Oswald visited USSR and Cuban embassies before killing JFK

JFK's assassination is the event that turned liberals into the whacked out people they are today. And it suited their purpose to accuse shadowy government agencies for the assassination. No one wanted to hear the truth, which is that Oswald was a trained killer who defected to the Soviet Union and was sent back as a sleeper agent. That's why Jack Ruby was sent to kill Oswald, to silence him.
Silly assertion, unrational analysis, and unsupported conclusion.

That's why the American left of center to right of center :lol: at the far right.
JFK's assassination is the event that turned liberals into the whacked out people they are today. And it suited their purpose to accuse shadowy government agencies for the assassination. No one wanted to hear the truth, which is that Oswald was a trained killer who defected to the Soviet Union and was sent back as a sleeper agent. That's why Jack Ruby was sent to kill Oswald, to silence him.

And, Jerry Ford, who was on the Warren commission, was rewarded for his part in covering up the plot, when he was appointed president. Squeaky Fromme was sent by Ted Kennedy to kill Ford in Sacramento, but he forgot to teach her how to cock the gun. Michael Jackson discovered the truth about the entire plot from Elvis's daughter. Elvis had gotten the truth from Nixon when he visited Nixon in the White House. When Michael Jackson threatened to go public with the information, he was killed by Tupac Shaker, who was assassinated himself by Robin Williams.
I didn't know anything in the OP was ever secret, since it's been in every story about the case I can remember. Oswald's brother was also linked to the Mafia as well. But, the problem is none of these entities would risk assassinating such a well known target, especially in public, as that would be incredibly stupid, and wouldn't have solved a single one of their problems in any way, so it's still only cranks and loons left peddling the Big Giant Conspiracy nonsense.

For a pretty good fictional account of the assassination try Stephen Hunter's The Third Bullet. Hunter is a firearms and sniper buff, and the book has a lot of technical stuff on ballistics, firearms, and the like, and a good line on why an Italian carbine was in fact a very good choice of rifle for such a situation, for instance, as well as a conspiracy theory of it's own.
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355
Sometimes conspiracies are real.

Damn straight.

Oswald was outclassed. Among conspirators whom had far more brains and smarts than him. I believe that the plan was Oswald shoots JFK, Oswald dies at the hands of Police leaving the area.

Oswald in Police custody scared the mortal hell out of someone. Someone lost sleep, breathed heavy and frequent, and their pulse was about 180 while Oswald was alive.

Whatever happened = Americana Dinero....Grande was paid out. Mouths were kept shut, or wind up like Oswald. Who has the power to reach out like that? Whom has the power to make such intimidations that a medium sized party of conspirators keeps quiet forever? The party size , as evident by Jack Rubys connections were not small.

I believe politicians and others were involved. I believe that a certain blonde female celebrity had something to do with it too, as she placed her shoes under more than one bed , besides JFK - and I think she told him some things that he was not supposed to know. Money and a fast life ( Mob ) did not keep her head on some certain peoples bed pillows. And, I don't know how strong it was ; but the affair between Ms. Monroe and JFK I believe cause some jealousy. Marilyn Monroe in my assessment, is a small portion of why JFK got killed = Pillow talk. She told him things that he was not supposed to know, and someone or a group of people found out he knew - by him letting the cat out of the bag, or she told someone that she told him. Both her and him are dead now------> Hmmmm.

Attorney General Kennedy ( murdered also ), as far as I understand, got a sudden and acute interest in the M-O-B ( The mob ). Why?

Did Johnson commit treason, and associate with foreign governments before the JFK murder. Did Johnson talk state secrets outside the White House and to outside individuals? Did Johnson hate Kennedy? The video of his swearing in on the aircraft is most interesting.....and to me, speaks mounds of information.

I am a pro-active type of guy, and far from any investigator. But the murder of JFK and a few other crimes....maybe six ; I would have loved to investigate - do interviews, collect evidence, perform surveillance, research...ect.

Was the Warren Commissions final report without influence and prejudice? I'll bet not.

Washington DC. Capitol of tricks and thievery. Magic appears before ones eyes. Where political careers can be made, or destroyed.

Shadow 355
There is so much proof of not only a conspiracy, but a coup d'etat.

JFK was not just going to terminate the CIA, he fully intended to end our involvement in Vietnam right after he was re-elected. After his assassination, what did LBJ do? He expanded the war and did nothing to reign in the CIA...along with promoting the fiction that was the Warren Commission Report.

There are numerous well researched books on the terrible event, but this one is one of the best.
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

I know...the CIA is so crafty that they had Oswald working in that building before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas

Last edited:
Reading JFK theories is kind of like examining a Salvador Dali picture. Yes, things could have been that way....in another universe, where birds burrow underground and worms fly.
There is so much proof of not only a conspiracy, but a coup d'etat.

