Our EPA Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!


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Oct 10, 2009
Our EPA Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The EPA is an idealogical movement not based on scientific facts but based solely on fear propaganda. The EPA was started by lies published in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" Rachel Carson's biggest lie was that DDT was killing the American Bald Eagles. The EPA was created because of this book. They then used the EPA to ban DDT. This DDT ban killed over 60 million people. Liberal propaganda has killed more people than all wars ever fought. Lies in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring"

Now that the fear based DDT propaganda has been exposed, the DDT ban has been lifted proving that the EPA is nothing more than a political propaganda tool used to control people. Most of our jobs have been shipped out of this country thanks solely to the EPA.

Al Gore says in his introduction to the 1992 edition of her book "For me personally, Silent Spring had a profound impact ... Indeed, Rachel Carson was one of the reasons that I became so conscious of the environment and so involved with environmental issues ... Carson has had as much or more effect on me than any, and perhaps than all of them together."
Looks like the enviro wackos are speechless. :lol:
Our EPA Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The EPA is an idealogical movement not based on scientific facts but based solely on fear propaganda. The EPA was started by lies published in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" Rachel Carson's biggest lie was that DDT was killing the American Bald Eagles. The EPA was created because of this book. They then used the EPA to ban DDT. This DDT ban killed over 60 million people. Liberal propaganda has killed more people than all wars ever fought. Lies in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring"

Now that the fear based DDT propaganda has been exposed, the DDT ban has been lifted proving that the EPA is nothing more than a political propaganda tool used to control people. Most of our jobs have been shipped out of this country thanks solely to the EPA.

Al Gore says in his introduction to the 1992 edition of her book "For me personally, Silent Spring had a profound impact ... Indeed, Rachel Carson was one of the reasons that I became so conscious of the environment and so involved with environmental issues ... Carson has had as much or more effect on me than any, and perhaps than all of them together."

What a fucking joke. You actually believe that fat ass junkie?

It was shown very scientifically that DDT was, indeed, killing birds. And that it is a biocide.That you repeat this assinine stupidity definately diminishes my opinion of your ability to reason.


To verify the relationship between oxidative stress and DNA methylation in the young brain, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was administered by gavage to male young rats at doses of 0, 0.006, 0.06, 0.6, 6, and 60 mg/kg/day for a period of 4 weeks. The most conspicuous decrease in the lipid peroxidation level was observed in the 0.06 mg/kg/day group compared with controls. Microarray analysis of brain samples from the control and 0.06 mg/kg/day groups revealed that the expression of 40 genes was changed in the hypothalamus, whereas mRNA expression was unaltered in the hippocampus. This result suggests that the hypothalamus is more susceptible to low-level oxidative stress at the young period. We further examined this possibility by selecting 10 genes from the hypothalamic microarray data. RT-PCR analysis revealed that expression of 7 of these 10 genes was significantly changed in the 0.06 mg/kg/day group, compared with controls. Furthermore, RT-PCR analysis showed that mRNA expressions of Dnmt1, Hsp90 and Hsp70 in the hypothalamus were significantly lower in the 0.06 mg/kg/day group than in controls. Methylated DNA-PCR analysis in the hypothalamus revealed that 6 CpG islands were significantly hypomethylated compared with controls. Thus, we speculate that the DNA methylation machinery malfunctions under low levels of oxidative stress, thereby leading to incomplete methylation of specific gene regions. Our data indicate that a low level of oxidative stress appears to correlate positively with transcriptional down-regulation and hypomethylation, but the precise mechanisms underlying these processes are unclear.
Our EPA Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The EPA is an idealogical movement not based on scientific facts but based solely on fear propaganda. The EPA was started by lies published in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" Rachel Carson's biggest lie was that DDT was killing the American Bald Eagles. The EPA was created because of this book. They then used the EPA to ban DDT. This DDT ban killed over 60 million people. Liberal propaganda has killed more people than all wars ever fought.

DDT hasn't been banned, except in agricultural use. It's still used extensively worldwide for mosquito control. Increased cases of malaria aren't due to a ban, but because of developing resistance to DDT by mosquito populations.

