Ouch! Hillary's 'excruciatingly boring' book slammed by Amazon readers

I read it and here is my review...spoiler alert!
2008: I'm eating more and more.
2009: Ass growing.
2010: Ass just keep's getting bigger and bigger.
2011; by now my ass covers a good portion of lower Manhattan.
2012: Lie about Benghazi attack.
2013; Boy my ass is humongous.
Far-right groups run seminars on spamming and trolling review and opinions sites. There is undercover video of a seminar telling far-right trolls to go on to Amazon and set up multiple accounts then bash books by liberal.

Most far-righties do not work, don't have a real life, so they have plenty of time to go on Amazon and right a review of a book they didn't read.

There is so much impotent rage on the right.
Far-right groups run seminars on spamming and trolling review and opinions sites. There is undercover video of a seminar telling far-right trolls to go on to Amazon and set up multiple accounts then bash books by liberal.

Most far-righties do not work, don't have a real life, so they have plenty of time to go on Amazon and right a review of a book they didn't read.

There is so much impotent rage on the right.


In case you do not know what your problem is, it is rather obvious.....

LOL gotta love idiots who don't know how things work. She could give a shit less about the sales. Simon & Schuster are. She is laughing all the way to the bank with her $14 million.

Oh sure. She is a liar and her book is a waste of shit.

I am here betting right now that you are so stupid that you probably buy carbon credits from Gore cause you think it helps the planet from man made global warming.

Yes she is a liar. Yes she made $14 million and you never will. We are not discussing your jealousy.
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I wonder if she elaborates on her decision to have Vince Foster taken out after she tossed his salad?

Far-right groups run seminars on spamming and trolling review and opinions sites. There is undercover video of a seminar telling far-right trolls to go on to Amazon and set up multiple accounts then bash books by liberal.

Most far-righties do not work, don't have a real life, so they have plenty of time to go on Amazon and right a review of a book they didn't read.

There is so much impotent rage on the right.

Far-right groups run seminars on spamming and trolling review and opinions sites. There is undercover video of a seminar telling far-right trolls to go on to Amazon and set up multiple accounts then bash books by liberal.

Most far-righties do not work, don't have a real life, so they have plenty of time to go on Amazon and right a review of a book they didn't read.

There is so much impotent rage on the right.


Far-right groups run seminars on spamming and trolling review and opinions sites. There is undercover video of a seminar telling far-right trolls to go on to Amazon and set up multiple accounts then bash books by liberal.

Most far-righties do not work, don't have a real life, so they have plenty of time to go on Amazon and right a review of a book they didn't read.

There is so much impotent rage on the right.



Nice try- I need the link for the OP's claim that 'Far-right groups run seminars on spamming and trolling review and opinions sites.'


It's been two weeks since former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Hard Choices hit the shelves, and she's already getting hit for a "disappointing" rollout. Critics say her book is "bombing" and sales are "tanking," news outlets and conservative blogs report.

But sales figures for Hard Choices, compared with sales of books penned by potential Republican presidential hopefuls, tell a different story. According to Nielsen BookScan data, Clinton has sold almost 135,000 copies of her new memoir.

Meanwhile, Republicans who have similarly aimed to boost their profile with a book -- Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.), Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee -- have paled in comparison. In fact, Clinton's two weeks of sales top the total sales to date of books by Paul, Rubio, Bush, Ryan, Walker and Huckabee -- combined.​

Hillary Clinton And Elizabeth Warren Are Totally Crushing The Right In Book Sales
the world is in flames; the idiotic Left says obama is a foreign policy success because they say he is

record welfare and food stamps; the Left says we're doing so much better now because they say so

a huge humanitarian crisis of illegal children on our southern border; coming here because of pandering by obama and Democrats sent the message that it is open season on the border; the left says obama has been tough on illegals because they say he has

people wont even buy hillarys book; but she's a success because the idiotic Left says she is

idiots and hypocrites
Far-right groups run seminars on spamming and trolling review and opinions sites. There is undercover video of a seminar telling far-right trolls to go on to Amazon and set up multiple accounts then bash books by liberal.

Most far-righties do not work, don't have a real life, so they have plenty of time to go on Amazon and right a review of a book they didn't read.

There is so much impotent rage on the right.

I thought us righties were rich white people that don't care about poor people. Hazenut, maybe you should pick one drug and stick with it. Experimenting doesn't do you well.
This is bigger than it appears. Although the money aspect of it is nothing, the people who bought the book in the early days are HER GREATEST AND MOST ARDENT SUPPORTERS. No "Hillary Haters," or "Members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" are buying the book.

So these bad reviews are coming from the friendliest audience possible.

Not a good sign.

Run, Hillary, Run!

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