Organizing For Anarchy


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I hope the obongo administration/deep state gets what they dish out. You have to use their own rules/tactics against them...

His party may be falling apart, but Obama’s community organizing group is going strong.
July 18, 2017

Matthew Vadum


In the early days of the Trump administration, Organizing for Action activists organized protests across the country. After President Trump issued an executive order temporarily banning visitors from seven terrorism-plagued Muslim countries, OfA organized “spontaneous” demonstrations at airports.

OfA has been moving forward on many policy fronts in recent months. The group has been defending Obama-era climate change measures, oppressive gun control laws, Obamacare, Obama’s various attempts at immigration amnesty, and so-called net neutrality rules, to name just a few.

Organizing for Action developed a training manual for protesting President Trump and disrupting Republican events. Activists used tactics from the manual earlier this year to wreak havoc at GOP lawmakers’ town hall meetings. Working with and a group called Indivisible, OfA has developed tools to help protesters locate town hall meetings to disrupt. Talking points and scripts for question-and-answer sessions are provided.


Obama’s activism seems to be sucking up donations that otherwise might have gone to the Democratic National Committee.


Organizing for Anarchy
I remember a few months ago that son of a bitch Obama praised the UC Berkeley riots, saying he was "heartened." That shitbag is such a toxic, walking virus I can't even stand looking at his grinning face. That creature is an abomination.
OP - I'm still amazed that RWNJs have made getting involved in one's community some sort of crime. I suspect it's because they're just too lazy to actually anything FOR their town or neighborhood.

Post #2 if all else fails, you dummies attack the US Constitution.

Get off your entitled white behinds and do something for someone and something else besides you're fat lazy self. If you do, you just might find you don't all that much to whine and complain about.

As for your and Agent Orange's constant attacks on basic rights and freedoms, you need to be careful what you wish for. You think drumpf will only take rights away from liberals and Dems but you're wrong.

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Organizing for Action or OFA, spoken as OFAY.

This is not an accident. It has a meaning.
ofay (plural ofays)

  1. (US, pejorative, slang) a white person.  [edit][/paste:font]
    ofay (comparative more ofay, superlative most ofay)

    1. (US, pejorative, slang) white, white-skinned.  
The commonly seen etymology of ofay—Pig Latin for foe—is perhaps of less interest than the more likely story of this word's origins. The word, which is first recorded in the first quarter of the 20th century, must have been in use much longer if it is, as some scholars think, borrowed from an African source. Although this source has not been pinned down, the suggested possibilities are in themselves interesting. One would trace it to the Ibibio word afia, “white or light-colored.” Another would have it come from Yoruba ofe, a word that was said in order to protect oneself from danger. The term was then transferred to white people, regarded as a danger to Black people throughout the wretched days of slavery and beyond.
OP - I'm still amazed that RWNJs have made getting involved in one's community some sort of crime. I suspect it's because they're just too lazy to actually anything FOR their town or neighborhood.

Post #2 if all else fails, you dummies attack the US Constitution.

Get off your entitled white behinds and do something for someone and something else besides you're fat lazy self. If you do, you just might find you don't all that much to whine and complain about.

As for your and Agent Orange's constant attacks on basic rights and freedoms, you need to be careful what you wish for. You think drumpf will only take rights away from liberals and Dems but you're wrong.

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They sure got involved in Ferguson. Where have they actually helped anything other than their own bank accounts? They were bussed in and burnt Ferguson to the ground, then went home leaving the mess.
OP - I'm still amazed that RWNJs have made getting involved in one's community some sort of crime. I suspect it's because they're just too lazy to actually anything FOR their town or neighborhood.

Post #2 if all else fails, you dummies attack the US Constitution.

Get off your entitled white behinds and do something for someone and something else besides you're fat lazy self. If you do, you just might find you don't all that much to whine and complain about.

As for your and Agent Orange's constant attacks on basic rights and freedoms, you need to be careful what you wish for. You think drumpf will only take rights away from liberals and Dems but you're wrong.

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And I'M not amazed that your still a moron and a P...
Organizing for Action or OFA, spoken as OFAY.

This is not an accident. It has a meaning.
ofay (plural ofays)

  1. (US, pejorative, slang) a white person.  [edit][/paste:font]
    ofay (comparative more ofay, superlative most ofay)
    1. (US, pejorative, slang) white, white-skinned.  
The commonly seen etymology of ofay—Pig Latin for foe—is perhaps of less interest than the more likely story of this word's origins. The word, which is first recorded in the first quarter of the 20th century, must have been in use much longer if it is, as some scholars think, borrowed from an African source. Although this source has not been pinned down, the suggested possibilities are in themselves interesting. One would trace it to the Ibibio word afia, “white or light-colored.” Another would have it come from Yoruba ofe, a word that was said in order to protect oneself from danger. The term was then transferred to white people, regarded as a danger to Black people throughout the wretched days of slavery and beyond.
JC another wind bag...:blahblah:

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