DDT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An environmentalist was trying to explain how grazing herds will save the planet to Bill Maher last night & Bill said I don't understand what you are saying. Government Enviro Wacko Scientist created global warming & nearly killed the planet. They will try to spin it, but you will be hearing more about it soon.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI"]Activist Scientist Caused Global Warming[/ame]
The EP killed more people than wars?

Silent Spring was only complainting about Eagles


What buffoonery.
The EP killed more people than wars?

Silent Spring was only complainting about Eagles


What buffoonery.

Over 60 million people died of malaria in the Third World since DDT was banned. These were mostly African children who died of malaria from mosquito's according to the World Health Organization.
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It was shown very scientifically that DDT was, indeed, killing birds. And that it is a biocide.That you repeat this assinine stupidity definately diminishes my opinion of your ability to reason.

Actually, it wasn't. One of the primary studies used in that so called scientific proof was an instance where dieldrin, a known egg shell thinner was added to the diet of the birds.

The "science" proving that DDT was a problem was as flawed and half assed as modern climate science. Further, it is damed hypocritical for you envirowackos to go on at all about DDT killing birds (which it didn't) since your windmills kill more than was even imagined being killed by DDT at the height of the frenzy.

  • Egg shell thinning is not correlated with pesticide residues. [Krantz WC. 1970 (No correlation between shell-thinning and pesticide residues in eggs) Pesticide Monitoring J 4(3): 136-141; Postupalsky, S. 1971. Canadian Wildlife Service manuscript, April 8, 1971 (No correlation between shell-thinning and DDE in eggs of bald eagles and cormorants); Anon. 1970. Oregon State University Health Sciences Conference, Annual report, p. 94. (Lowest DDT residues associated with thinnest shells in Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk and goshawk); Claus G and K Bolander. 1977. Ecological Sanity, David McKay Co., N.Y., p. 461. (Feeding thyreprotein causes hens to lay lighter eggs, with heavier, thicker shells)

  • After 15 years of heavy and widespread usage of DDT, Audubon Society ornithologists counted 25 percent more eagles per observer in 1960 than during the pre-DDT 1941 bird census. [Marvin, PH. 1964 Birds on the rise. Bull Entomol Soc Amer 10(3):184-186; Wurster, CF. 1969 Congressional Record S4599, May 5, 1969; Anon. 1942. The 42nd Annual Christmas Bird Census. Audubon Magazine 44:1-75 (Jan/Feb 1942; Cruickshank, AD (Editor). 1961. The 61st Annual Christmas Bird Census. Audubon Field Notes 15(2):84-300; White-Stevens, R.. 1972. Statistical analyses of Audubon Christmas Bird censuses. Letter to New York Times, August 15, 1972]

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists fed large doses of DDT to captive bald eagles for 112 days and concluded that “DDT residues encountered by eagles in the environment would not adversely affect eagles or their eggs.” [Stickel, L. 1966. Bald eagle-pesticide relationships. Trans 31st N Amer Wildlife Conference, pp.190-200]

  • Every bald eagle found dead in the U.S., between 1961-1977 (266 birds) was analyzed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists who reported no adverse effects caused by DDT or its residues. [Reichel, WL. 1969. (Pesticide residues in 45 bald eagles found dead in the U.S. 1964-1965). Pesticides Monitoring J 3(3)142-144; Belisle, AA. 1972. (Pesticide residues and PCBs and mercury, in bald eagles found dead in the U.S. 1969-1970). Pesticides Monitoring J 6(3): 133-138; Cromartie, E. 1974. (Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in 37 bald eagles found dead in the U.S. 1971-1972). Pesticides Monitoring J 9:11-14; Coon, NC. 1970. (Causes of bald eagle mortality in the US 1960-1065). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 6:72-76]

