Ouch! Hillary's 'excruciatingly boring' book slammed by Amazon readers

What can you say about a woman that 'Stands by her Man'

Her Thighness Clinton is a sinker for the Dem party

Go ahead, roll that fat bitch out

John McCain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum are almost always and repeatedly referred to as "failed presidential candidate" on all TV networks and newspapers slave to the Democrat agenda.

Is it not time already to refer to Hilary Clinton as a failed presidential candidate?

Or a failed lawyer?

Or a failed promoter of a health care rejected even by her fellow Democrats?

Or a failed senator who was parachuted into a state where she never lived?

Or a failed Secretary of state who has the blood of four innocent Americans on her hands?

Or as the sales of her ghostwritten book shows, a failed "author"?

Or, let's face it, simply and undeniably: A FAILURE?


Do not underestimate the ability of left wing voters to be brainwashed by their income inequality (socialist income redistribution robin hood fairy tale) narrative Hillary is already using. I think they believe her when she claimed she and her husband were broke when they left office. Think about how stupid they are to buy that one.

Do not underestimate the left's inability to list any of their candidate's accomplishments or qualifications to be president. The left mainly votes for superficial reasons. Either they are democrat, if they are black or a woman whose last name is clinton. Will not matter. They are mindless squishpots and they always think they are smarter cause they always belong to the bandwagon.

Do not underestimate the voter fraud perpetuated by the criminal democrats that has been working very well for them.

I am still waiting for the list of qualifications of Hillary or her great accomplishments. Not that they care cause they don't.
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There was one time in HillDaBeast's life when she actually held a position that created jobs.
Sitting on the Board of Directors of Walmart.

HillDaBeast's main problem is that she's old news. The media like fresh faces. She was old news in 2008 when the media went nuts over the new guy in Obama. And like good little soldiers, the Democrats followed and kicked her to the curb because her old face wasn't a nice as the fresh face they loved and adored.

Granted that fresh face hid and empty head.

Back in 2008 HillDaBeast said "It's my turn". Is she gonna now say "now it's really my turn!"

Until another fresh face comes along.
Her book is a bust because she took her normal "I'm Hillary" approach to it, much like her failed campaign for her party's nomination.

She was the odds on favorite and thought she could phone it in campaign-wise and got swamped by an empty suit nobody. In this case she gave a few notes to her ghost writer and figured her name and kisser on the cover would be lapped up by her adoring public. Turned out though most folks are sick of her and her bullshit and now she's a national embarrassment, again.

I do give her kudos though for sticking up S&S for all that cash. She knows how to make money, the poor thing.
Interesting to look at the Amazon ratings of Hillary's book

237 Readers gave it 5 stars
Roughly 25 each gave it 2, 3 or 4 stars
666 Readers gave it 1 star

My guess is that very few who rated it actually read it
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Excruciatingly Boring, Overly Long, Insipid Pabulum”

Does this sound like a nonpartisan review?
John McCain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum are almost always and repeatedly referred to as "failed presidential candidate" on all TV networks and newspapers slave to the Democrat agenda.

Is it not time already to refer to Hilary Clinton as a failed presidential candidate?

Or a failed lawyer?

Or a failed promoter of a health care rejected even by her fellow Democrats?

Or a failed senator who was parachuted into a state where she never lived?

Or a failed Secretary of state who has the blood of four innocent Americans on her hands?

Or as the sales of her ghostwritten book shows, a failed "author"?

Or, let's face it, simply and undeniably: A FAILURE?


Do not underestimate the ability of left wing voters to be brainwashed by their income inequality (socialist income redistribution robin hood fairy tale) narrative Hillary is already using. I think they believe her when she claimed she and her husband were broke when they left office. Think about how stupid they are to buy that one.

Do not underestimate the left's inability to list at any of their candidate's accomplishments or qualifications to be president. The left mainly votes for superficial reasons. Either they are democrat, if they are black or a woman whose last name is clinton. Will not matter. They are mindless squishpots and they always think they are smarter cause they always belong to the bandwagon.

Do not underestimate the voter fraud perpetuated by the criminal democrats that has been working very well for them.

I am still waiting for the list of qualifications of Hillary or her great accomplishments. Not that they care cause they don't.

Lol, let her run. Then a queer black man will emerge and the lefties will kick her to the curb again. Leftist love failure, they got obama and want to run Hillary proof that it's true.
This is the same group that rated the movie "Atlas Shrugged" as an outstanding movie on Rotten Tomatoes

Atlas Shrugged: Part I - Rotten Tomatoes

The novel "Atlas Shrugged" was a resounding success and a best seller long before you inexperienced and unlearned punk was even born.

