Our Internet Service was out for four and half, almost five days............

Yes, we will no question have one of those fancy Generacs set up well before the next chaotic season. :thewave:
We are so glad you are back - things were really going down hill. Did you hear about Guiliani's computer hacking scandal?
Been missing those "What's your favorite threads". Well, not really, but glad you are back. Now go read a book since you prefer that to the internet.
Oh my. I wonder how in hell I ever managed to grow up and thrive without an internet at all. Of course we did have those things called books back then.

Have a buddy who got his first smartphone and an Ipad just a year ago.
Now he wonders how he lived without em.
I finally got him to advance into this century by showing him how having a smartphone helps him when it comes to fishing.
Imagine your life.....without Internet.......

Can you ???

Kill me.....kill me now.

I hear ya!!
If my internet goes out I'll generally just do a lot of reading but after awhile I get antsy,I need my news!!!!
Try the TV maybe. I know better than to tell you a newspaper because those aren't even any good for asswipe anymore.

TV news for the most part is useless without being able to cross check on the internet.
In fact watching TV news makes it worse because I cant cross check.
And yeah,fuck the newspaper. I ended that shit about 5 years ago after being a subscriber for 40 years.
It was FINALLY restored about a half hour ago. I'm glad to be back on here.:)
Common occurrence in the Fourth World ?
Mine goes once in a while...when a monkey swings from the line and interrupts it
Been missing those "What's your favorite threads". Well, not really, but glad you are back. Now go read a book since you prefer that to the internet.
I MAY return to those threads, but I believe I may have exhausted all of my ideas FOR those threads............;)
Don't have data on your phone?
Heck no. I don't have a Smart Phone, and do NOT intend on EVER having one. I don't NEED one.;)
Judging by the effect they have on people those things will destroy your mind and render the owner a babbling drooling idiot, too stupid to even look where they're going and unable to engage in normal conversation across a dinner table.
Sorry, I was looking at my phone.

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