Oregon Thinking About Making Masks Permanent


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Well.....they must really love the damage they've done with their little COVID disaster.....so why not make sure the fun continues, right?

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — As states around the country lift COVID-19 restrictions, Oregon is poised to go the opposite direction — and many residents are fuming about it.

A top health official is considering indefinitely extending rules requiring masks and social distancing in all businesses in the state.
Portlanders are fuming? That's from French «fumer,» “to smoke.”
The only question is, what are these people smoking? Oh, that's right, marijuana.
When will the fascists decide it's time to go back to normal?
They never seem to let us know when the numbers will be right for us to do so.

"Michael Wood, administrator of the state’s department of Occupational Safety and Health, said the move is necessary to address a technicality in state law that requires a “permanent” rule to keep current restrictions from expiring.​
“We are not out of the woods yet,” he said.​
But the idea has prompted a flood of angry responses, with everyone from parents to teachers to business owners and employees crying government overreach.​
Wood’s agency received a record number of public comments, mostly critical, and nearly 60,000 residents signed a petition against the proposal.​
Opponents also are upset government officials won’t say how low Oregon’s COVID-19 case numbers must go, or how many people would have to be vaccinated, to get the requirements lifted in a state that’s already had some of the nation’s strictest safety measures.
“When will masks be unnecessary? What scientific studies do these mandates rely on, particularly now that the vaccine is days away from being available to everyone?” said state Sen. Kim Thatcher, a Republican from Keizer, near the state’s capital. “Businesses have had to play ‘mask cop’ for the better part of a year now. They deserve some certainty on when they will no longer be threatened with fines.”​
Wood said he is reviewing all the feedback to see if changes are needed before he makes a final decision by May 4, when the current rules lapse.​
Oregon, a blue state, has been among those with the country’s most stringent COVID-19 restrictions and now stands in contrast with much of the rest of the nation as vaccines become more widely available.​
At least six states — Alabama, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota and Texas — have lifted mask mandates, and some never implemented them. In Texas, businesses reopened at 100% capacity last month.​
In January, Virginia became the first in the nation to enact permanent COVID-19 workplace safety and health rules.
“While the end of this pandemic is finally in sight, the virus is still spreading — and now is not the time to let up on preventative measures,” Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam said following the announcement.
Well.....they must really love the damage they've done with their little COVID disaster.....so why not make sure the fun continues, right?

Well I think I will wear a mask for the rest of my life because it filters out a lot of the allergens that exacerbate my asthma reactions to molds and pollens. I'm also considering wearing old timey cotton gloves too. That would prevent touching germy surfaces since I am real allergic to flu and pneumonia shots. *bubble girl*
Have you seen some of the hideous leftist hags up there? Might be a good fuckin idea. I actually appreciate the fact Nanzi Poolousy wears one every time she gets in front of a camera. Now if we could get that Ellen Degenerate thing to go live in Oregon we'd be doing well.

I live in southern Oregon. Mask wearers are outnumbered 4 to 1 these days, and they've lost their shitty, self-righteous attitude.
Apparently that is about to change.

What will the Oregon government do to enforce this new permanent mandate?
Apparently that is about to change.
What will the Oregon government do to enforce this new permanent mandate?
I'm hanging out with regular people. They're done with it. It's like when weed wasn't yet legal, but everyone smoked it and didn't care anymore. The government is a paper tiger compared to the will of the vast majority.
I'm glad to live in a state that supports a bit more liberty after first going overboard..moving state mandate for masks to mask advisory. I have no problem with the govt rec. something and citizens having the right to then follow up on their own to learn all of the facts available and decide for themselves and act accordingly. Edit-meant to add masks are typically useless for a variety of medically supported reasons.
Well.....they must really love the damage they've done with their little COVID disaster.....so why not make sure the fun continues, right?


The rule would be "permanent" in that if there is a contagion, then there would be no reason for temporary measures.

But the rule clearly states that the rules would be in place until they are “no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic in the workplace.”
Well.....they must really love the damage they've done with their little COVID disaster.....so why not make sure the fun continues, right?

Well I think I will wear a mask for the rest of my life because it filters out a lot of the allergens that exacerbate my asthma reactions to molds and pollens. I'm also considering wearing old timey cotton gloves too. That would prevent touching germy surfaces since I am real allergic to flu and pneumonia shots. *bubble girl*
And if it's a personal CHOICE, there is nothing wrong with it at all. It's the audacity of governments who want to compel others against their will that has to be fought.
I have no problem with the govt rec. something and citizens having the right to then follow up on their own to learn all of the facts available and decide for themselves and act accordingly.
It should be the same with seatbelts and helmets.
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The rule would be "permanent" in that if there is a contagion, then there would be no reason for temporary measures.
But the rule clearly states that the rules would be in place until they are “no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic in the workplace.”
The people don't care anymore. Everyone knows it was a hyped up flu and is pooh-poohing Katie's "mandate". I carry a mask, because I respect an individual business owner's rules in their establishment. Most don't care anymore, though. Really. It's so refreshing to see people taking back their liberty.
The rule would be "permanent" in that if there is a contagion, then there would be no reason for temporary measures.
But the rule clearly states that the rules would be in place until they are “no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic in the workplace.”
The people don't care anymore. Everyone knows it was a hyped up flu and is pooh-poohing Katie's "mandate". I carry a mask, because I respect an individual business owner's rules in their establishment. Most don't care anymore, though. Really. It's so refreshing to see people taking back their liberty.

It's not a hyped-up flu, you brain-dead moron.

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