Our "Pass The Buck" .. President

I'm thinking Obama has the record for excuses as President. I just don't recall Bush making any excuses, and Clinton just lied, bit his lip, then "felt your pain".


Harry S. Truman famously said of the presidency, “The buck stops here.” President Barack Obama might as well make his slogan: “Pass the Buck.”

Obama top 25 Excuses....:eusa_doh:

George W. Bush

Tax breaks

Arab Spring

Japanese earthquake


George W. Bush

Automation technologies

Eurozone crisis

Republican House

ATM usage

George W. Bush

The Weather

Bad luck

Super PAC ad spending

Lack of stimulus money

George W. Bush

The Tea Party

Unmanned airport ticket kiosks

Oil speculators

Underestimation of economic crisis

George W. Bush

Businesses not expanding

Americans being soft and lazy

Fox News

Energy companies not getting behind…algae

Top 25 Obama Excuses For a Failed Economy and High Unemployment

I guess there's a point here. You did leave out "Republican Obstructionism". Was that on purpose? Or a "gaffe"?

Republican Congress is there as an Obama excuse but I would hate to take credit for something I didn't actually write.. I provided a link to the article btw.

I might add that many of the Bush policies continued into the Obama administration, Bin Laden and such.. typically Obama takes full credit for those..
So, did all the conservatives in this thread vote for Clinton in '96??

We had low UE then, we had a shrinking deficit, good job growth...

...all the things you're claiming aren't happening for Obama so that's why you shouldn't vote for him.

Who are you trying to bullshit?
I'm thinking Obama has the record for excuses as President. I just don't recall Bush making any excuses, and Clinton just lied, bit his lip, then "felt your pain".


Harry S. Truman famously said of the presidency, “The buck stops here.” President Barack Obama might as well make his slogan: “Pass the Buck.”

Obama top 25 Excuses....:eusa_doh:

George W. Bush

Tax breaks

Arab Spring

Japanese earthquake


George W. Bush

Automation technologies

Eurozone crisis

Republican House

ATM usage

George W. Bush

The Weather

Bad luck

Super PAC ad spending

Lack of stimulus money

George W. Bush

The Tea Party

Unmanned airport ticket kiosks

Oil speculators

Underestimation of economic crisis

George W. Bush

Businesses not expanding

Americans being soft and lazy

Fox News

Energy companies not getting behind…algae

Top 25 Obama Excuses For a Failed Economy and High Unemployment

I guess there's a point here. You did leave out "Republican Obstructionism". Was that on purpose? Or a "gaffe"?

Republican Congress is there as an Obama excuse but I would hate to take credit for something I didn't actually write.. I provided a link to the article btw.

I might add that many of the Bush policies continued into the Obama administration, Bin Laden and such.. typically Obama takes full credit for those..

Truman blamed a do-nothing Republican Congress.
I'm thinking Obama has the record for excuses as President. I just don't recall Bush making any excuses, and Clinton just lied, bit his lip, then "felt your pain".


Harry S. Truman famously said of the presidency, “The buck stops here.” President Barack Obama might as well make his slogan: “Pass the Buck.”

Obama top 25 Excuses....:eusa_doh:

George W. Bush

Tax breaks

Arab Spring

Japanese earthquake


George W. Bush

Automation technologies

Eurozone crisis

Republican House

ATM usage

George W. Bush

The Weather

Bad luck

Super PAC ad spending

Lack of stimulus money

George W. Bush

The Tea Party

Unmanned airport ticket kiosks

Oil speculators

Underestimation of economic crisis

George W. Bush

Businesses not expanding

Americans being soft and lazy

Fox News

Energy companies not getting behind…algae

Top 25 Obama Excuses For a Failed Economy and High Unemployment

You forgot Do Nothing Congress.

Good Catch! The Democrat controlled Senate hasn't passed a budget in three years and have not brought 25 or 30 bills that the Republican controlled House passed to the floor for debate and a vote. 1/2 of the Congress is earning their pay.

Reid should tell the Repugs that their bills will hit the floor right after the Repugs let go of all the filibustered Dem bills and let them go to a vote. The state of the country is partially due to repug intransigence and outright sabotage.
So what’s left? Planetary alignments? The McBurglar? The 2012 Mayan doomsday prophecy?

Mr. President, the truth of the matter is, whether you want to admit it or not, more regulation and government bureaucracy does no produce confidence or certainty with the American public or job creators. Government cannot run an economy with public taxpayer dollars. Government should not be running every aspect of our system from health care to finance to education to energy.

