Oswald visited USSR and Cuban embassies before killing JFK

Nobody in the US government has been able to successfully keep a secret in the entire history of this nation.
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

I know...the CIA is so crafty that they had Oswald working in that building before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas

That is the problem with small minded people. They can't logically analyze the totality of an event. They focus on individual parts and lacking intelligence, can't put all the parts together.
Nobody in the US government has been able to successfully keep a secret in the entire history of this nation.
No. Not true.

The State always keeps it's secrets...at least those that are damning to the State.

If you do your research on the murder, you will conclude it was a coup de'tat.
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

I know...the CIA is so crafty that they had Oswald working in that building before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas

That is the problem with small minded people. They can't logically analyze the totality of an event. They focus on individual parts and lacking intelligence, can't put all the parts together.
It's your claim skippy.
You need to be held to the same standards you hold the Warren Commission

You claim the CIA placed Oswald in that building. I asked how could they place Oswald in that building months before JFK knew he was going to Dallas

Ball is in your court skippy
People just can't get over the fact that it was that easy to kill a President.
Many lefties like the conspiracy theory because they can't acknowledge that a lunatic leftist was responsible for the assassination.
All of the physical evidence pointed to Oswald being the shooter from that window. If he was doing it on behalf of the CIA they did a pretty shitty job. Why would they have him go after that General before hand? Why wouldn't they give him a better rifle and scope?

He was a batshit crazy leftist loon, that used his Marine training to murder JFK. And no, hitting a moving target at that distance isn't too difficult for someone that has experience.
It's not logical that the CIA had anything to do with JFK's assassination unless the whole sorry agency was infiltrated with traitors. It's no secret that the Kennedy brothers used the CIA illegally to raise an illegal Cuban invasion army and abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. The logical explanation is that the CIA thought they could use Oswald to assassinate Castro as part of Bobby's insane exploding cigar vendetta and Oswald double crossed the CIA and assassinated JFK. When the whole thing blew up in their faces the CIA hid the files knowing that the Warren Commission would cover their sorry asses.
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Nobody in the US government has been able to successfully keep a secret in the entire history of this nation.
No. Not true.

The State always keeps it's secrets...at least those that are damning to the State.

If you do your research on the murder, you will conclude it was a coup de'tat.

Research the murder and determine that it was a coup? Sorry, but I don't read "Prison Planet".
Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

I know...the CIA is so crafty that they had Oswald working in that building before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas

That is the problem with small minded people. They can't logically analyze the totality of an event. They focus on individual parts and lacking intelligence, can't put all the parts together.
ryIt's your claim skippy.
You need to be held to the same standards you hold the Warren Commission

You claim the CIA placed Oswald in that building. I asked how could they place Oswald in that building months before JFK knew he was going to Dallas

Ball is in your court skippy
My poor deluded friend, Oswald was not working at the Texas Book Depository (TBD) 'months before' the shooting. He started Oct, 16th. At any rate, it matters not my uninformed friend. The presidents route was changed to make sure it passed the TBD.

And again you must look at the total event...not just one tidbit...and please stop posting because it is evident you know little about the event other than what the State has told you.
Nobody in the US government has been able to successfully keep a secret in the entire history of this nation.
No. Not true.

The State always keeps it's secrets...at least those that are damning to the State.

If you do your research on the murder, you will conclude it was a coup de'tat.

Research the murder and determine that it was a coup? Sorry, but I don't read "Prison Planet".
Good Lord another closed minded statist.

I don't read prison planet either. Many credible experts have written about the murder...you just don't know, because you WANT to believe the lie.
Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

I know...the CIA is so crafty that they had Oswald working in that building before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas

That is the problem with small minded people. They can't logically analyze the totality of an event. They focus on individual parts and lacking intelligence, can't put all the parts together.
ryIt's your claim skippy.
You need to be held to the same standards you hold the Warren Commission

You claim the CIA placed Oswald in that building. I asked how could they place Oswald in that building months before JFK knew he was going to Dallas

Ball is in your court skippy
My poor deluded friend, Oswald was not working at the Texas Book Depository (TBD) 'months before' the shooting. He started Oct, 16th. At any rate, it matters not my uninformed friend. The presidents route was changed to make sure it passed the TBD.

And again you must look at the total event...not just one tidbit...and please stop posting because it is evident you know little about the event other than what the State has told you.
Now you are just making shit up to cover for yourself

Oswald was too unstable to work for the CIA. Why would they risk having Oswald assassinate Gen Walker and blow the whole thing?
Why would they give him a shitty $19.95 Italian war surplus, BOLT ACTION rifle to commit the most famous assassination of the twentieth century?
Nobody in the US government has been able to successfully keep a secret in the entire history of this nation.
No. Not true.

The State always keeps it's secrets...at least those that are damning to the State.

If you do your research on the murder, you will conclude it was a coup de'tat.

Research the murder and determine that it was a coup? Sorry, but I don't read "Prison Planet".
Good Lord another closed minded statist.

I don't read prison planet either. Many credible experts have written about the murder...you just don't know, because you WANT to believe the lie.