  • Many experiments on caged-birds demonstrate that DDT and its metabolites (DDD and DDE) do not cause serious egg shell thinning, even at levels many hundreds of times greater than wild birds would ever accumulate. [Cecil, HC et al. 1971. Poultry Science 50: 656-659 (No effects of DDT or DDE, if adequate calcium is in diet); Chang, ES & ELR Stokstad. 1975. Poultry Science 54: 3-10 1975. (No effects of DDT on shells); Edwards, JG. 1971. Chem Eng News p. 6 & 59 (August 16, 1971) (Summary of egg shell- thinning and refutations presented revealing all data); Hazeltine, WE. 1974. Statement and affidavit, EPA Hearings on Tussock Moth Control, Portland Oregon, p. 9 (January 14, 1974); Jeffries, DJ. 1969. J Wildlife Management 32: 441-456 (Shells 7 percent thicker after two years on DDT diet); Robson, WA et al. 1976. Poultry Science 55:2222- 2227; Scott, ML et al. 1975. Poultry Science 54: 350-368 (Egg production, hatchability and shell quality depend on calcium, and are not effected by DDT and its metabolites); Spears, G & P. Waibel. 1972. Minn. Science 28(3):4-5; Tucker, RK & HA Haegele. 1970. Bull Environ Contam. Toxicol 5:191-194 (Neither egg weight nor shell thickness affected by 300 parts per million DDT in daily diet);Edwards, JG. 1973. Statement and affidavit, U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, 24 pages, October 24, 1973; Poult Sci 1979 Nov;58(6):1432-49 ("There was no correlation between concentrations of pesticides and egg shell thinning.")]

  • Experiments associating DDT with egg shell thinning involve doses much higher than would ever be encountered in the wild. [J Toxicol Environ Health 1977 Nov;3(4):699-704 (50 ppm for 6 months); Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 1978;7(3):359-67 ("acute" doses); Acta Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh) 1982 Feb;50(2):121-9 (40 mg/kg/day for 45 days); Fed Proc 1977 May;36(6):1888-93 ("In well-controlled experiments using white leghorn chickens and Japanese quail, dietary PCBs, DDT and related compounds produced no detrimental effects on eggshell quality. ... no detrimental effects on eggshell quality, egg production or hatchability were found with ... DDT up to 100 ppm)]

  • Laboratory egg shell thinning required massive doses of DDE far in excess of anything expected in nature, and massive laboratory doses produce much less thinning than is seen in many of the thin-shelled eggs collected in the wild. [Hazeltine, WE. 1974. Statement and affidavit, EPA Hearings on Tussock Moth Control, Portland Oregon, p. 9 (January 14, 1974)]

  • Years of carefully controlled feeding experiments involving levels of DDT as high as present in most wild birds resulted in no tremors, mortality, thinning of egg shells nor reproductive interference. [Scott, ML et al. 1975. Poultry Science 54: 350-368 (Egg production, hatch ability and shell quality depend on calcium, and are not effected by DDT and its metabolites)]

  • Egg shell thinning is not correlated with pesticide residues. [Krantz WC. 1970 (No correlation between shell-thinning and pesticide residues in eggs) Pesticide Monitoring J 4(3): 136-141; Postupalsky, S. 1971. Canadian Wildlife Service manuscript, April 8, 1971 (No correlation between shell-thinning and DDE in eggs of bald eagles and cormorants); Anon. 1970. Oregon State University Health Sciences Conference, Annual report, p. 94. (Lowest DDT residues associated with thinnest shells in Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk and goshawk); Claus G and K Bolander. 1977. Ecological Sanity, David McKay Co., N.Y., p. 461. (Feeding thyreprotein causes hens to lay lighter eggs, with heavier, thicker shells)

  • DDT was blamed for egg shell thinning even though a known egg shell thinner (dieldrin) was also added to the diet. [Porter, RD and SN Wiemeyer. 1969. Science 165: 199-200]

  • No significant correlation between DDE and egg shell thinning in Canadian terns even though the eggs contained as much as 100 parts per million of DDE. [Switzer, BG et al. 1971. Can J Zool 49:69-73]
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Note how the DDT-cranks are exactly the same people as the denialists. Gullibility in one topic means gullibility in all of them. Right-wing-crank extremism is the cult. DDT and AGW denialism are just two of the many religious mantras that the cultists are required to chant to remain in good standing.

