were actually good.

Donald J. Trump


Why is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?
1:11 PM - Jul 10, 2012
The only way to rid us from Obama's EO's are with new EO's dummy
Not all are about Obama EO's. Try Again.
When you America haters say "try again" that's the cue for you to lie again.
All Presidents sign EO's. They can do so. You lose.
Dreamers take EDUCATION away from your KIDS because your kids are put in the back of line, Your kids can't get IN STATE TUTION but they can when they aren't even from the gawd dam state.

Dreamers get fkn Social Security , but our own Americans get rejected wake the hell up

Jeff Bridges Says Illegal Aliens Shouldn’t Receive Social Security – Do You Agree With Him?
Jeff Bridges Says Illegal Aliens Shouldn’t Receive Social Security - Do You Agree With Him?

DACA was to cover 31-year-olds and younger. They are not collecting SS now. THEY can in future unless Congress passes a law, they can do so then. What retirement benefit do they get now? So I can get same as legal.
DACA was always intended to be temporary, Obama just didn't have the balls to end the program.

Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

DACA was always intended to be temporary, Obama just didn't have the balls to end the program.

Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)
DACA was always intended to be temporary, Obama just didn't have the balls to end the program.

Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?
Why are not they going after the YUGE VAST Major employers of illegals in
the USA, the
HOMEOWNERS! Gardeners, maids, Domestic helper, etc.. And the
Resturant hotel industries, and Farmers. To START to clean this up.
Why do I not see 1000's a week arrested as employers of illegals?
Fined YUGE!

Do this with current laws, problems solved.
Last edited:
DACA was always intended to be temporary, Obama just didn't have the balls to end the program.

Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?

Because the GOP, like all career politicians these days are more interested in their public image and getting votes than they are what is best for this nation - which would be having residents who are willing to make the effort to become legal citizens.
Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?

Because the GOP, like all career politicians these days are more interested in their public image and getting votes than they are what is best for this nation - which would be having residents who are willing to make the effort to become legal citizens.

So you need to replace all GOP with DOPers morons then. Good Luck! Hahaha.
The last two GOP Potus Losers elected, were elected with very little win margins.
One by SCOTUS vote, the other with 77K voter in three states. The Future does
not look good.
DACA was always intended to be temporary, Obama just didn't have the balls to end the program.

Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?
Why are not they going after the YUGE VAST Major employers of illegals in
the USA, the
HOMEOWNERS! Gardeners, maids, Domestic helper, etc.. And the
Resturant hotel industries, and Farmers. To START to clean this up.
Why do I not see 1000's a week arrested as employers of illegals?
Fined YUGE!

Do this with current laws, problems solved.

To address your edited portion.

I agree, fine the folks hiring them, AND deport the illegals.

DACA was shit to begin with, but it passed, and all the illegals who breathed a sigh of relief when it was passed in the early 2000's laid back on their laurels and continued abusing America's generosity instead of taking steps to become legitimate citizens. I have no sympathy for them. Throw their asses out and they can apply like law abiding citizens should. Maybe they'll learn to respect the country they claim to want to be a part of instead.
No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?

Because the GOP, like all career politicians these days are more interested in their public image and getting votes than they are what is best for this nation - which would be having residents who are willing to make the effort to become legal citizens.

So you need to replace all GOP with DOPers morons then. Good Luck! Hahaha.
The last two GOP Potus Losers elected, were elected with very little win margins.
One by SCOTUS vote, the other with 77K voter in three states. The Future does
not look good.

Generation Z.
I feel they need to start the deportation round up, with the military illegals on the DACA programs.
As these illegals, took the military recruit path to stay here, who should be deported FIRST.
As they are getting many, many U.S. benefits. Yuge amounts of $$$$$'s. Along with their class, STOP all long term takers of military benefits. Ship the wound out!
Send these folks home FIRST. As they can go join ISIS!
Really it's about the Whitey DOPer voters needed by the GOP to win elections.
If the GOP passes another Amnesty after the Great raygoon one. THEY would be out
of them voters. As how the Dems lost these Whitey KKK/Nazi voters during the
civil right issues, and new laws passed from the 60's. But here, the DOPer voters have
nowhere to go, and 2018 they will have choices.

No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?
Why are not they going after the YUGE VAST Major employers of illegals in
the USA, the
HOMEOWNERS! Gardeners, maids, Domestic helper, etc.. And the
Resturant hotel industries, and Farmers. To START to clean this up.
Why do I not see 1000's a week arrested as employers of illegals?
Fined YUGE!

