Oregon standoff protestor arrested after driving federal vehicle into town for more snacks

I'm surprised the cops didn't....what's the liberals favorite phrase now...."Shoot first ask questions later" and kill him (by the way libs....that's just a cheesy quote from movies. Never in police history has 'shoot first ask questions later' been an actual policy on practice).

Oh wait...you say he didn't resist or attack the cops? Ooooooooooh. That's why he wasn't harmed.
You could have fooled me, but that's what you get when tyrannical ass hats want to save you from yourself.....Thanks Ma...
I'm surprised the cops didn't....what's the liberals favorite phrase now...."Shoot first ask questions later" and kill him (by the way libs....that's just a cheesy quote from movies. Never in police history has 'shoot first ask questions later' been an actual policy on practice).

Oh wait...you say he didn't resist or attack the cops? Ooooooooooh. That's why he wasn't harmed.

Why were you fired from the force?

I made some great investments in the 90s....got rich...told the Captain go to hell cuz I'm rich beeeatch.
I heard about making great money in card board futures....
This little tantrum is costing the county $70,000 per day. The residents of that county have a right to be reimbursed by the occupiers, and when that fails, by the feds, who failed to use the military (paid for by the citizens they are supposed to protect). Armed insurrection is supposed to be put down by the government, just like when the Washington put down the whiskey rebellion in 1791
This little tantrum is costing the county $70,000 per day. The residents of that county have a right to be reimbursed by the occupiers, and when that fails, by the feds, who failed to use the military (paid for by the citizens they are supposed to protect). Armed insurrection is supposed to be put down by the government, just like when the Washington put down the whiskey rebellion in 1791

So when should the citizens of Baltimore and Ferguson expect the check from the negroes who trashed the place?
It's in the mail right?
This little tantrum is costing the county $70,000 per day. The residents of that county have a right to be reimbursed by the occupiers, and when that fails, by the feds, who failed to use the military (paid for by the citizens they are supposed to protect). Armed insurrection is supposed to be put down by the government, just like when the Washington put down the whiskey rebellion in 1791

So when should the citizens of Baltimore and Ferguson expect the check from the negroes who trashed the place?
It's in the mail right?
Perhaps knowing the difference between an insurrection and a riot could prevent you from sounding so foolish.
This little tantrum is costing the county $70,000 per day. The residents of that county have a right to be reimbursed by the occupiers, and when that fails, by the feds, who failed to use the military (paid for by the citizens they are supposed to protect). Armed insurrection is supposed to be put down by the government, just like when the Washington put down the whiskey rebellion in 1791

So when should the citizens of Baltimore and Ferguson expect the check from the negroes who trashed the place?
It's in the mail right?
Perhaps knowing the difference between an insurrection and a riot could prevent you from sounding so foolish.

Lets see now...two groups of people protesting a perceived injustice.
One group burns and loots the city the other occupies a ranger outpost in the middle of nowhere and causes no damage.
Hmmmm.....I'll take the guys causing no damage thanks.
dumb fucker
The FEDS claim to have the border secure and the morons can't even lock the doors on their cars?
What makes you think locked doors stop thieves?
Maybe the doors were locked and they got the keys from inside the facility they broke into. Duh.
I can break into a locked vehicle, just know the frequency for the auto-lock..

Screw that. Give me a blood pressure cuff and a long stick.
‘Who knows what they’re stomping on?’: Tribe worried about Ore. refuge artifacts

