Our divided nation

Its time the left split off and carved out their own country separate from the right. The right believes in law and order, obedience to the US Constitution, secure borders, fiscal sanity, and personal freedom. The left and GOP RINO traitors believe in pretty much the opposite.
That's ridiculous. Americans don't just throw up their hands and say we should split up, unless THEY are traitors.

The left have two choices, split off or be utterly destroyed by the right. It makes little difference to me.

Apparently you don't follow the news much. The Right is disintegrating, and fleeing to the left.


Since The Arizona Republic began publication in 1890, we have never endorsed a Democrat over a Republican for president. Never. This reflects a deep philosophical appreciation for conservative ideals and Republican principles.

This year is different.

The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified.

That’s why, for the first time in our history, The Arizona Republic will support a Democrat for president.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.
The fucking delusional of "hope and change" divided this country than it ever has...
Dip shit
Are you trying to say that our nation is divided because the majority wanted hope and change and the minority did not? Twice?

Oh, we got change alright, how do you like it?
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

I disagree. I've never seen in history where either political party was against their own country like the modern left. They want to allow illegal aliens to freely enter including rapists, murderers and criminals and destroy the job market for our low end workers. They can't even say "Islamic terrorism." It's a sickness that never existed before
In the 1940s and 50s the Right was against our country, at least the laws that govern our country, as they ruined lives, ginned up fear, trampled rights and ignored the law in their zeal to fight communism. In the 1960s social change, a divisive war in Vietnam and the catastrophic effects of political assassinations ripped our nation apart.

But in the 1860s, those who thought that "state's rights" included the state's right to hold a human being in perpetual slavery.

All the dross about immigrants raping Americans and the need to call acts of terrorism "Islamic" are just that: dross. You are under the spell of a huckster buffoon who is a miserable businessman but a brilliant promoter. Selling fear is his most popular commodity. I ain't buying.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.
The fucking delusional of "hope and change" divided this country than it ever has...
Dip shit
Are you trying to say that our nation is divided because the majority wanted hope and change and the minority did not? Twice?

Oh, we got change alright, how do you like it?
An economy pulled back from the brink, an automobile industry saved rather than consigned to bankruptcy, health care, an end to the meat grinder that was our ham handed invasion of Iraq, I like those changes!
Its time the left split off and carved out their own country separate from the right. The right believes in law and order, obedience to the US Constitution, secure borders, fiscal sanity, and personal freedom. The left and GOP RINO traitors believe in pretty much the opposite.
that's already been tried before, it's called canada, it's kinda more gay than it's worth.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.
The fucking delusional of "hope and change" divided this country than it ever has...
Dip shit
Are you trying to say that our nation is divided because the majority wanted hope and change and the minority did not? Twice?

Oh, we got change alright, how do you like it?

A lot.

We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.
The fucking delusional of "hope and change" divided this country than it ever has...
Dip shit
Are you trying to say that our nation is divided because the majority wanted hope and change and the minority did not? Twice?

Oh, we got change alright, how do you like it?
An economy pulled back from the brink, an automobile industry saved rather than consigned to bankruptcy, health care, an end to the meat grinder that was our ham handed invasion of Iraq, I like those changes!

An economy that has historically done much better without all the intervention, an auto industry that was sold to foreigners or majority owned by the unions that bankrupted them in the first place, health care with premiums raising as much as 60% next year, more troops being sent back to Iraq and a country with an occupier of the oval office that has no problems breaking the law and refuses to enforce our laws as required by the Constitution. Yep, I'm sure you regressives love it, because you hate the country. Oh and let's not forget he spent and borrowed more money that all the presidents before him combined.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

SO in summary, YOUR SIDE BAD, MY SIDE GOOD, unga bunga.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

SO in summary, YOUR SIDE BAD, MY SIDE GOOD, unga bunga.
That's a rebuttal? What have I got to worry about then?
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

SO in summary, YOUR SIDE BAD, MY SIDE GOOD, unga bunga.
That's a rebuttal? What have I got to worry about then?

that's a stage one rebuttal, and frankly all your blather deserves,

But I will expand. You do the typical partisan hack attack, where you take the most extreme parts of the view you don't like, and then rebut with the hippies and flowers nice version of your views. "hey, look how reasonable I am, and look how bad the others are".

