Oswald visited USSR and Cuban embassies before killing JFK

Oswald was programmed by a far right reactionary plot of ultra conservatives and then disposed of like a wet paper.
He also attempted to assassinate General Walker a few weeks before Kennedy
Oswald was programmed by a far right reactionary plot of ultra conservatives and then disposed of like a wet paper.
He was killed off by the CIA as were all the witnesses in dealy plaza who gave versions that did not fit the warren commissions findings and USMB's resident troll disinfo agent rightwinger hates it that people know that oswald was exactly whate he said he was-a patsy.
Oswald was programmed by a far right reactionary plot of ultra conservatives and then disposed of like a wet paper.
He was killed off by the CIA as were all the witnesses in dealy plaza who gave versions that did not fit the warren commissions findings and USMB's resident troll disinfo agent rightwinger hates it that people know that oswald was exactly whate he said he was-a patsy.
Look who is trying to get this thread moved to Conspiracy theories
This should not go into conspirancy theory because the first link is to a reliable source, not some whacko conspiracy website.
Why would the CIA kill JFK? Give me one good reason.

Uh dude they lied to him about the bay of pigs invasion withholding facts about it designing the invasion to fail in hopes of tricking him to ordering a military invasion so it could succeed.after the disaterous bay of pigs invasion he made a statement that he was going to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.that got back to the CIA.
JFk was killed by the Men's Hat Manufacturing Association of America, since he, singlehandedly, destroyed the men's hat industry of the USA by not ever being photographed wearing a hat after his inauguration. Frank Sinatra, who always wore a hat to hide his growing baldness orchestrated the whole thing.
The unstated intent of a federal "commission" is to cover the asses of the federal government. Oswald was a Marine working out of Japan in the agency responsible for monitoring U-2 flights. He defected to Russia and Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2 a couple of months later. Coincidence? For some reason unknown to the Warren Commission the CIA welcomed Oswald back in to the U.S> with his new Russian bride who was the daughter of a KGB agent. Why wasn't Oswald arrested? Only the CIA can answer it but nobody is asking.
JFK's assassination is the event that turned liberals into the whacked out people they are today. And it suited their purpose to accuse shadowy government agencies for the assassination. No one wanted to hear the truth, which is that Oswald was a trained killer who defected to the Soviet Union and was sent back as a sleeper agent. That's why Jack Ruby was sent to kill Oswald, to silence him.

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