Ordinary Brits Views On Their Healthcare - Not So Peachy!!!


Apr 22, 2007
My company is a global company and I work in the global legal department. Each year we have a meeting of the minds in CA. We went last week. I spoke to some of my British counter-parts and they weren't so peachy on the system.

First, they say they pay a 22% tax for NHC system. That means a single man who makes 50K a year pays $11K for his healthcare. That is $916 a month. I pay $400 a month for a family of 6! And the 22% is just NHC costs, they then pay income taxes (on all dollars made above a certain amount, can't remember the amount).

Second, the wait time is REAL. For all surgery and procedures that are "non-emergency" or can wait DO WAIT! I used my shoulder surgery as an example. I had some pain, but it was non-emergency. Nevertheless I had to wait 2 weeks (mostly because I couldn't make the appointment next week). In the UK, they told me I would have had to wait 2 YEARS!!! When my appointment would have come up it would have been pushed back and if I missed my appointment (mean do you really know what you will be doing in two years?) I could have to wait another 2 years! There is a catch though. To bypass those two years you can get private insurance, then you wait only 2 weeks and go to better facilities. HOWEVER, you can't opt out of the public system, you will always have to pay the 22%!

My South African counter-parts told me a similar story. However, as expected their's is 1000 fold worse. They are forced to pay into the national system, but going to a national healthcare hospital is a death trap! Anyone with money gets private insurance and goes to better facilities. The ones who don't have the money, don't go any hospital period!

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