O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Don't Want to End Poverty


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Don't Want to End Poverty

Tuesday, 25 Mar 2014 09:13 PM

By Greg Richter

Rep. Paul Ryan says he has no ill will toward Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee, who accused him of racism after he criticized inner-city poverty.

"I'm a big boy. I understand that if you challenge the status quo . . . sometimes you'll be misinterpreted," Ryan said Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor."

But host Bill O'Reilly was not so forgiving, saying people such as Lee don't want to solve the problem because it keeps them in power. Instead, he said, they accuse Republicans of racism when they suggest the problem is tied to the breakdown of the family.

Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll

"These race hustlers make a big living and they get voted into office by portraying their constituents as victims," O'Reilly said. "And it's all your fault and it's my fault. It's the rich people's fault. It's the Republicans' fault."

People can't find jobs because there is no stability in their lives "and they grow up with no skills, and they can't read and speak, and they have tattoos on their neck, and they can't compete in the marketplace." O'Reilly said. "And if you say that, you're a racist."

Bill O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Like Rep. Barbara Lee Don't Want to End Poverty

I think this says it all.

The Dems are gonna come out attacking on this one.

They know they've been nailed and they have no excuses; no other defense.

Attacking both the messenger and the Conservatives. That's all they will have left to do!

That and a lot of self serving spinning of the truth.

Of course there ARE some Dems who are innocent of this. And big Bill was careful to indict only the "Race Hustlers." But even the innocent Dems benefitted from the Party's race hustling.

Could this be the straw that breaks the Democraps for a generation?

Let's watch.

It should be gratifying to see the insights and revelations we made on these pages carry through to the national consciousness to affect the national political landscape!

Very few of the leading Dems will be unaffected by this, IMHO.

Bill calls them race hustlers.

I called them Poverty Pimps more than 10 years ago.

Same thing.


If the GOP doesn't hammer this home they will be toast in the next two elections, at least.
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Poverty rate increases for children to 1 in 5...
1 in 5 Children Live in Poverty in U.S.
June 3, 2014 -- One in five children under age 18, or 21.3%, are living in poverty in the United States, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
In 2012, there were 15,437,000 children under 18 years old, or 21.3%, who were classified in the “below poverty” threshold, according to the Census. “The incidence of poverty rates varies widely across the population according to age, education, labor force attachment, family living arrangements, and area of residence, among other factors. Under the official poverty definition, an average family of four was considered poor in 2012 if its pre-tax cash income for the year was below $23,492,” according to a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report entitled, Poverty in the United States: 2012.

“The Census Bureau’s poverty thresholds form the basis for statistical estimates of poverty in the United States,” reads the report. “The thresholds reflect crude estimates of the amount of money individuals or families, of various size and composition, need per year to purchase a basket of goods and services deemed as ‘minimally adequate,’ according to the living standards of the early 1960s.” “Persons are considered poor, for statistical purposes, if their family’s countable money income is below its corresponding poverty threshold,” the CRS states.


The Census has been tracking these data since 1959, when the percentage of children under 18 living in poverty was 26.9%. In 1964, when then-President Lyndon B. Johnson announced the War on Poverty, the percentage of children living in poverty was 22.7%. Since then until now, the percentage has decreased by only 6.2%. “In 2012, over one in five children (21.3%) in the United States, some 15.4 million, were poor – both their poverty rate and estimated number poor were statistically unchanged from 2011,” said the CRS report. “The lowest recorded rate of child poverty was in 1969, when 13.8% of children were counted as poor.”

“Children living in single female-headed families are especially prone to poverty,” says the report. “In 2012, a child living in a single female-headed family was well over four times more likely to be poor than a child living in a married-couple family. In 2012, among all children living in single female-headed families, 47.2 % were poor.” “In contrast, among children living in married-couple families, 11.1% were poor,” said the CRS report. “The increased share of children who live in single female-headed families has contributed to the high overall child poverty rate.”

