Ouch! That's Gonna Leave A Mark: Biden Campaign's Truth Social Following Surpasses Trump Campaign's

donny has the classic signs of syphilitic brain syndrome.
To me it looks like the end stages of amphetamine addiction. He's known to snort crushed Adderall. That's why he sniffs during many of his public appearances.

Those all cap deranged Truth Social posts are classic signs of a speed freak losing his shit.
Haha, the orange slob gets embarrassed again.

All these.people you try to tear down... they hand your cult and its orange leader their asses on a nearly daily basis.

So if these people are such losers, what does that make your cult and its orange pile of shit leader?
Vegas oddsmakers are now taking wagers on the next time the Alzheimer's patient currently occupying the White House will trip and fall again. Right now the over/under is October 31. I'm laying $100 he'll take a tumble before that.
Vegas oddsmakers are now taking wagers on the next time the Alzheimer's patient currently occupying the White House will trip and fall again. Right now the over/under is October 31. I'm laying $100 he'll take a tumble before that.

So how does it feel to have had your ass handed.to you by such a person?

It must sting a little.
Complete unadulterated BS. Stop pulling shit outa your ass


he lost.
Vegas oddsmakers are now taking wagers on the next time the Alzheimer's patient currently occupying the White House will trip and fall again. Right now the over/under is October 31. I'm laying $100 he'll take a tumble before that.
I don't think you know what over/under means.
Oh, it also left out details about Biden showering with his granddaughter.

lol .. if yer gonna go with that bullshit, at least get the talking points correct,

And Trump was found not guilty of the faux rape charge.

not only was he found liable & ordered to pay e jean carroll, $5,000,000.00

he will be paying even more after jan. when the judge decides how much more.
I could purchase 100000 Folowers on ANY platform if I wanted to right now. All of this stuff is fake, remember how much of it Elon exposed? Apparently Obama had the most bots and fake followers.of anyone if my memory is accurate.
So you are saying Trump's 21,500 followers are bots?

I'm talking about Trump censoring Biden on Truth Social.

Did you just stumble into this topic without a clue what it is about?
You have to know the topic is bullshit so why prolong the agony?

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