You may not read it, but you really missed your calling. You could write for it.

BTW. How is that Jade Helm thingy workin' out for ya? Has the government occupied Texas yet?
People just can't get over the fact that it was that easy to kill a President.
Many lefties like the conspiracy theory because they can't acknowledge that a lunatic leftist was responsible for the assassination.
All of the physical evidence pointed to Oswald being the shooter from that window. If he was doing it on behalf of the CIA they did a pretty shitty job. Why would they have him go after that General before hand? Why wouldn't they give him a better rifle and scope?

He was a batshit crazy leftist loon, that used his Marine training to murder JFK. And no, hitting a moving target at that distance isn't too difficult for someone that has experience.

He was damn smart though -- smart enough to invent one bullet that would hang a right hang a left, stop and ponder in mid-air before deciding to go hit the guy in the front, plus another bullet that went ahead of the car, turned around and then hit from the front.

I mean that shit is brilliant. In 1963 he did this. The guy must have been fuckin' Nicola Tesla. Just never bothered to patent his work. Yeah that's it.
People just can't get over the fact that it was that easy to kill a President.
Many lefties like the conspiracy theory because they can't acknowledge that a lunatic leftist was responsible for the assassination.
All of the physical evidence pointed to Oswald being the shooter from that window. If he was doing it on behalf of the CIA they did a pretty shitty job. Why would they have him go after that General before hand? Why wouldn't they give him a better rifle and scope?

He was a batshit crazy leftist loon, that used his Marine training to murder JFK. And no, hitting a moving target at that distance isn't too difficult for someone that has experience.

He was damn smart though -- smart enough to invent one bullet that would hang a right hang a left, stop and ponder in mid-air before deciding to go hit the guy in the front, plus another bullet that went ahead of the car, turned around and then hit from the front.

I mean that shit is brilliant. In 1963 he did this. The guy must have been fuckin' Nicola Tesla. Just never bothered to patent his work. Yeah that's it.

The "magic bullet" theory is just another invention by the loons to take blame off their fellow leftist loon Oswald.

"Magic bullet" totally debunked:

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

I know...the CIA is so crafty that they had Oswald working in that building before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas

That is the problem with small minded people. They can't logically analyze the totality of an event. They focus on individual parts and lacking intelligence, can't put all the parts together.
ryIt's your claim skippy.
You need to be held to the same standards you hold the Warren Commission

You claim the CIA placed Oswald in that building. I asked how could they place Oswald in that building months before JFK knew he was going to Dallas

Ball is in your court skippy
My poor deluded friend, Oswald was not working at the Texas Book Depository (TBD) 'months before' the shooting. He started Oct, 16th. At any rate, it matters not my uninformed friend. The presidents route was changed to make sure it passed the TBD.

And again you must look at the total event...not just one tidbit...and please stop posting because it is evident you know little about the event other than what the State has told you.
Now you are just making shit up to cover for yourself

Oswald was too unstable to work for the CIA. Why would they risk having Oswald assassinate Gen Walker and blow the whole thing?
Why would they give him a shitty $19.95 Italian war surplus, BOLT ACTION rifle to commit the most famous assassination of the twentieth century?
Once again, you prove you know little about the murder.

Now you claim Oswald was unstable, but there is no evidence to support this accusation. Now you cite the rifle...your prior efforts being destroyed, you resort to new efforts. Why?

Date of hire at TBD...
On October 9 they had led him to interview for a clerk-trainee job but
Oswald had not been hired. And on the very morning he reported to the
TSBD for his first day, October 16
, the Employment Commission was trying
to notify him of a job as a cargo handle r for Trans Texas airlines, at a
pay of $310 a month.

The route was changed and clearly was not appropriate.
MOTORCADE ROUTE -- The route of the presidential parade violated Secret Service protocol by involving turns of 90 and 120 degrees. During interviews with this correspondent, the route was strongly criticized by former DNC advance man Underwood and former uniformed Secret Service agent Norris. In addition, Jerry Behn, the # 1 agent in JFK's detail, told me that the Dallas route was changed from another, as yet unknown route -- a fact he offered, under oath and in executive session, to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. That testimony remains, as of the date of this publication, unpublished. Former agents Lawson and Kinney confirmed to me that alternate routes (two, according to Kinney) were available.
JFK Lancer - President John F. Kennedy News and Research

Please stop...you know NOTHING about the murder.
People just can't get over the fact that it was that easy to kill a President.
Many lefties like the conspiracy theory because they can't acknowledge that a lunatic leftist was responsible for the assassination.
All of the physical evidence pointed to Oswald being the shooter from that window. If he was doing it on behalf of the CIA they did a pretty shitty job. Why would they have him go after that General before hand? Why wouldn't they give him a better rifle and scope?

He was a batshit crazy leftist loon, that used his Marine training to murder JFK. And no, hitting a moving target at that distance isn't too difficult for someone that has experience.
Oswald was not lunatic leftist. If he were, he would not have been allowed in the TBD that day....the Secret Service or FBI would have picked him up prior to the event. He was a government agent controlled by the CIA.