1 in 5 Children Live in Poverty in U.S. | CNS News
Interesting and true. Someone has to come out and say it like it is. Good for Ryan:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6eWpHaDt5Q]Bill O'Reilly And Paul Ryan Complain About Criticism From 'Race Hustlers' - YouTube[/ame]
Democrats love poverty. Poor people go on welfare and then vote for the welfare party the rest of their lives. Same reason dems support amnesty for illiterate unskilled illegals. Given citizenship, they too will go on welfare forever and vote dem.

Democrats hate honest intelligent hard-working people.
O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Don't Want to End Poverty

Tuesday, 25 Mar 2014 09:13 PM

By Greg Richter

Rep. Paul Ryan says he has no ill will toward Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee, who accused him of racism after he criticized inner-city poverty.

"I'm a big boy. I understand that if you challenge the status quo . . . sometimes you'll be misinterpreted," Ryan said Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor."

But host Bill O'Reilly was not so forgiving, saying people such as Lee don't want to solve the problem because it keeps them in power. Instead, he said, they accuse Republicans of racism when they suggest the problem is tied to the breakdown of the family.

Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll

"These race hustlers make a big living and they get voted into office by portraying their constituents as victims," O'Reilly said. "And it's all your fault and it's my fault. It's the rich people's fault. It's the Republicans' fault."

People can't find jobs because there is no stability in their lives "and they grow up with no skills, and they can't read and speak, and they have tattoos on their neck, and they can't compete in the marketplace." O'Reilly said. "And if you say that, you're a racist."

Bill O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Like Rep. Barbara Lee Don't Want to End Poverty

I think this says it all.

The Dems are gonna come out attacking on this one.

They know they've been nailed and they have no excuses; no other defense.

Attacking both the messenger and the Conservatives. That's all they will have left to do!

That and a lot of self serving spinning of the truth.

Of course there ARE some Dems who are innocent of this. And big Bill was careful to indict only the "Race Hustlers." But even the innocent Dems benefitted from the Party's race hustling.

Could this be the straw that breaks the Democraps for a generation?

Let's watch.

It should be gratifying to see the insights and revelations we made on these pages carry through to the national consciousness to affect the national political landscape!

Very few of the leading Dems will be unaffected by this, IMHO.

Bill calls them race hustlers.

I called them Poverty Pimps more than 10 years ago.

Same thing.


If the GOP doesn't hammer this home they will be toast in the next two elections, at least.

Ryan uses code words "inner city culture" for blacks and gets called out on it, yet those who notice it are race hustlers. More reasons Reupblicans will be going the way of the dinosaurs.
Inner city culture is defined in the video. It's not a code word for Black.

Inner city culture is a culture that incentivizes social irresponsibility and punishes productive work. It ultimately leads to dependency on government for livelihood.
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Democrats love poverty. Poor people go on welfare and then vote for the welfare party the rest of their lives. Same reason dems support amnesty for illiterate unskilled illegals. Given citizenship, they too will go on welfare forever and vote dem.

Democrats hate honest intelligent hard-working people.

They must love you then.
Inner city culture is defined in the video. It's not a code word for Black.

Inner city culture is a culture that incentivizes social irresponsibility and punishes productive work. It ultimately leads to dependency on government for livelihood.

Inner city culture is a code word for Black. If it wasn't they would say what it is. Poor mindset which also exists in trailer parks.
Inner city culture is defined in the video. It's not a code word for Black.

Inner city culture is a culture that incentivizes social irresponsibility and punishes productive work. It ultimately leads to dependency on government for livelihood.

Inner city culture is a code word for Black.
You can also call it "shit culture".
Inner city culture is defined in the video. It's not a code word for Black.

Inner city culture is a culture that incentivizes social irresponsibility and punishes productive work. It ultimately leads to dependency on government for livelihood.

Inner city culture is a code word for Black.
You can also call it "shit culture".

No one mentioned your white culture. We are talking about using "inner city" as a code word for Black.


