Our Military people want a new CIC

Gallup, Rassmusen and Military Times polling all confirm, and our men and women in uniform strongly agree:

'Get this weakstick CIC out of here!'

Hiding in France, dodging the draft after demonstrating in favor of Vietnam and the draft.

What a piece of shit.


Tell me what makes your half white president any better?
He didn't demonstrate in favor of the draft and in favor of Vietnam, like the cultist Romney did.


Taking a stand: A young Mitt Romney holds up a placard at a pro-draft demonstration at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, in May 1966


Fortunate son: Mr Romney's status as a 'Mormon missionary' meant he was exempt from the Vietnam War draft

Preppy protester: The moment a 19-year-old Mitt Romney demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft
  • Teenage Romney takes unpopular stance in favour of south-east Asian war
  • But his status as 'Mormon missionary' exempted him from the draft
  • Future GOP presidential candidate dressed in smart, preppy clothes
  • Romney's father George was the Governor of Michigan at the time

Taken at the height of the swinging Sixties, Mr Romney holds a sign declaring 'Speak Out, Don't Sit In' as, alongside like-minded individuals, he proclaims his support for Lyndon Johnson's ever-expanding draft.

But, in a marked contrast to the relaxed dress sense associated with that decade's youth movement, he is wearing smart white slacks, a white buttoned-up shirt and a dark blazer.

A newspaper clipping headlined 'Governor's son pickets the pickets' states: 'Mitt Romney, son of Michigan Gov. George Romney, was one of the pickets who supported the Stanford University administration in opposition to sit-in demonstrators.'

The photograph was taken on May 20, 1966, shortly after a group of students had taken over the office of Stanford University President Wallace Sterling.

They were protesting at the introduction of a test designed to help the authorities decide who was eligible for the draft.

Mr Romney was one of approximately 150 conservative students who counter-picketed the sit-in.

Carey Coulter was one of the demonstrators alongside Mr Romney that day. He told BuzzFeed.com: 'We were there to get an education and these people holding the administration hostage was antithetical to that.

'Mitt walked up to me and said that he had some experience with the press, and that he would handle the press for me if I wanted him to. I said fine, because I was busy running the demonstration.

'I don't recall ever seeing him again.'
Confirmed with similar margins in both Gallup and Rassmussen research, as posted above.

You have failed, as has Obama in winning the confidence of our men in women in servce as CIC.
Again - who gives a shit what they want?

Voters. You don't care about our service people?

More failure, libtard.

When it comes to voting, not any more than any other American.

The majority of them voted for Bush, wingnuts keep claiming. So maybe they are too stupid to be trusted to vote?
Here is what we know.

Gallup, Rassmusen and Military Times polling all confirm, and our men and women in uniform strongly agree:

'Get this weakstick CIC outta here!'

Bishop Romney has never had any family member, past or present, in the U.S. military.


Mormons only fighting for Mormons maybe?
Well, his grandfather abandoned America to run to Mexico, just for some extra pussy.

The whole family is anti-American.

Yep, that's something else the rw's try so hard to ignore.

One of them recently posted that 'citizenship is conferred by the father'. That's baloney of course but if it were true, Mittens is Mexican and not eligible to run for prez.

The crazy birthers backed themselves into a corner with that one.

The military subservient to the civilian population.

The day that changes is the day America ceases to be America.

And Obama sucks, according to those who serve under him.


According to "some" of them.

In any case..it's the voters that decide who leads the country.

Not the military.

All of the data confirms the same thing.

Our men and women in the military hate Obama's commie guts, and the feeling is quite mutual, swallow.
Mormons only fighting for Mormons maybe?
Well, his grandfather abandoned America to run to Mexico, just for some extra pussy.

The whole family is anti-American.

Yep, that's something else the rw's try so hard to ignore.

One of them recently posted that 'citizenship is conferred by the father'. That's baloney of course but if it were true, Mittens is Mexican and not eligible to run for prez.

The crazy birthers backed themselves into a corner with that one.

Gotta love it that no Romney males prior to Mitt ever fought in the United States Military.

They fled the country to engage in pedophilia and bigamy. One of Romney's biggest support is ol' shitty pants - Ted Nugent - the fucking coward. He likes underaged girls as well. And made it a point to get out of military duty by doing his doodie in his pants for 3 weeks.
And Obama sucks, according to those who serve under him.


According to "some" of them.

In any case..it's the voters that decide who leads the country.

Not the military.

All of the data confirms the same thing.

Our men and women in the military hate Obama's commie guts, and the feeling is quite mutual, swallow.

Sorry SniperFag..no swallow. I know you love when men gush man juice down your homo throat..but I ain't going to be one of them..lame ass.

Obama's no commie either..

Mitt however..loves the commies. He shipped a great many American jobs there..after he came home from dodging the war in France.

That's what fucks like you like second best. Screwing America. After you get done screwing your faggot friends.

According to "some" of them.

In any case..it's the voters that decide who leads the country.

Not the military.

All of the data confirms the same thing.

Our men and women in the military hate Obama's commie guts, and the feeling is quite mutual, swallow.

Sorry SniperFag..no swallow. I know you love when men gush man juice down your homo throat..but I ain't going to be one of them..lame ass.

Obama's no commie either..

Mitt however..loves the commies. He shipped a great many American jobs there..after he came home from dodging the war in France.

That's what fucks like you like second best. Screwing America. After you get done screwing your faggot friends.


This is crammed right back up your lying ass, just like Romney shoved Lefty meme up Obama's failed ass last week.


FactCheck.Org: No Evidence Romney Shipped Jobs Overseas

Face it, swallow. You live the Liberal Lie.

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