Ouch. AOC hits Ted Cruz where it hurts: You fled to Cancun

Cruz hurt his own cause by taking that vacation to mexico

he will have that thrown in his face for years and its no one’s fault but his own

He did nothing wrong. He got his family out of the danger zone. That’s a father’s responsibility. What else was he supposed to do?

He could have sent his Wife and Kids on their own to Mexico while staying here in Texas and help deal with the disaster that almost made Texas go dark not for days but months!

He didn’t have to go with him and his duty is to the people that elected him and his wife was more than able to get the kids to safety!
you take your vacation when you want....whats your fucking point?
send your spouse and kids to china while you take care of business, because the boss told you to shove your times....

What does China have to do with this?

Oh, you think I am some communist whore, so you have to inject China into this conversation so you can divert the conversation from the reality Ted Cruz even admitted he was wrong...
deflection noted...point proven, unless you cant figure it out...
i guess your type never uses an example, right?
AOC's helping out in Texas is proof that when hard times are here, Democrats are for the people no matter what those peoples' politics are. Just like FDR. Republicans whined he was a socialist and was going to bankrupt the country. FDR instead brought decades of prosperity.
Cruz hurt his own cause by taking that vacation to mexico

he will have that thrown in his face for years and its no one’s fault but his own

He did nothing wrong. He got his family out of the danger zone. That’s a father’s responsibility. What else was he supposed to do?

He could have sent his Wife and Kids on their own to Mexico while staying here in Texas and help deal with the disaster that almost made Texas go dark not for days but months!

He didn’t have to go with him and his duty is to the people that elected him and his wife was more than able to get the kids to safety!
you take your vacation when you want....whats your fucking point?
send your spouse and kids to china while you take care of business, because the boss told you to shove your times....

What does China have to do with this?

Oh, you think I am some communist whore, so you have to inject China into this conversation so you can divert the conversation from the reality Ted Cruz even admitted he was wrong...
deflection noted...point proven, unless you cant figure it out...
i guess your type never uses an example, right?

It is your side deflecting seeing even Ted Cruz stated he was wrong, so take it up with him seeing you are having the issue with reality!
Take it up with him and you are a complete asshole that think a woman can not escort her kids to Mexico and need a man to help her!

My wife doesn’t go anywhere outside my property without an escort. At least in part because she doesn’t have a driver’s license.

In the end Ted Cruz stated what he did was wrong, so now you have to deal with either Cruz was lying which make him spineless as usual or he is telling the truth which make you the moron...

Cruz was playing politics, just as AOC is in bringing it up now. The fact that he apologized simply confirms what I already knew... he’s a spineless bitch who I would never vote for.
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you think I am some communist whore,
I am glad you agree. Commie fucking whore.

Sure I am and Ted Cruz is a spineless politician that allowed Donald Trump to call Ted Cruz a cheater in Iowa in 2016, talked nasty about Cruz wife and said Cruz father help kill Kennedy and then when Texas during a disaster he went to Mexico and later stated it was a mistake, so as you support a spineless man it make me wonder how spineless are you?
Did you forget about all of the tactless personal attacks that Kameltoe made about your communist messiah during the campaign. HaHaHa, didn't think so, moron.
Remember all the threads about other politicians taking their families and fleeing from natural disasters that are currently underway? No? Me neither.
Family ALWAYS comes first.
Were the optics bad? Perhaps, but only because of our newfound hypersensitive culture. Cruz being gone or remaining would have had ZERO impact on ANYTHING.

Stop crying over stupid shit

It is only stupid in your opinion because it is about a Republican but let it be about Biden and boy you would be slamming him quickly!
False of course but to be expected.

I defended Obamas wife and girls from senseless personal and racial attacks all the time. Everything from her looks to their dancing.
Pointless attacks are Pointless attacks regardless.
Remember all the threads about other politicians taking their families and fleeing from natural disasters that are currently underway? No? Me neither.
Family ALWAYS comes first.
Were the optics bad? Perhaps, but only because of our newfound hypersensitive culture. Cruz being gone or remaining would have had ZERO impact on ANYTHING.

Stop crying over stupid shit

It is only stupid in your opinion because it is about a Republican but let it be about Biden and boy you would be slamming him quickly!
False of course but to be expected.

I defended Obamas wife and girls from senseless personal and racial attacks all the time. Everything from her looks to their dancing.
Pointless attacks are Pointless attacks regardless.

This isn’t an attack on Ted Cruz family but in Cruz himself, so you are comparing apples to oranges as usual!

If Biden had done the same damn thing you would have attacked Joe Biden and I wrote not a damn word about the kids or wife in my response to you!
Depending on how the wind blows cruz flips and flops like a chef at ihop. Not a fan of either.
Sen. Cruz has zero credibility after he took a “break” from his own state during an emergency.

Rep Cortez should be more concerned with getting legislation passed than looking for her next sardonic sound bite.
Remember all the threads about other politicians taking their families and fleeing from natural disasters that are currently underway? No? Me neither.
Family ALWAYS comes first.
Were the optics bad? Perhaps, but only because of our newfound hypersensitive culture. Cruz being gone or remaining would have had ZERO impact on ANYTHING.

Stop crying over stupid shit

It is only stupid in your opinion because it is about a Republican but let it be about Biden and boy you would be slamming him quickly!
False of course but to be expected.

I defended Obamas wife and girls from senseless personal and racial attacks all the time. Everything from her looks to their dancing.
Pointless attacks are Pointless attacks regardless.

This isn’t an attack on Ted Cruz family but in Cruz himself, so you are comparing apples to oranges as usual!

If Biden had done the same damn thing you would have attacked Joe Biden and I wrote not a damn word about the kids or wife in my response to you!
You're fucking dense as a granite block.

I never said you attached anyone's family ya fucking tard.
I pointed out that I defended people from POINTLESS attacks. Matters not who or why. What matters is the reason. He literally could have achieved NOTHING by staying behind so what the fuck is the problem outside of your damn feelings???
AOC's helping out in Texas is proof that when hard times are here, Democrats are for the people no matter what those peoples' politics are. Just like FDR. Republicans whined he was a socialist and was going to bankrupt the country. FDR instead brought decades of prosperity.
FDR prolonged the Great Depression and purposely got us into World War 2. One of our first Emperors.
Nobody but brain dead Progs care about ANYTHING that air head says, sorry.

She has Schumer scared shitless, which is why he has gone full Progressive in an attempt to stave off AOC challenging him in a primary.

Yes, she has a major, albeit a very unhealthy impact on the entire Democratic caucus in both Houses.
did nothing wrong. He got his family out of the danger zone. That’s a father’s responsibility. What else was he supposed to do?
See post #76

I support Cruz but Texas was not Ground Zero of a nuclear blast

we just had a little cold weather and Cruz’s family was not in physical danger
didn’t have to go with him and his duty is to the people that elected him and his wife was more than able to get the kids to safety!
Cruz hurt no one by going to mexico except himself

but it will be worth much hot air for the left over the next 2-4 years
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He didn't take a vacation. He didn't emigrate. He took his daughters to Cancun to be with their friends. Then he came back.

he took a vacation to mexico and then rushed back after the shit hit the fan

see post #76
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:


omigod.....omigod....it hurts...it hurts so bad!

ouch ouch and more ouch!

:cuckoo: :rolleyes:

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