Poverty More than a Matter of Black and White | Inequality.org

I wonder if O'Reilly can explain the stark reality of this graph? When he played the race card to indict "race hustlers" as the culprits behind the perpetuation of poverty in America, he showed one of two things. He is either a willing party to creating the illusion that poverty in America has a Black face or he is an idiot... take your pick, they are not mutually exclusive terms,

Don't try to sidestep the true picture of poverty in this great nation by throwing proportional statistics at me. That does not change the fact that there are more NON-Hispanic White people suffering the effects of poverty than any other group. The true face of poverty in America is WHITE!

The rhetoric posited by O'Reilly exposes the subtle nature of the beast: the persistent critter known as racism.
O'Reilly said:
"These race hustlers make a big living and they get voted into office by portraying their constituents as victims," O'Reilly said. "And it's all your fault and it's my fault. It's the rich people's fault. It's the Republicans' fault."

People can't find jobs because there is no stability in their lives "and they grow up with no skills, and they can't read and speak, and they have tattoos on their neck, and they can't compete in the marketplace." O'Reilly said. "And if you say that, you're a racist."

What about the White poor? ONCE HE PLAYED THE "RACE CARD" THEY BECAME INVISIBLE! So much so that subsequent responses to this op became tools to further foster the notion that Blacks are the face of American Poverty. Consider this graph submitted by Waltky:


While the data therein may be accurate, there is no mention in the graph or in Watlky’s narrative showing the racial breakdown. The almost subliminal nature of respondent posts iin this thread linked to O'Reilly's premise illustrates that this nation has a long way to go tin Race Relations.
Bill O’Reilly, thank you for giving me this opportunity to expose the undercurrent of racism that still persists. Perhaps after reading this, we all may become more aware of what we read and make adjustments as necessary in interpretations.
Inner city culture is a code word for Black.
You can also call it "shit culture".

No one mentioned your white culture. We are talking about using "inner city" as a code word for Black.

It's not a code word for Black, dumbshit.

Inner city culture =/= Black culture.

Inner city culture is a culture that incentivizes social irresponsibility and punishes productive work. It ultimately leads to dependency on government for livelihood, dissolution of family, and ignorance of Christian moral values. It's a horrible trap that affects people of all races. If caught, it leads to multi-generational poverty and misery. We should call it what it is: irresponsible dependency trap culture.

Black culture is a culture that promotes family, personal responsibility, hard work, expressive worship of Jesus, and Christian moral values.
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Inner city culture is defined in the video. It's not a code word for Black.

Inner city culture is a culture that incentivizes social irresponsibility and punishes productive work. It ultimately leads to dependency on government for livelihood.
My mother lives in section 8 housing along with other elderly people - all on social security. These are all rural white people - not a single black person here. These are desperately poor people here, and too old to work for more. My mother worked into her 80's, and at 94, has now outlived her savings.

She has voted for every Republican presidential candidate since WWll. She was self employed and a cloth coat Republican.

Now HUD has tripled the rent, and are blaming congress. A Republican congress, wanting to punish non-productive citizens, is responsible for this. And she voted for them. Senators Cornyn, Cruz, and Congressman Thornberry all think as you do, support this, but will not discuss it with those affected.

All this, because of some imagined dependency on government making people lazy.

Why is it that Republicans think fellow Republicans must get a tax break to incentivise them, while they feel something must be taken away from Democrats to do the same thing?
You can also call it "shit culture".

No one mentioned your white culture. We are talking about using "inner city" as a code word for Black.

It's not a code word for Black, dumbshit.

Inner city culture =/= Black culture.

Inner city culture is a culture that incentivizes social irresponsibility and punishes productive work. It ultimately leads to dependency on government for livelihood, dissolution of family, and ignorance of Christian moral values. It's a horrible trap that affects people of all races. If caught, it leads to multi-generational poverty and misery. We should call it what it is: irresponsible dependency trap culture.