The Burns Paiute Tribe is seeking criminal charges against the armed occupiers of Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, accusing the men of damaging important cultural resources on the tribe’s native land.
The tribe is urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect those resources, in part by prosecuting “violators of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act” on the remote bird refuge.
“Armed protestors don’t belong here,” Charlotte Roderique, chair of the Burns Paiute Tribal Council, said in a statement Friday. “They continue to desecrate one of our most important sacred sites. They should be held accountable.”
The 184,000-acre refuge, in remote southeastern Oregon, is the historical home to the tribe, which once roamed across southeastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho. More than 4,000 tribal artifacts are housed and cared for on the property, including spears and stone tools, some dating nearly 10,000 years. Videos posted online by the occupiers show them sitting at desks in the refuge offices and using government computers that contain maps and sensitive details about the location of Paiute artifacts.
Jarvis Kennedy, another member of the Tribal Council, fears that the occupiers could be selling off sacred artifacts. “They could be on eBay right now
— we don’t know,” Kennedy said. With militia members coming and going freely from the refuge, Kennedy said, “who knows what’s leaving there?”
‘Who knows what they’re stomping on?’: Tribe worried about Ore. refuge artifacts

The Burns Paiute Tribe is seeking criminal charges against the armed occupiers of Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, accusing the men of damaging important cultural resources on the tribe’s native land.
The tribe is urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect those resources, in part by prosecuting “violators of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act” on the remote bird refuge.
“Armed protestors don’t belong here,” Charlotte Roderique, chair of the Burns Paiute Tribal Council, said in a statement Friday. “They continue to desecrate one of our most important sacred sites. They should be held accountable.”
The 184,000-acre refuge, in remote southeastern Oregon, is the historical home to the tribe, which once roamed across southeastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho. More than 4,000 tribal artifacts are housed and cared for on the property, including spears and stone tools, some dating nearly 10,000 years. Videos posted online by the occupiers show them sitting at desks in the refuge offices and using government computers that contain maps and sensitive details about the location of Paiute artifacts.
Jarvis Kennedy, another member of the Tribal Council, fears that the occupiers could be selling off sacred artifacts. “They could be on eBay right now
— we don’t know,” Kennedy said. With militia members coming and going freely from the refuge, Kennedy said, “who knows what’s leaving there?”

Now this would be cool, let the indians deal with them! That would be a hoot, we could broadcast it on TV! Make a zillion I tell ya!
Never in police history has 'shoot first ask questions later' been an actual policy on practice).
One name "Tamir Rice"

You do know....when a suspect is reaching for a gun....THAT isn't the time to 'ask questions'. See how that works?

So when a thug kicks your door in and is trying to rape and kill your wife....I hope you make sure to ask questions first.

"Sir, why are you doing this? Why are you raping her? Sir...stop stabbing her don't you know you'll get in trouble?"
Fuck off pussy boy you just don';t want those white boys to be taken down
The Right wing douche bags want the white boys protected...leave those poor white boys alone until they are through trashing the Indian artifacts...its not as though they are blacks...if they were the same douche bags would be calling for Napalm...let the white armed thugs alone they have white skin

Furious Oregon Rancher Warns Mormon Rebel Bundy To Keep Off His Land

When Bundy tore down a fence adjoining a rancher's property, the rancher, Tim Puckett, angrily denounced the action and repaired the fence…
The Right wing douche bags want the white boys protected...leave those poor white boys alone until they are through trashing the Indian artifacts...its not as though they are blacks...if they were the same douche bags would be calling for Napalm...let the white armed thugs alone they have white skin

Furious Oregon Rancher Warns Mormon Rebel Bundy To Keep Off His Land

When Bundy tore down a fence adjoining a rancher's property, the rancher, Tim Puckett, angrily denounced the action and repaired the fence…

Care to present us with some evidence of this. I can't find anyone who supports these dimwits.
I'm amazed so many people give a shit about this little media fabricated story.

All's that needed to be done here was simply to completely ignore these people, and in time they would have grown bored and left.
Instead the left has taken the bait and made this a national story.
The Feds, scared to death they'll have another martyr story such as Waco or Ruby Ridge are reluctant to physically remove these people, but unfortunately the left is pressuring them to do something and sooner or later there's going to be violence unless you liberal morons do not back off.
Fucking idiots.
Perhaps they needed some Faygo to wash done all those gummy cocks? lol

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