If the movie made of it happens to be a failure, blame it on the incompetence of the pathetic losers in Hollywood, who manage to turn literary winners into big time cinematic losers, and never have the courage to "remake" a past loser and turn it into a winner, but prefer to take a previous winner, remake it and turn it into a loser.

Examples are so abundant that it would be a waste to cite them.

So, live in your phantasy, loser.
Excruciatingly Boring, Overly Long, Insipid Pabulum”

Does this sound like a nonpartisan review?

It sounds like a very negative review, and I don't see anyone saying it's even a good read. Why don't you read it and tell us how wonderful it is?
Excruciatingly Boring, Overly Long, Insipid Pabulum”

Does this sound like a nonpartisan review?

It sounds like a very negative review, and I don't see anyone saying it's even a good read. Why don't you read it and tell us how wonderful it is?

The Amazon "ratings"

237 Readers gave it 5 stars
Roughly 25 each gave it 2, 3 or 4 stars
666 Readers gave it 1 star

My guess is that very few who rated it actually read it
Conservatives give it 1 star, Liberals give it 5 stars
I don't give anyones rating any credibility
Ouch! Hillary?s ?Excruciatingly Boring? Hard Choices SLAMMED By Readers With 2.1 Rating | The Gateway Pundit


Readers panned Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices giving the former First Lady’s biography a very low 2.1 rating at Amazon.
Reader Liv wrote in

I’ve been reviewing for Amazon for a decade and I have NEVER seen a mainstream book with this low a star rating. She is getting slaughtered! Sales must be not only thru the floor but clear down to the septic tank.


Ok, not that it would sway libs one way or the other, but can someone list all of the things this woman has accomplished that makes her qualified to be president?

While you are at it, can they name things that made Obama qualified? Other than him being a democrat and black.

I will be waiting for these interesting lists.

Perhaps someone can do better than the state department spokesperson.



I've not found a non-boring politician's book yet. Have you?
Decision Points by George W. Bush was a bona fide hit and best seller.

Democrats don't write books that people want to read. Bill Clinton's book "The Man from Hope" bombed. Nancy Pelosi's book "Know Your Power" was so bad that she ended up giving a few away and that's all.

The publisher gave Hillary millions as an advance. They should have asked for a couple of sample chapters first. They lost millions.
Decision Points by George W. Bush was a bona fide hit and best seller.

Democrats don't write books that people want to read. Bill Clinton's book "The Man from Hope" bombed. Nancy Pelosi's book "Know Your Power" was so bad that she ended up giving a few away and that's all.

The publisher gave Hillary millions as an advance. They should have asked for a couple of sample chapters first. They lost millions.

Don't forget Sarah Palin

Conservatives buy up these books and give them as gifts. Whether they are read or not...who knows

Conservatives also flock to these reader critic sites and give them 5 stars. It is their way of taking one for the team
Ouch! Hillary?s ?Excruciatingly Boring? Hard Choices SLAMMED By Readers With 2.1 Rating | The Gateway Pundit


Readers panned Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices giving the former First Lady’s biography a very low 2.1 rating at Amazon.
Reader Liv wrote in

I’ve been reviewing for Amazon for a decade and I have NEVER seen a mainstream book with this low a star rating. She is getting slaughtered! Sales must be not only thru the floor but clear down to the septic tank.


Ok, not that it would sway libs one way or the other, but can someone list all of the things this woman has accomplished that makes her qualified to be president?

While you are at it, can they name things that made Obama qualified? Other than him being a democrat and black.

I will be waiting for these interesting lists.

Perhaps someone can do better than the state department spokesperson.



I've not found a non-boring politician's book yet. Have you?

Yes, I have.

Try "America Alone" by Mark Steyn.

Try "Arguing With Idiots" by Glen Beck.

Try "Black Redneck And White Liberal" by Dr. Thomas Sowell.

This is just a sample. Open your mind.
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LOL gotta love idiots who don't know how things work. She could give a shit less about the sales. Simon & Schuster are. She is laughing all the way to the bank with her $14 million.

I don't know, Pol...she's revving up the engines for a Presidential run...this book tour thing was supposed to be a way to keep her in the public eye in a positive way, get her narrative out on things like Bengahzi and make her some more cash. Instead she's put her foot in her mouth with the whole "poor little Hilary and Bill!" thing, nobody is reading the book and that extra money just isn't rolling in. I'd be willing to bet things are a bit "testy" around the Clinton household these days! Bill and Hilly are probably taking it out on the servants. :D:lol::D:lol::lol::D

Her tour is not going end. And afterwards she will still be in the public eye. The Rightyloons will ensure that. This thread is proof of that.

Rightyloons? Hey, don't blame conservatives for Hillary's "we're broke" gaffe. That's all on her. You've got David Gregory grilling her on that misstep...he's MSNBC not FOX.

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