Black culture is a culture that promotes family, personal responsibility, hard work, expressive worship of Jesus, and Christian moral values.

Inner city culture is used as a code word for Black culture. If it wasnt they would just say a poor mindset like whites have in trailer parks and other places.

I know inner city culture is not Black culture but thats what Reps use it for to avoid saying Black culture. Pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes moron.

Your definition of Black culture is lacking. Not all Black people are christian dumbass.
O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Don't Want to End Poverty

Tuesday, 25 Mar 2014 09:13 PM

By Greg Richter

Rep. Paul Ryan says he has no ill will toward Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee, who accused him of racism after he criticized inner-city poverty.

"I'm a big boy. I understand that if you challenge the status quo . . . sometimes you'll be misinterpreted," Ryan said Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor."

But host Bill O'Reilly was not so forgiving, saying people such as Lee don't want to solve the problem because it keeps them in power. Instead, he said, they accuse Republicans of racism when they suggest the problem is tied to the breakdown of the family.

Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll

"These race hustlers make a big living and they get voted into office by portraying their constituents as victims," O'Reilly said. "And it's all your fault and it's my fault. It's the rich people's fault. It's the Republicans' fault."

People can't find jobs because there is no stability in their lives "and they grow up with no skills, and they can't read and speak, and they have tattoos on their neck, and they can't compete in the marketplace." O'Reilly said. "And if you say that, you're a racist."

Bill O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Like Rep. Barbara Lee Don't Want to End Poverty

I think this says it all.

The Dems are gonna come out attacking on this one.

They know they've been nailed and they have no excuses; no other defense.

Attacking both the messenger and the Conservatives. That's all they will have left to do!

That and a lot of self serving spinning of the truth.

Of course there ARE some Dems who are innocent of this. And big Bill was careful to indict only the "Race Hustlers." But even the innocent Dems benefitted from the Party's race hustling.

Could this be the straw that breaks the Democraps for a generation?

Let's watch.

It should be gratifying to see the insights and revelations we made on these pages carry through to the national consciousness to affect the national political landscape!

Very few of the leading Dems will be unaffected by this, IMHO.

Bill calls them race hustlers.

I called them Poverty Pimps more than 10 years ago.

Same thing.


If the GOP doesn't hammer this home they will be toast in the next two elections, at least.

Ryan uses code words "inner city culture" for blacks and gets called out on it, yet those who notice it are race hustlers. More reasons Reupblicans will be going the way of the dinosaurs.

Inner city "culture" is exactly what is responsible for many of the ills of the inner city.

Screw Liberals and Progressives and Democrats and racists who use Blacks like pawns.
Bill O'Reilly: 'Race Hustlers' Like Rep. Barbara Lee Don't Want to End Poverty

I think this says it all.

The Dems are gonna come out attacking on this one.

They know they've been nailed and they have no excuses; no other defense.

Attacking both the messenger and the Conservatives. That's all they will have left to do!

That and a lot of self serving spinning of the truth.

Of course there ARE some Dems who are innocent of this. And big Bill was careful to indict only the "Race Hustlers." But even the innocent Dems benefitted from the Party's race hustling.

Could this be the straw that breaks the Democraps for a generation?

Let's watch.

It should be gratifying to see the insights and revelations we made on these pages carry through to the national consciousness to affect the national political landscape!

Very few of the leading Dems will be unaffected by this, IMHO.

Bill calls them race hustlers.

I called them Poverty Pimps more than 10 years ago.

Same thing.


If the GOP doesn't hammer this home they will be toast in the next two elections, at least.

Ryan uses code words "inner city culture" for blacks and gets called out on it, yet those who notice it are race hustlers. More reasons Reupblicans will be going the way of the dinosaurs.

Inner city "culture" is exactly what is responsible for many of the ills of the inner city.

Screw Liberals and Progressives and Democrats and racists who use Blacks like pawns.

So why is Ryan now running from that?

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