Orrin Hatch ‘doggone offended’ by ‘radical libertarians’


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"
I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"

Any Republican who has been in Congress more than 12 years should be given the boot. By that time they have "grown in office." The only thing they want to do is stay in office by spending more of taxpayers money.
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"

Honest man.
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"

First Gary Johnson and now Hatch, you guys might want to consider taking a Dale Carnegie course.

this is why we need TERM LIMITS

We have term limits – they’re called elections.
this is why we need TERM LIMITS

We are the term limits.

Unfortunately, the people can't be depended on anymore not to create these self centered privileged career politicians

I see. So, Staph, we need to turn over the power to determine when someone has been in office long enough to people like you. And let you decide who are 'real' Americans also. Do you wear a brown shirt and armband?
Everyone remember how Orrin fawned over Ahnuld and submitted a bill to try and get it so Ahnuld could become president?

Yep a true republican.
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"
Hatch is an unapologetic JSF porker and certifiable police state toady.

Nice to see the good people of Utah coming to their senses.
I like Hatch. Good man. But it's time to let the next generation take over the seat. He's not going to be able to handle the problems are countries facing. He wont be able to think out of the box of how it's always been done.
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"

First Gary Johnson and now Hatch, you guys might want to consider taking a Dale Carnegie course.

this is why we need TERM LIMITS

We have term limits – they’re called elections.

What do Gary Johnson and Orrin Hatch have to do with one another?
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"

In many ways Oren Hatch is an offense to reason. In that light, everything is as it should be.
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"
Hatch is an unapologetic JSF porker and certifiable police state toady.

Nice to see the good people of Utah coming to their senses.

Yep. His time is past.
this is why we need TERM LIMITS

We are the term limits.

Unfortunately, the people can't be depended on anymore not to create these self centered privileged career politicians

I don't believe there's a government solution to this government problem.

Term limits will prevent any GOOD politicians from being able to compete for their office. If someone is doing a great job, the last thing I want is to be forced to lose out on them and start from scratch.

The only answer to the problem is the voter.
We are the term limits.

Unfortunately, the people can't be depended on anymore not to create these self centered privileged career politicians

I don't believe there's a government solution to this government problem.

Term limits will prevent any GOOD politicians from being able to compete for their office. If someone is doing a great job, the last thing I want is to be forced to lose out on them and start from scratch.

The only answer to the problem is the voter.

It hasn't worked so far, and it never will work. If your guy can't compete for his office, that is more than offset by the fact that all the scumbags you despise also can't compete for their offices.

Studies show that the longer politicians are in office, the more they spend. That goes for Republicans as well as Democrats. Term limits are a good way to cut back on deficit spending.
I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:

“I despise these people,” Hatch added, “and I’m not the guy you come in and dump on without getting punched in the mouth.”

Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"

Any Republican who has been in Congress more than 12 years should be given the boot. By that time they have "grown in office." The only thing they want to do is stay in office by spending more of taxpayers money.
Actually, Orrin Hatch is 17th in rankings for conservative senators.

National Journal 2010 Vote Ratings, Senate

The link will carry you to a statistics page which shows who is most conservative, and who likewise is most liberal. :)
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is “doggone offended” by the activists and voters standing between him and re-election, describing them as “radical libertarians.”

Hatch was first elected to the Senate in 1976. This year, major conservative groups announced their intention of defeating Hatch — who they deemed too moderate. FreedomWorks has reportedly spent at least $670,000 attacking Hatch this cycle.

But the long-time senator isn’t sitting on his hands. Hatch told NPR’s Howard Berkes, “These people are not conservatives. They’re not Republicans.”

“They’re radical libertarians and I’m doggone offended by it,” he said.

Orrin Hatch | Doggone Offended | Radical Libertarians | The Daily Caller

I doubt it's only "radical libertarians," or libertarians of any stripe, standing between him and re-election, but my favorite part is this:


Finally an honest politician! He despises the people who don't support him, and wants to, figuratively I assume, punch them in the mouth. There's a winning campaign slogan, "Vote for me, or get a knuckle sandwich!"

First Gary Johnson and now Hatch, you guys might want to consider taking a Dale Carnegie course.

this is why we need TERM LIMITS

We have term limits – they’re called elections.

Then we need laws that will effectively stop Congresscritters from using the influence of their office in their re-election bids.
We have term limits – they’re called elections.

Gerrymandering has rendered far to many races irrelevant to suggest the current electoral process is sufficient to overcome the need for term limits. Either do away with the ability to gerrymander or enact term limits. The current combination is untenable.
I hope that Hatch is challenged by a teabagger in the election, and a Democrat takes his place.

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