O'Rourke at Democratic debate: 'Hell yes we're going to take your AR-15s'

Beto may be the most disingenuous person running for POTUS. He's spastic, and would change "his opinion" on a dime if it meant a louder cheer by his sheep. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Watch his reaction when he says something the dumbshits cheer for.
Sounds like the pres. and Mexico is going to pay for it...

Not even a little bit. Trump gets stuff done and that's proven each and everyday. Beto is a mouth, he doesn't stand for anything.
Is Mexico paying for that wall?
Beto may be the most disingenuous person running for POTUS. He's spastic, and would change "his opinion" on a dime if it meant a louder cheer by his sheep. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Watch his reaction when he says something the dumbshits cheer for.
Sounds like the pres. and Mexico is going to pay for it...

Not even a little bit. Trump gets stuff done and that's proven each and everyday. Beto is a mouth, he doesn't stand for anything.
Is Mexico paying for that wall?

We put up a wall it's paid for alright, Mexicans included. Thanks to Trump they're already making an effort to control border crossing, and they're paying for it.

But then progs don't want a wall huh? Walls are racist.
Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) defended his proposed mandatory buyback of assault weapons during Thursday's Democratic debate in Houston.

"I am, if it's a weaponed that's designed to kill people on a battlefield. If the high impact, high velocity round shreds everything inside of your body. ... When we see that being used against children," O'Rourke said, asked if he was proposing taking away AR-15's and AK-47's.

"Hell yes we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Couldn't have said it better....But remember they ALL would try to do this, just Beano is the only head case with the balls to actually articulate it!

Only a couple of minor problems with this idiots argument.\
1. If elected (very doubtful), he will be POTUS not dictator.
2. Congress would have to start the repeal of the 2nd amendment, and then ..
3. The MAJORITY of the States would have to approve it.

Ain't gonna happen.
It isn't about what he can actually do. It's about making uneducated voters believe it.
Beto may be the most disingenuous person running for POTUS. He's spastic, and would change "his opinion" on a dime if it meant a louder cheer by his sheep. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Watch his reaction when he says something the dumbshits cheer for.
Sounds like the pres. and Mexico is going to pay for it...

Next time you get into trouble just call the police. I'm sure they will be there before the bad guys do you harm. In most places in the US the average response time to an emergency is about 20 minutes so good luck with not taking responsibility for your own security Moon Bat.
Moon Bats not taking responsibility for their own security is Darwin's way of weeding out the breeding pool of the stupid Moon Bats.

It is working in Chicago. Hundreds of Democrat voting nitwits are shot each month.
yet when someone says "come get it" its' a death threat.

go figure the loons.
Let's assume Beto's proposition were to come to pass, and citizens were required to turn in their AR-15's. There's an estimated 5 million AR-15 owners in the USA. The NY SAFE Act, passed in 2013, required registration of all "assault weapons". It has a 96% NON-compliance rate. If we assume the same statistic for 5 million AR-15 owners, that means 4.8 million of them aren't turning in shit.

So what's your next move, leftists? You actually believe you're going to forcibly confiscate firearms from a standing force that's 3.7x large than active duty military and 7.2x larger than all law enforcement personnel in the USA? How many doors do you think you're going to kick in before an all out civil war erupts?

"But muh government has tanks and planes and stuff"

These ACTUAL weapons of war serve only one purpose: Decimation. Even if we were to assume the military wouldn't tear itself apart over orders to open fire on American citizens, the government can't just go lobbing tank shells and launching drone strikes into cities and residential neighborhoods. This causes massive collateral damage and will only create endless waves of insurgency. Want proof? Look no further than Afghanistan. Despite being light years ahead of them in military technology and prowess, we are STILL fighting bands of goat herders with AK-47's 18 years on. And that's of course ignoring the fact that domestic bombings would be destroying the very infrastructure that makes the government's war machine possible in the first place.

In 2013, 2 terrorists shut down the entire Boston metro area for 2 days with nothing more than a couple pipe bombs and a single pistol. In 2002, the entire DC area was thrown into complete chaos for 2 weeks because of 2 assholes with a rifle. It's frequently cited that only 3% of the population actively fought in the Revolutionary War. There are 80 million gun owners in the USA. If we use that same metric, you'd have 2.4 MILLION people engaging in the same tactics. Do you leftist retards have even the foggiest fucking clue what kind of a shitshow that would be? This country would utterly collapse.

If you keep ringing the devil's doorbell, don't be surprised when he answers.
How dare he threaten to take your courage.

You don't get it.

Criminals are the ones who have no courage, this is why encouraging Law Abiders to pack heat is smart public policy.

Criminals aren't interesting in victims who will fight back. They want to rob and shoot people at will.

And they are cowards.

Ever notice how few police stations are robbed, even in tough cities?
Beto may be the most disingenuous person running for POTUS. He's spastic, and would change "his opinion" on a dime if it meant a louder cheer by his sheep. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Watch his reaction when he says something the dumbshits cheer for.
Sounds like the pres. and Mexico is going to pay for it...

Not even a little bit. Trump gets stuff done and that's proven each and everyday. Beto is a mouth, he doesn't stand for anything.
Is Mexico paying for that wall?

We put up a wall it's paid for alright, Mexicans included. Thanks to Trump they're already making an effort to control border crossing, and they're paying for it.

But then progs don't want a wall huh? Walls are racist.

More like, walls are ineffective, but your masters haven't told you that yet. Walls are a simple idea for simple people.
Top politicians are all protected by armed bodyguards, who have machine guns and who knows what else.

Its disingenuous for someone like Mrs. Clinton or B. Hussein O to say that ordinary citizens should be forced to walk around without protection, when they would never do it.

I'm for a constitutional amendment to require all politicians to be subject to the same disarming as ordinary citizens. If private citizens can't carry AR15's, fine, but then neither can the President or his bodyguards.
Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) defended his proposed mandatory buyback of assault weapons during Thursday's Democratic debate in Houston.

"I am, if it's a weaponed that's designed to kill people on a battlefield. If the high impact, high velocity round shreds everything inside of your body. ... When we see that being used against children," O'Rourke said, asked if he was proposing taking away AR-15's and AK-47's.

"Hell yes we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Couldn't have said it better....But remember they ALL would try to do this, just Beano is the only head case with the balls to actually articulate it!

Only a couple of minor problems with this idiots argument.\
1. If elected (very doubtful), he will be POTUS not dictator.
2. Congress would have to start the repeal of the 2nd amendment, and then ..
3. The MAJORITY of the States would have to approve it.

Ain't gonna happen.
But, it illustrates why one should never ever EVER vote Democrat.

(one should never vote GOP for other reasons, but I digress)

Does this mean I get to keep the M14s and AR10s I would have if they had not fallen overboard?

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