Ottawa- going down any time now! tons of cops about to move in

Ive ssen tham with their swastikas and confederte vlags. Standard issue neo nazi gear.


One or two small groups of those idiots trying to weasel their way into the protest doesn't make every single person there a nazi.
You dont have freedom when you cant leave the house unarmed or when your kids arent safe in school.
you keep making unfounded claims Taint. That simply isn't the case where we live. We stay out of liberal controlled areas that allow and promote that kind of behavior.

now, revel in the fact that America was formed by KICKING YOUR PUSSY ASSES and taking our freedom from you!!!!!!
You dont have freedom when you cant leave the house unarmed or when your kids arent safe in school.
Yeah, it is so safe across the pond...
But at least it happened AFTER school...
The majority of Canadians deplore these neo nazis pissing and shitting all over their city.
Too bad so sad, isn't it. People in Canada sympathize with the truckers but they want their streets back.

Now, if this would of happened in your country, all three pick up trucks would have been towed by now.
The cops are all wearing masks. That must burn the freedumb caucus.

You dont have freedom when you cant leave the house unarmed or when your kids arent safe in school.
We have Canada a Western government denying citizens their own resources for protesting while Biden gives Iran frozen resources back. Some of the truckers are Iranian know the tyranny in the land they lived in and made statements on it.

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