Oregon quarantines tatient after temperature rise. They did it right!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Ebola outbreak Get up to speed - CNN.com

Oregon patient quarantined

"A female who traveled from West Africa to the Portland area and had been self-monitoring for symptoms was hospitalized and quarantined after developing a fever, the Oregon Health Authority said. The patient woke up Friday, took her temperature and learned it was over 102 degrees, said Julie Sullivan-Springhetti of the Multnomah County Health Department. She was taken in a specially-equipped medical transport vehicle to Providence Milwaukie Hospital."

Oregon did it right! She developed symptoms and she was hospitalized and quarantined. You do not quarantine people with no symptoms....as NJ and Maine have insisted.
The problem with this national issue is there is no national guideline because the administration is still busy voting present.
weasel, do you want national or states rights guidelines.

Be clear in your answer.

They're frauds. They claim they want limited government. They wrap themselves in the Tenth Amendment, but the moment they want something bad enough you'll see them run straight to Washington to get it.
Boy Remember Obama telling us we had nothing to worry about while he hugs and kisses people with Ebola?
now look at his sheep wailing and howling on how things should be done because evidently Obama LIED to us again
weasel, do you want national or states rights guidelines.

Be clear in your answer.

They're frauds. They claim they want limited government. They wrap themselves in the Tenth Amendment, but the moment they want something bad enough you'll see them run straight to Washington to get it.

The only means to GET "Limited Government" is through a citizenry with SOME SENSE of their own INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES... where that sense is so rinsed from the individual that they DEMAND a RIGHT to walk freely among the public, while they KNOW THAT THEY HAVE LIKELY BEEN EXPOSED TO A DEADLY VIRUS... such 'sense' is indiscernible, thus 'freedom' is not a viable condition, therefore nature will be unlikely to provide for such.

This is all VERY SIMPLE STUFF... and that it's above your means to comprehend, doesn't bode well for the potential that you're likely to remain free. Ya see... one of the downsides to 'LARGE GOVERNANCE' is that ya little to no means to control who it CONTROLS.

See ya on election day scamp! And if you turds defraud THIS ONE! LOL! OH THE HUMANITY!
Boy Remember Obama telling us we had nothing to worry about while he hugs and kisses people with Ebola?
now look at his sheep wailing and howling on how things should be done because evidently Obama LIED to us again

Steph, you must be off your meds again. Oregon did exactly what the CDC says. They ordered the female to be self monitoring and when she developed a temperature, she knew she needed to be quarantined. Maybe if you up your dosage, you could comprehend better....:biggrin:
Ebola outbreak Get up to speed - CNN.com

Oregon patient quarantined

"A female who traveled from West Africa to the Portland area and had been self-monitoring for symptoms was hospitalized and quarantined after developing a fever, the Oregon Health Authority said. The patient woke up Friday, took her temperature and learned it was over 102 degrees, said Julie Sullivan-Springhetti of the Multnomah County Health Department. She was taken in a specially-equipped medical transport vehicle to Providence Milwaukie Hospital."

Oregon did it right! She developed symptoms and she was hospitalized and quarantined. You do not quarantine people with no symptoms....as NJ and Maine have insisted.
And then there's the one patient who smokes a lot of dope or has a drinking problem who does not or cannot self-quarantine...they go out drinking with a fever they're not able to even recognize, puke all over the bar, and it's goodbye Portland Oregon..

They got lucky this time. Good for them! Keep your fingers crossed that everybody will have such a picture-perfect self monitoring. Say, isn't drug abuse a huge problem in Portland?.... :cranky:
weasel, do you want national or states rights guidelines.

Be clear in your answer.

They're frauds. They claim they want limited government. They wrap themselves in the Tenth Amendment, but the moment they want something bad enough you'll see them run straight to Washington to get it.
LOL. You libs really are retarded. That's not a figure of speech. There's a reason we have a federal government, I haven't even heard of anyone advocating it's demise. There's a reason we have a FDA and a CDC and a FBI and a president. Go back to grade school, this forum isn't working for you.
Weasel tap dances as the fraud he is, which is a progressive statist of the far right wanting big government to place his preferences into law and punish those with whom he disagrees.
The deal is, a person can still function pretty well when their fever is low grade, say below 101.5. They can still be at work, concentrating on what they have before them. And naturally being around others.

It's just fortunate the girl woke up with a high fever and tested herself.
And then there's the one patient who smokes a lot of dope or has a drinking problem who does not or cannot self-quarantine...they go out drinking with a fever they're not able to even recognize, puke all over the bar, and it's goodbye Portland Oregon..
We had an Ebola patient who walked around Dallas interacting with people, was it goodbye Dallas?

I remember your post where you waxed ominously about what would happen if Ebola ever got into big cities... well it did, and it didn't spread in the city. Would you like to explain where your calculations went wrong?
weasel, do you want national or states rights guidelines.

Be clear in your answer.

They're frauds. They claim they want limited government. They wrap themselves in the Tenth Amendment, but the moment they want something bad enough you'll see them run straight to Washington to get it.

Who's this "they" you speak of?

You mean the people who have wanted to reduce the unrestricted traffic across our borders for the past 5 years or so, citing the likelihood of the spread of disease?

Nobody has the right to spread disease. The party of science needs to remember that we apply science to protect ourselves from disease. And they need to stop pretending that it's "panic" to acknowledge the science about disease.

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