It is not easy to kill a president, if the Secret Service does it's job. No president should be in an open car traveling very slowly past tall buildings with windows open...taking slow 90 degree turns...

I am about as far from a Leftist as you can get....Leftists like those in this thread, buy the lies of the State, as do many on the right.
People just can't get over the fact that it was that easy to kill a President.
Many lefties like the conspiracy theory because they can't acknowledge that a lunatic leftist was responsible for the assassination.
All of the physical evidence pointed to Oswald being the shooter from that window. If he was doing it on behalf of the CIA they did a pretty shitty job. Why would they have him go after that General before hand? Why wouldn't they give him a better rifle and scope?

He was a batshit crazy leftist loon, that used his Marine training to murder JFK. And no, hitting a moving target at that distance isn't too difficult for someone that has experience.

He was damn smart though -- smart enough to invent one bullet that would hang a right hang a left, stop and ponder in mid-air before deciding to go hit the guy in the front, plus another bullet that went ahead of the car, turned around and then hit from the front.

I mean that shit is brilliant. In 1963 he did this. The guy must have been fuckin' Nicola Tesla. Just never bothered to patent his work. Yeah that's it.

The "magic bullet" theory is just another invention by the loons to take blame off their fellow leftist loon Oswald.

"Magic bullet" totally debunked:

Uh ... NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's the whole point, and why your fable is feeble.

Hey I hear the Warren Commission is selling (more) bridges now.
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People just can't get over the fact that it was that easy to kill a President.
Many lefties like the conspiracy theory because they can't acknowledge that a lunatic leftist was responsible for the assassination.
All of the physical evidence pointed to Oswald being the shooter from that window. If he was doing it on behalf of the CIA they did a pretty shitty job. Why would they have him go after that General before hand? Why wouldn't they give him a better rifle and scope?

He was a batshit crazy leftist loon, that used his Marine training to murder JFK. And no, hitting a moving target at that distance isn't too difficult for someone that has experience.
Oswald was not lunatic leftist. If he were, he would not have been allowed in the TBD that day....the Secret Service or FBI would have picked him up prior to the event. He was a government agent controlled by the CIA.

It is not easy to kill a president, if the Secret Service does it's job. No president should be in an open car traveling very slowly past tall buildings with windows open...taking slow 90 degree turns...

I am about as far from a Leftist as you can get....Leftists like those in this thread, buy the lies of the State, as do many on the right.

Back then, it was easy

It was easy for Oswald to enter his place of work
Easy for Sirhan Sirhan to enter that ballroom with a gun
Easy for John Hinkley to wait for Reagan with a gun
I know...the CIA is so crafty that they had Oswald working in that building before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas

That is the problem with small minded people. They can't logically analyze the totality of an event. They focus on individual parts and lacking intelligence, can't put all the parts together.
ryIt's your claim skippy.
You need to be held to the same standards you hold the Warren Commission

You claim the CIA placed Oswald in that building. I asked how could they place Oswald in that building months before JFK knew he was going to Dallas

Ball is in your court skippy
My poor deluded friend, Oswald was not working at the Texas Book Depository (TBD) 'months before' the shooting. He started Oct, 16th. At any rate, it matters not my uninformed friend. The presidents route was changed to make sure it passed the TBD.

And again you must look at the total event...not just one tidbit...and please stop posting because it is evident you know little about the event other than what the State has told you.
Now you are just making shit up to cover for yourself

Oswald was too unstable to work for the CIA. Why would they risk having Oswald assassinate Gen Walker and blow the whole thing?
Why would they give him a shitty $19.95 Italian war surplus, BOLT ACTION rifle to commit the most famous assassination of the twentieth century?
Once again, you prove you know little about the murder.

Now you claim Oswald was unstable, but there is no evidence to support this accusation. Now you cite the rifle...your prior efforts being destroyed, you resort to new efforts. Why?

Date of hire at TBD...
On October 9 they had led him to interview for a clerk-trainee job but
Oswald had not been hired. And on the very morning he reported to the
TSBD for his first day, October 16
, the Employment Commission was trying
to notify him of a job as a cargo handle r for Trans Texas airlines, at a
pay of $310 a month.

The route was changed and clearly was not appropriate.
MOTORCADE ROUTE -- The route of the presidential parade violated Secret Service protocol by involving turns of 90 and 120 degrees. During interviews with this correspondent, the route was strongly criticized by former DNC advance man Underwood and former uniformed Secret Service agent Norris. In addition, Jerry Behn, the # 1 agent in JFK's detail, told me that the Dallas route was changed from another, as yet unknown route -- a fact he offered, under oath and in executive session, to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. That testimony remains, as of the date of this publication, unpublished. Former agents Lawson and Kinney confirmed to me that alternate routes (two, according to Kinney) were available.
JFK Lancer - President John F. Kennedy News and Research

Please stop...you know NOTHING about the murder.

Changing the route was another myth created by Jim Garrison to back up his bizarre claims

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