Now, back in the real world, the DDT agricultural-use ban prevented mosquitoes from developing resistance to DDT, and thus kept DDT viable for malaria control, saving millions of lives. SSDD and KissMy, of course, don't care. If millions have to die for the glory of their own political cult, then that's a price they're willing to force someone else else to pay.

(So, anyone else other than SSDD and KissMy want to proudly brag about their support of genocidal policies? Come on, jump on the genocide bandwagon.)
Note how the DDT-cranks are exactly the same people as the denialists. Gullibility in one topic means gullibility in all of them. Right-wing-crank extremism is the cult. DDT and AGW denialism are just two of the many religious mantras that the cultists are required to chant to remain in good standing.

I didn't write the overwhelming body of research proving that DDT wasn't a problem for birds. I am just reporting it to you wackos who didn't get the memo.
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Note how the DDT-cranks are exactly the same people as the denialists. Gullibility in one topic means gullibility in all of them. Right-wing-crank extremism is the cult. DDT and AGW denialism are just two of the many religious mantras that the cultists are required to chant to remain in good standing.

Now, back in the real world, the DDT agricultural-use ban prevented mosquitoes from developing resistance to DDT, and thus kept DDT viable for malaria control, saving millions of lives. SSDD and KissMy, of course, don't care. If millions have to die for the glory of their own political cult, then that's a price they're willing to force someone else else to pay.

(So, anyone else other than SSDD and KissMy want to proudly brag about their support of genocidal policies? Come on, jump on the genocide bandwagon.)

The ban was for all DDT uses, not just agricultural-use. The EPA did not save lives with that DDT ban. Over 60 million people died of malaria in the Third World since DDT was banned. These were mostly African children who died of malaria from mosquito's according to the World Health Organization. The EPA caused these deaths because the enviro wackos consider those Africans "Useless Eaters". It was not until 30 years later in 2006 when The World Health Organization (WHO) lifted the DDT ban for domestic use could these lives be saved.

The Enviro Wackos also killed 40,000 African Elephants on Government Lands because they thought they were destroying the land. :cuckoo:
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The ban was for all DDT uses, not just agricultural-use. The EPA did not save lives with that DDT ban. Over 60 million people died of malaria in the Third World since DDT was banned. These were mostly African children who died of malaria from mosquito's according to the World Health Organization. The EPA caused these deaths because the enviro wackos consider those Africans "Useless Eaters". It was not until 30 years later in 2006 when The World Health Organization (WHO) lifted the DDT ban for domestic use could these lives be saved.

The Enviro Wackos also killed 40,000 African Elephants on Government Lands because they thought they were destroying the land. :cuckoo:

Those were brown people who were dying and the environmentalist movement has shown over and over that the deaths of brown people aren't particularly important to them.
All life is about weighing necessary tradeoffs......choosing "the suck" vs "the suckier". But not to people on the k00k left. Unintended consequences for these people are conveniently ignored because to accept them would devastate the concepts of the established narrative. Facts are to the far left is like fucking Dracula looking into a mirror......up goes the cape. It works for them.
An environmentalist was trying to explain how grazing herds will save the planet to Bill Maher last night & Bill said I don't understand what you are saying. Government Enviro Wacko Scientist created global warming & nearly killed the planet. They will try to spin it, but you will be hearing more about it soon.

Activist Scientist Caused Global Warming

These wackjobs have destroyed our climate & drought took hold. A global food shortage will accomplish their goal of population reduction. Food will now be their new weapon. Climate Change Series: The Future Of Food "Of all the uncertainties climate change presents, its impact on the production and distribution of food is one of the greatest. We are already feeling the effects: 2012 was a bad year for farmers, with droughts and erratic weather decimating crops and pushing up global food prices. Food prices are at historic highs and there have been two global food crises in the last five years leading to riots in Haiti in 2008 and contributing to the Arab Spring in 2011."
The EP killed more people than wars?

Silent Spring was only complainting about Eagles


What buffoonery.

Over 60 million people died of malaria in the Third World since DDT was banned. These were mostly African children who died of malaria from mosquito's according to the World Health Organization.

And how many people do you suppose would have died if we'd continue poisoning the enviroment with DDT, mate?

