Our Doughnut-Hole President


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
After watching Obama's SOTU speech, I was struck by his lack of involvement in or responsibility for events that have occurred during the past seven years. Aside from a couple of dead references to how well the economy was doing, the only real accomplishments he could point to were the killing of Bin Laden (five years ago) and the fact that 18 million previously uninsured people had signed up for Obamacare.

Instead, he revealed himself to be more concerned with his legacy than with the issues currently facing our country. Other than ludicrously appointing Biden to cure cancer, his focus seemed to be on trying to build bullet points for his future resume. Thus, he reminded us of the historic nature of his "hope and change" election while decrying the rancorous politics that have characterized his term in office (never mind that his lapdog, Harry Reid, was the most viciously partisan Senate Majority Leader since Reconstruction).

Evidencing a concern over his own reputation as one of the most divisive Presidents in our history, he now wants to paper over this record with a call for unity among Americans without divisions based on race or political identification. Given the fact that he has personally stoked the fires of racial animosity throughout his Presidency, this preemptive attempt at historical revisionism may be a tough sell.
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Presidents are concerned about their legacies!? What an illuminating revelation!
Maybe you can blame the liberal media but it seems that he president continually gets away with being an observer rather than a participant in world events. It's no coincidence that Barry Hussein's auto-bio (allegedly ghost written by friend and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers) is titled "Dreams of my Father". Listening to his inane comments is much like listening to an African Nationalist who's dream is to turn America into a 3rd world nation.
Maybe you can blame the liberal media but it seems that he president continually gets away with being an observer rather than a participant in world events. It's no coincidence that Barry Hussein's auto-bio (allegedly ghost written by friend and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers) is titled "Dreams of my Father". Listening to his inane comments is much like listening to an African Nationalist who's dream is to turn America into a 3rd world nation.

I didn't read his book because I find it impossible for a man to know anything about his father who left him when he was 4 years old. It had to be made up BS.
After watching Obama's SOTU speech, I was struck by his lack of involvement in or responsibility for events that have occurred during the past seven years. Aside from a couple of dead references to how well the economy was doing, the only real accomplishments he could point to was the killing of Bin Laden (five years ago) and the fact that 18 million previously uninsured people had signed up for Obamacare.

Instead, he revealed himself to be more concerned with his legacy than with the issues currently facing our country. Other than ludicrously appointing Biden to cure cancer, his focus seemed to be on trying to build bullet points for his future resume. Thus, he reminded us of the historic nature of his "hope and change" election while decrying the rancorous politics that have characterized the past seven years (never mind that his lapdog, Harry Reid, was the most viciously partisan Senate Majority Leader since Reconstruction).

Evidencing a concern over his own reputation as one of the most divisive Presidents in our history, he now wants to paper over this record with a call for unity among Americans without divisions based on race or political identification. Given the fact that he has personally stoked the fires of racial animosity throughout his Presidency, this preemptive attempt at historical revisionism may be a tough sell.

Certainly an early contender for the Best Post of the Year Award.

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