JFK was not just going to terminate the CIA, he fully intended to end our involvement in Vietnam right after he was re-elected. After his assassination, what did LBJ do? He expanded the war and did nothing to reign in the CIA...along with promoting the fiction that was the Warren Commission Report.

There are numerous well researched books on the terrible event, but this one is one of the best.

Indeed.yeah I have read over a hundred books on it and I agree,i would rank that one there in the top three as one of the best on the subject.:thup:
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

as i said before,USMB's resident troll rightwinger is just like that other troll who toots the horn of the warren commission all the time i talked to you about recently,just like him,he is a paid government hack sent here to troll by his handlers and pretend he is some regular joe on here trying to act funny with his message in his profile,he got the part right of of being paid only thing he never will print which is correct is that he is a paid government TROLL.

USMB's resident troll rightwinger has been caught by over at LEAST a 100 different posters here over the years lying about events like this and then changing the subject when he is cornered,I'll give you the same advise i gave to you on that other JFK troll a few days ago-:trolls:

That really is the best advise to give,this troll is just here to take up and waste your time sent by his handlers to try and derail any truth discussion on this subject.best to put him on ignore and dont feed him.
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CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

The Warren Commission announced that Oswald was working alone.

The Warren Commission lied.

Oswald was a "Patsy" for the bigger picture, and was too stupid to know it.

The Warren Commission was not an in depth investigation, and back in that era most people were more tolerant than they are today ; and "Politics" ( Dirty Washington ) was more rampant. This is not including the various stories and accounts of when Kennedy was pronounced deceased, as well as resuscitation efforts were performed....and not performed.

My belief is also that Oswald received intelligence, as well as further marksman ship practice BEFORE the event in Dallas. Oswald did not plan everything out - someone give him the information to act on. Reading about the event, as well as seeing Oswald on television while he was in custody, and the statements he made to the press. Oswald....to me, seemed far from genius. Oswald to me had the sort of intellect that makes him easily coerced. Oswald was guilty of one thing - Being extremely stupid.

Let me ask some questions. Who had the most benefit from Kennedys death? What changes would come about after JFK was dead?

Jack Ruby, whom had nothing to loose, shot Oswald. Why? Is it because Oswald was not killed by Police at the book depository, or near it by Police? Someone knew that the small information that Oswald had, he would spill to the Feds. Someone...or a group of people, was scared Congress would find out what Oswald knew. They killed him for it.

Kennedy was a decent sized conspiracy as evident by Jack Ruby and his past associations and connections.

I have other beliefs also. ;)

Shadow 355

Oswald had low self esteem and was looking to be a big shot. He previously tried to assasinate Gen Walker and failed. One day, he read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go right by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

If Oswald was working for anyone else, why would he use a $19.95 bolt action rifle? You think they could have set him up with a sniper rifle?

Jack Ruby was a low level thug who everyone considered to be a joke. He was at the Western Union Office at the announced time of Oswalds transfer. It was only because the transfer was delayed that Ruby was able to cross the street to the Police HQ. If Ruby had set out to kill Oswald, wouldn't he be on site at the announced time of transfer?

To think a US Marine who defected to the USSR, claiming to disclose intelligence to the commies...renounces his citizenship...then is allowed back in the USA without any problems at the height of the Cold War...had ties to many known CIA agents...then is magically working in a building on JFK's route...and magically the Secret Service does not pick him up beforehand or even properly lock down the route through Dallas....and on and on it goes.............

But you and many others continue to believe in statist fairy tales.

as i said before,USMB's resident troll rightwinger is just like that other troll who toots the horn of the warren commission all the time i talked to you about recently,just like him,he is a paid hack sent here to troll by his handlers and pretends he is some regular joe on here trying to act funny with his message in his profile,he got the part right of of being paid only thing he never will print which is correct is that he is a paid government TROLL.

USMB's resident troll rightwinger has been caught by over at LEAST a 100 different posters here over the years lying about events like this and then changing the subject when he is cornered,I'll give you the same advise i gave to you on that other JFK troll a few days ago-:trolls:

That really is the best advise to give,this troll is just here to take up and waste your time sent by his handlers to try and derail any truth discussion on this subject.best to put him on ignore and dont feed him.

Must be hard living in a world where there are evil forces behind every event.

Sometimes shit just happens and the easiest explanation is the most likely

Occam's razor is often cited in stronger forms than Occam intended, as in the following statements. . .
"If you have two theories that both explain the observed facts, then you should use the simplest until more evidence comes along"
"The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations."
"If you have two equally likely solutions to a problem, choose the simplest."
"The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct."
by the way,notice how his handlers sent him here so quick to troll when I exposed him? :biggrin:

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