It's the same lame and tired mantra used by hacks everywhere, much like the "Rule of 3" is used in Star Trek.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

SO in summary, YOUR SIDE BAD, MY SIDE GOOD, unga bunga.
That's a rebuttal? What have I got to worry about then?

that's a stage one rebuttal, and frankly all your blather deserves,

But I will expand. You do the typical partisan hack attack, where you take the most extreme parts of the view you don't like, and then rebut with the hippies and flowers nice version of your views. "hey, look how reasonable I am, and look how bad the others are".

It's the same lame and tired mantra used by hacks everywhere, much like the "Rule of 3" is used in Star Trek.
Well, if that one ideology I wrote of showed the world that they do have confidence in government and skepticism about corporations, I might be able to draw a different conclusion. Am I supposed to have blind faith, or understand what I am told?
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

I disagree. I've never seen in history where either political party was against their own country like the modern left. They want to allow illegal aliens to freely enter including rapists, murderers and criminals and destroy the job market for our low end workers. They can't even say "Islamic terrorism." It's a sickness that never existed before
In the 1940s and 50s the Right was against our country, at least the laws that govern our country, as they ruined lives, ginned up fear, trampled rights and ignored the law in their zeal to fight communism. In the 1960s social change, a divisive war in Vietnam and the catastrophic effects of political assassinations ripped our nation apart.

But in the 1860s, those who thought that "state's rights" included the state's right to hold a human being in perpetual slavery.

All the dross about immigrants raping Americans and the need to call acts of terrorism "Islamic" are just that: dross. You are under the spell of a huckster buffoon who is a miserable businessman but a brilliant promoter. Selling fear is his most popular commodity. I ain't buying.

This is the divisive shit liberals throw out. Democrats then were supporting communists. History has shown that McCarthy was way more right than he was wrong. Obviously they were not fighting to destroy the country. That's ridiculous. There was no objective above the country. For the modern left, there is. Global government
It's obvious, federal government intervention has not worked, has never worked, and will never work. This shitty economy shows next to zero growth over the last 7+ years… So basically the economy suck ass.
But, on a happy note he's one hell of a gun salesman…:dance:

We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

SO in summary, YOUR SIDE BAD, MY SIDE GOOD, unga bunga.
That's a rebuttal? What have I got to worry about then?

that's a stage one rebuttal, and frankly all your blather deserves,

But I will expand. You do the typical partisan hack attack, where you take the most extreme parts of the view you don't like, and then rebut with the hippies and flowers nice version of your views. "hey, look how reasonable I am, and look how bad the others are".

It's the same lame and tired mantra used by hacks everywhere, much like the "Rule of 3" is used in Star Trek.
Well, if that one ideology I wrote of showed the world that they do have confidence in government and skepticism about corporations, I might be able to draw a different conclusion. Am I supposed to have blind faith, or understand what I am told?

Begging the question. What part of the "ideology" you are railing about proposed the elimination of government, and turning it over to corporations? Again, you go with a standard progressive hack method.

and considering the current Dem/Prog candidate for president is actually getting more corporate donations that the Republican one, your railing against the corporate boogyman is hysterically hypocritical.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

SO in summary, YOUR SIDE BAD, MY SIDE GOOD, unga bunga.
That's a rebuttal? What have I got to worry about then?

that's a stage one rebuttal, and frankly all your blather deserves,

But I will expand. You do the typical partisan hack attack, where you take the most extreme parts of the view you don't like, and then rebut with the hippies and flowers nice version of your views. "hey, look how reasonable I am, and look how bad the others are".

It's the same lame and tired mantra used by hacks everywhere, much like the "Rule of 3" is used in Star Trek.
Well, if that one ideology I wrote of showed the world that they do have confidence in government and skepticism about corporations, I might be able to draw a different conclusion. Am I supposed to have blind faith, or understand what I am told?

Begging the question. What part of the "ideology" you are railing about proposed the elimination of government, and turning it over to corporations? Again, you go with a standard progressive hack method.

and considering the current Dem/Prog candidate for president is actually getting more corporate donations that the Republican one, your railing against the corporate boogyman is hysterically hypocritical.

