Ouch. AOC hits Ted Cruz where it hurts: You fled to Cancun

Cruz hurt his own cause by taking that vacation to mexico

he will have that thrown in his face for years and its no one’s fault but his own

Cruz hurt himself when he apologized for taking a planned vacation with his family simply to appease liberals.
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:

Did he present a passport to go there? Did he stay in Mexico and demand they get his kids in school? Did he sign up for welfare? Did he try to vote in their elections?

What exactly did he do that equals illegals coming into our country?
Bless the donkey, he is innocent and smarter.

Cruz hurt himself when he apologized for taking a planned vacation with his family simply to appease liberals.
He didnt take any heat off himself by rushing back from mexico because he was already cooked
Cruz left Texas BEFORE the power failures, not after. He had no idea it was going to happen, much less any control over mother nature!!

These f-tards that believe politicians, or humans in general, have power over nature need to all be packed into empty rockets and shot into space.
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:

Did he present a passport to go there? Did he stay in Mexico and demand they get his kids in school? Did he sign up for welfare? Did he try to vote in their elections?

What exactly did he do that equals illegals coming into our country?

They are actually trying to say CRUZ EMIGRATED. That alone destroys any argument they might have.
Cruz hurt his own cause by taking that vacation to mexico

he will have that thrown in his face for years and its no one’s fault but his own

He did nothing wrong. He got his family out of the danger zone. That’s a father’s responsibility. What else was he supposed to do?

He could have sent his Wife and Kids on their own to Mexico while staying here in Texas and help deal with the disaster that almost made Texas go dark not for days but months!

He didn’t have to go with him and his duty is to the people that elected him and his wife was more than able to get the kids to safety!
you take your vacation when you want....whats your fucking point?
send your spouse and kids to china while you take care of business, because the boss told you to shove your times....

What does China have to do with this?

Oh, you think I am some communist whore, so you have to inject China into this conversation so you can divert the conversation from the reality Ted Cruz even admitted he was wrong...
deflection noted...point proven, unless you cant figure it out...
i guess your type never uses an example, right?

It is your side deflecting seeing even Ted Cruz stated he was wrong, so take it up with him seeing you are having the issue with reality!
what a shit stain...there was no deflecting, we save that 4 demonRATS....
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:


She's dumb...first off...yes he has policy...he actually is talking about policy, and policies that work in his post that she quotes. Geez...what an idiot.

Moreover, you'd think a member of the legislature like AOC would know they vote to fund agencies...like the DHS...they don't lay out in detail how each dollar is spent...it's Xiden and Harris that are deciding they need to use some of those funds to build more cages and get more cargo containers to house these children in horrible conditions.

I wish AOC actually cared...but no..she's simply deflecting from the humanitarian crisis that her party has created...just sad.
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:

Bubblehead threw a temper tantrum on twitter. So what?

Notice she didn't refute any of the facts Cruz laid out about her moronic positions on the border.
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:

Bubblehead threw a temper tantrum on twitter. So what?

Notice she didn't refute any of the facts Cruz laid out about her moronic positions on the border.

When leftists dont have the facts, they personally attack.

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