Ottawa police chief may call in the military to handle protests

The Canadian regime has introduced a state of emergency in the capital due to mass democratic protests.

Ottawa City Hall is so afraid of its people that it considers the situation out of control.
Although (on the example of, for example, Belarus) everyone in the Free world knows, that mass protests are a celebration of democracy and there is nothing to control there.
Ottawa's chief of police suggested Wednesday that the Canadian Armed Forces might have to be called in to handle the lingering protesters in the Canadian capital.

"This is a national issue, not an Ottawa issue," Ottawa police Chief Peter Sloly said in a briefing to city councilors. "I am increasingly concerned there is no policing solution to this."

"There is no lawful authority to seal a city. There's no practical capability to seal a city of this size," Sloly said.

I think the police chief is politely telling the truckers to leave.

Canada doesn't have all the emergency stuff that America does. There might not be a way to get the demonstrators to leave Ottawa, for example.

In America, we can declare martial law as a nuclear option, if we have to. Can't do that in Canada, apparently.

Chief Sloly should be seeking a new job after this is all finished. Certainly Toronto Police have had no problem whatsoever handling these jackasses, and nobody had to go to court to get it done. They boxed them in at Avenue Road and Bloor Streets, and kept them away from University Avenue and "Hospital Row".

The Trucker have managed to piss off the people of Toronto, 90% of whom are vaxxed and were looking forward to getting out of this house this weekend, going to a hockey game, but were stuck at home to avoid these idiots.

The vehicle to get these a$$hats out of Ottawa is "February in Canada". Temperatures overnight in February average 9 degrees Fahrenheit, and this winter is colder than average. Local businesses want these unmasked, unvaxxed clowns gone, and both the police and the media are being attacked by these fools.

When 80% of the country thinks these people are deranged, their movement won't get any more traction than their trucks are getting on the icy roads.
Chief Sloly should be seeking a new job after this is all finished. Certainly Toronto Police have had no problem whatsoever handling these jackasses, and nobody had to go to court to get it done. They boxed them in at Avenue Road and Bloor Streets, and kept them away from University Avenue and "Hospital Row".

The Trucker have managed to piss off the people of Toronto, 90% of whom are vaxxed and were looking forward to getting out of this house this weekend, going to a hockey game, but were stuck at home to avoid these idiots.

The vehicle to get these a$$hats out of Ottawa is "February in Canada". Temperatures overnight in February average 9 degrees Fahrenheit, and this winter is colder than average. Local businesses want these unmasked, unvaxxed clowns gone, and both the police and the media are being attacked by these fools.

When 80% of the country thinks these people are deranged, their movement won't get any more traction than their trucks are getting on the icy roads.

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