But Marty, she's not going to DO anything for the ... hundreds of millions ... they are paying her! Don't you know that!


They're unreal, aren't they? Not very smart
Its time the left split off and carved out their own country separate from the right. The right believes in law and order, obedience to the US Constitution, secure borders, fiscal sanity, and personal freedom. The left and GOP RINO traitors believe in pretty much the opposite.
That's ridiculous. Americans don't just throw up their hands and say we should split up, unless THEY are traitors.

The left have two choices, split off or be utterly destroyed by the right. It makes little difference to me.
Utterly destroyed? Do you mean that politically, figuratively or literally?

Be thankful I'm not in charge liberals would be interned on prison work farms for their traitorous actions.
Its time the left split off and carved out their own country separate from the right. The right believes in law and order, obedience to the US Constitution, secure borders, fiscal sanity, and personal freedom. The left and GOP RINO traitors believe in pretty much the opposite.
That's ridiculous. Americans don't just throw up their hands and say we should split up, unless THEY are traitors.

The left have two choices, split off or be utterly destroyed by the right. It makes little difference to me.

Apparently you don't follow the news much. The Right is disintegrating, and fleeing to the left.


Since The Arizona Republic began publication in 1890, we have never endorsed a Democrat over a Republican for president. Never. This reflects a deep philosophical appreciation for conservative ideals and Republican principles.

This year is different.

The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified.

That’s why, for the first time in our history, The Arizona Republic will support a Democrat for president.

Ahahaha the sissy pants gender confused left won't win the battle trust me on this.
The nation is divided to such a degree that there is no point on which we agree.

The most peaceful end is a thoughtful split.
We are politically divided, there is no doubt. But we have been more bitterly divided before. Why have we forgotten that? Because today we have social media and an unfiltered news media that creates stories without the due diligence of professional journalism.

We have a political ideology that believes government cannot do anything right except arm and train the Armed Forces and patrol the streets with police officers who, in their opinion, are without reproach. This ideology believes that business is infallible. Business can pollute because business creates jobs. Business can produce unsafe shoddy products, but the aggrieved public can seek justice in court, as if the aggrieved public has the same caliber of legal power as business.

Government is inept, corrupt and self serving if you listen to this ideology. Therefore the powers of government must be reduced. That is unless a woman wants control of her reproductive system. Then government should be at her side and in her head and in her uterus. Government should not interfere in personal lives, nless two homosexuals want to avail themselves of the rights and privledge of the marriage contract. The government should not have power over personal lives, unless you want to discriminate against that homosexual couple. In that event, the government should protect your right to be a bigot.

Another ideology believes that government can affect solutions for problems which effect the nation at large. This ideology further believes that business, while beneficial economically, should be regulated for the ill business does. This ideology believes that taxes, while too high, should be paid in fair, reasonable amounts by everyone who benefits from the conditions business is conducted under.

We are divided alright. Bit it has been worse, just not as noisy.

SO in summary, YOUR SIDE BAD, MY SIDE GOOD, unga bunga.
That's a rebuttal? What have I got to worry about then?

that's a stage one rebuttal, and frankly all your blather deserves,

But I will expand. You do the typical partisan hack attack, where you take the most extreme parts of the view you don't like, and then rebut with the hippies and flowers nice version of your views. "hey, look how reasonable I am, and look how bad the others are".

It's the same lame and tired mantra used by hacks everywhere, much like the "Rule of 3" is used in Star Trek.
Be nice. Nosmo doesn't understand.
Its time the left split off and carved out their own country separate from the right. The right believes in law and order, obedience to the US Constitution, secure borders, fiscal sanity, and personal freedom. The left and GOP RINO traitors believe in pretty much the opposite.
That's ridiculous. Americans don't just throw up their hands and say we should split up, unless THEY are traitors.

The left have two choices, split off or be utterly destroyed by the right. It makes little difference to me.
Utterly destroyed? Do you mean that politically, figuratively or literally?

Be thankful I'm not in charge liberals would be interned on prison work farms for their traitorous actions.
Spoken like an Authortarian, but not like someone who understands and respects the constitution.

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