Especially when taxpayers are dwindling. They could take all the 'evil rich' have and this Government would only run for a few months.

Deregulation, Tax Cuts, Government budget cuts are prescribed. President Oblame-o won't do ANY of it...so part of the prescription is he needs to be removed from office in November.

Funny you didn't notice that is what Obama has done, yet your bright ideas have not had magical affect on that miracle over night recovery.
So, did all the conservatives in this thread vote for Clinton in '96??

We had low UE then, we had a shrinking deficit, good job growth...

...all the things you're claiming aren't happening for Obama so that's why you shouldn't vote for him.

Who are you trying to bullshit?

well Clinton enacted republican policies, I had no idea, did you? If he could have kept his anthony weiner in his pants, he may have been a somebody, but he treated his wife like a dormat (funny how liberals love Hillary but excused Bills behavior, I thought liberals helped women, not laugh at them as they get cuckolded) If not for treating his wife like dirt (see republicans actually dont like to see women treated that way, which is why the war on women is another liberal aspect of PROJECTION)he might have alot more respect.
I'm thinking Obama has the record for excuses as President. I just don't recall Bush making any excuses, and Clinton just lied, bit his lip, then "felt your pain".


Harry S. Truman famously said of the presidency, “The buck stops here.” President Barack Obama might as well make his slogan: “Pass the Buck.”

Obama top 25 Excuses....:eusa_doh:

George W. Bush

Tax breaks

Arab Spring

Japanese earthquake


George W. Bush

Automation technologies

Eurozone crisis

Republican House

ATM usage

George W. Bush

The Weather

Bad luck

Super PAC ad spending

Lack of stimulus money

George W. Bush

The Tea Party

Unmanned airport ticket kiosks

Oil speculators

Underestimation of economic crisis

George W. Bush

Businesses not expanding

Americans being soft and lazy

Fox News

Energy companies not getting behind…algae

Top 25 Obama Excuses For a Failed Economy and High Unemployment

You forgot Do Nothing Congress.

You talking about the House that has this year alone passes 3 budget plans that were ignored or are you talking about the democrat run senate that refuses to vote on a bill?
Last edited:
You forgot Do Nothing Congress.

Good Catch! The Democrat controlled Senate hasn't passed a budget in three years and have not brought 25 or 30 bills that the Republican controlled House passed to the floor for debate and a vote. 1/2 of the Congress is earning their pay.

Reid should tell the Repugs that their bills will hit the floor right after the Repugs let go of all the filibustered Dem bills and let them go to a vote. The state of the country is partially due to repug intransigence and outright sabotage.

LMAO what bills have the senate passed that the house didnt vote on?
Obama can blame Bush all he wants. Eventually, he is going to have to sell the American people on an economic plan of prosperity. To date, all he has been doing is blaming Bush and pushing a plan of "Fairness." Even Bush haters are doubting Obama's ability to deliver a viable economic plan. Hope is not a strategy.





Obama can blame Bush all he wants. Eventually, he is going to have to sell the American people on an economic plan of prosperity. To date, all he has been doing is blaming Bush and pushing a plan of "Fairness." Even Bush haters are doubting Obama's ability to deliver a viable economic plan. Hope is not a strategy.

So what’s left? Planetary alignments? The McBurglar? The 2012 Mayan doomsday prophecy?

Mr. President, the truth of the matter is, whether you want to admit it or not, more regulation and government bureaucracy does no produce confidence or certainty with the American public or job creators. Government cannot run an economy with public taxpayer dollars. Government should not be running every aspect of our system from health care to finance to education to energy.

Especially when taxpayers are dwindling. They could take all the 'evil rich' have and this Government would only run for a few months.

Deregulation, Tax Cuts, Government budget cuts are prescribed. President Oblame-o won't do ANY of it...so part of the prescription is he needs to be removed from office in November.

Funny you didn't notice that is what Obama has done, yet your bright ideas have not had magical affect on that miracle over night recovery.

Alan Parsons Project.. mmm.. it's been a while..
I cant wait to post up my "No more blaming Bush Assholes" gay MS Paint Photobucket Classics starting on November 7th!!! What a fucking hoot that is going to be.........a red hot poker telephone pole up the pooper of every k00k on this forum!!:D:D:D Mofu's are going to be beside themselves with misery.

T bro......make sure you make it in here that night:rock:

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