My guess is a whole LOT more than 60 million.

If you think that DDT was only effecting eagles you need to do some reading, amigo.
Our EPA Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The EPA is an idealogical movement not based on scientific facts but based solely on fear propaganda. The EPA was started by lies published in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" Rachel Carson's biggest lie was that DDT was killing the American Bald Eagles. The EPA was created because of this book. They then used the EPA to ban DDT. This DDT ban killed over 60 million people. Liberal propaganda has killed more people than all wars ever fought. Lies in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring"

Now that the fear based DDT propaganda has been exposed, the DDT ban has been lifted proving that the EPA is nothing more than a political propaganda tool used to control people. Most of our jobs have been shipped out of this country thanks solely to the EPA.

Al Gore says in his introduction to the 1992 edition of her book "For me personally, Silent Spring had a profound impact ... Indeed, Rachel Carson was one of the reasons that I became so conscious of the environment and so involved with environmental issues ... Carson has had as much or more effect on me than any, and perhaps than all of them together."

I love a good government agency bashing thread, I really do... BUT, gotta tell ya the link you gave is stating the WHO or World Health Organization, not the EPA...

So the title should be; The WHO Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!
Our EPA Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The EPA is an idealogical movement not based on scientific facts but based solely on fear propaganda. The EPA was started by lies published in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" Rachel Carson's biggest lie was that DDT was killing the American Bald Eagles. The EPA was created because of this book. They then used the EPA to ban DDT. This DDT ban killed over 60 million people. Liberal propaganda has killed more people than all wars ever fought. Lies in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring"

Now that the fear based DDT propaganda has been exposed, the DDT ban has been lifted proving that the EPA is nothing more than a political propaganda tool used to control people. Most of our jobs have been shipped out of this country thanks solely to the EPA.

Al Gore says in his introduction to the 1992 edition of her book "For me personally, Silent Spring had a profound impact ... Indeed, Rachel Carson was one of the reasons that I became so conscious of the environment and so involved with environmental issues ... Carson has had as much or more effect on me than any, and perhaps than all of them together."

I love a good government agency bashing thread, I really do... BUT, gotta tell ya the link you gave is stating the WHO or World Health Organization, not the EPA...

So the title should be; The WHO Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The USA has historically pressured/influenced the United Nation & their WHO. Finally the WHO grew some balls, pushed back & followed the science instead of following our political pseudo-scientific EPA mandates.
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Our EPA Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The EPA is an idealogical movement not based on scientific facts but based solely on fear propaganda. The EPA was started by lies published in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" Rachel Carson's biggest lie was that DDT was killing the American Bald Eagles. The EPA was created because of this book. They then used the EPA to ban DDT. This DDT ban killed over 60 million people. Liberal propaganda has killed more people than all wars ever fought. Lies in Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring"

Now that the fear based DDT propaganda has been exposed, the DDT ban has been lifted proving that the EPA is nothing more than a political propaganda tool used to control people. Most of our jobs have been shipped out of this country thanks solely to the EPA.

Al Gore says in his introduction to the 1992 edition of her book "For me personally, Silent Spring had a profound impact ... Indeed, Rachel Carson was one of the reasons that I became so conscious of the environment and so involved with environmental issues ... Carson has had as much or more effect on me than any, and perhaps than all of them together."

I love a good government agency bashing thread, I really do... BUT, gotta tell ya the link you gave is stating the WHO or World Health Organization, not the EPA...

So the title should be; The WHO Has killed More People Than Our Wars & Oil Companies!

The USA has historically pressured/influenced the United Nation & their WHO. Finally the WHO grew some balls, pushed back & followed the science instead of following our political pseudo-scientific EPA mandates.

LOL usa pressuring the UN??? I think you have that backwards friend...

I was nice to you too... So you're a douchebag, noted..

The UN pressures countries asshole, they are the government above the nation get it? Get over your propaganda..
I tried to read Kiss My's post, but the spin made me dizzy. Fortunately i stopped before I reached the piont that I did when, as a teenager, I spent too much time on the tilt-a-wheel, and spent the next few minutes throwing up behind the freak show at the fair.
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