Do this with current laws, problems solved.

To address your edited portion.

I agree, fine the folks hiring them, AND deport the illegals.

DACA was shit to begin with, but it passed, and all the illegals who breathed a sigh of relief when it was passed in the early 2000's laid back on their laurels and continued abusing America's generosity instead of taking steps to become legitimate citizens. I have no sympathy for them. Throw their asses out and they can apply like law abiding citizens should. Maybe they'll learn to respect the country they claim to want to be a part of instead.

raygoon started all this. We have the laws to control this all before, more now.
After this new amnesty. They came in waves for the next one.
We got a few more laws for that amnesty. Never enforced
by Bush, Dubya. Why was that then? They were hiding behind the Dems.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act, signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The Act[1]

  • required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;
  • made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;
  • legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;
  • legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed at least a minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language.
Ronald Reagan on Immigration
No it's about ending a temporary program that Obama wouldn't end because he was afraid of losing party votes.

GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?
Why are not they going after the YUGE VAST Major employers of illegals in
the USA, the
HOMEOWNERS! Gardeners, maids, Domestic helper, etc.. And the
Resturant hotel industries, and Farmers. To START to clean this up.
Why do I not see 1000's a week arrested as employers of illegals?
Fined YUGE!

Do this with current laws, problems solved.

To address your edited portion.

I agree, fine the folks hiring them, AND deport the illegals.

DACA was shit to begin with, but it passed, and all the illegals who breathed a sigh of relief when it was passed in the early 2000's laid back on their laurels and continued abusing America's generosity instead of taking steps to become legitimate citizens. I have no sympathy for them. Throw their asses out and they can apply like law abiding citizens should. Maybe they'll learn to respect the country they claim to want to be a part of instead.

raygoon started all this. We have the laws to control this all before, more now.
After this new amnesty. They came in waves for the next one.
We got a few more laws for that amnesty. Never enforced
by Bush, Dubya. Why was that then? They were hiding behind the Dems.

You're kind of all over the place.

What do you wish would happen?
GOP to afraid to pass new immigration laws? Why is that? We really don't need too.
But they better now, give out another GOP SIGNED amnesty.

Yes the GOP was afraid to deal with the situation because, like Obama, they have no balls.

Luckily for us American's, Trump has a pair and he's going to deal with the situation instead of kicking the can down the road like all the other shitbag politicians (on both sides of the aisle.)

So let's see here.
One, these people are collected up and deported. I see that not happening.
Two, Congress lets them stay. And more. Takes balls to do that.

btw. Why is the GOP afraid to go after the employers HARD?
Why are not they going after the YUGE VAST Major employers of illegals in
the USA, the
HOMEOWNERS! Gardeners, maids, Domestic helper, etc.. And the
Resturant hotel industries, and Farmers. To START to clean this up.
Why do I not see 1000's a week arrested as employers of illegals?
Fined YUGE!

Do this with current laws, problems solved.

To address your edited portion.

I agree, fine the folks hiring them, AND deport the illegals.

DACA was shit to begin with, but it passed, and all the illegals who breathed a sigh of relief when it was passed in the early 2000's laid back on their laurels and continued abusing America's generosity instead of taking steps to become legitimate citizens. I have no sympathy for them. Throw their asses out and they can apply like law abiding citizens should. Maybe they'll learn to respect the country they claim to want to be a part of instead.

raygoon started all this. We have the laws to control this all before, more now.
After this new amnesty. They came in waves for the next one.
We got a few more laws for that amnesty. Never enforced
by Bush, Dubya. Why was that then? They were hiding behind the Dems.

You're kind of all over the place.

What do you wish would happen?

I want all the employers hunted down. Give a limited amnesty to illegals who turn in 5, each.
No family double dripping of/on employers here. Or by any other illegals. Only one illegal can
claim that employer of illegals. Corporate owners and all board members do jail
time mandatory. Take 1/2 of their wealth from all these employers, stuff and money away for life.
Go after homeowners first. Where the vast amount of them get their money.

SOooo...These illegals get in return, two choices.
Some of this money for life to go home, taking all their family members involved.
Or they get a work permit if they also turn in their bringers. And pay all bills for relocation back home. Along with the benefit crimes. Along with a 50% Gross income tax on all funds earned or given, If they're from Mexico, they can't OWN U.S.Real Estate Give them a little homeland payback for what Mexico does to out of towners.
Then they pay taxes to the Feds/States on the AGI remains! I wonder what they will do?
Option One is the best choice.
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