Your right to be a bigot is not a right. is, snowflake. There is an absolute right in America to be a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, and any other fake accusation you'd like to make. As much as you worship fascism, in America, you do not get to control people's thoughts, feelings, and attitudes.
So you have the right to refuse to hire a person solely because that person is black?
I have a right to walk into a street, look at any black person, and scream "I hate you n1gger". And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, fascist.
Should gangs and terrorists have these weapons?
Uh....shouldn't gang members and terrorists be behind bars where they belong? :uhh:

How would they get their hands on firearms in prison? :uhh:

Why does your side insist on letting these people roam free in order to try to win elections? :uhh:
Should....have these weapons? Should the insane? The incompetent?
Does the U.S. Constitution exclude "the insane" or "the incompetent" from their 2nd Amendment rights? Do is it exclude "the insane" or "the incompetent" from any constitutional rights?
I believe that healthcare and a equal chance at the wealth shouldn't be denied...P@triot wants only the rich to enjoy this...

The guy must be a billionaire.
Which begs the question then Matthew: why don't you pay for those without healthcare to have healthcare in order to ensure they are not denied? It's a simple question and it is an honest question.
Could such weapons be used for offense as well.
Yes. Why?
Should gangs and terrorists have these weapons? Should the insane? The incompetent?
I have answered ALL of your questions honestly without being snarky. You're turn. You said could such weapons be used for offense as well. I said yes. Why?
Because when such weapons are used for offense, the body count ratchets up farther and faster. In your opinion, would such weapons pose a significant risk to th health and safety of American citizens if they were more available or carried openly on the streets, on campuses, in schoolyards, theaters and churches?
Should gangs and terrorists have these weapons?
Uh....shouldn't gang members and terrorists be behind bars where they belong? :uhh:

How would they get their hands on firearms in prison? :uhh:

Why does your side insist on letting these people roam free in order to try to win elections? :uhh:
I reject the premise of this last statement. You're making an assumption not based in truth.

Gang members and terrorists deserve to be in jail after a fair and open trial. But getting their hands on guns while in jail is not an impossibility.

Should they have such weapons while they are free, yet plotting their next attack?
Should....have these weapons? Should the insane? The incompetent?
Does the U.S. Constitution exclude "the insane" or "the incompetent" from their 2nd Amendment rights? Do is it exclude "the insane" or "the incompetent" from any constitutional rights?
Would weapons in the hands of the insane be a good thing for this nation? Are there restrictions, legally imposed, to gun ownership? Are there some folks who have ceded their rights due to other circumstances?
Because when such weapons are used for offense, the body count ratchets up farther and faster.
Not when citizens take personal responsibility for their own security. The only reason that mass shootings occur is because guns are banned. That's why the shooters go through (Columbine, Newtown, Colorado theater, etc.). Those people never show up where guns are prevalent and/or allowed.
All our rights have limits . All of them.

And it's the right that constantly tries to take them away . There's more than just the 2nd .
Should they have such weapons while they are free, yet plotting their next attack?
Why are they "free"? If you already know they are a terrorist, they should be in prison. You position is bizarre and contradicts itself.
The guilty go to prison. Guilt or innocence are determined by a trial. Otherwise what separates us from the Soviets, or Muslim sin squads?

You understand that, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, the justice system isn't there to persecute its citizens, but protect them in their rights and freedoms.
Proof that "military tactics" boy here is a moron. A .45 is a brutal round. It becomes really nasty in fully automatic fire

Then how come .45 caliber rounds are not used in a single military service rifle around the globe?

Hint: They are heavy, which translates to slow RPM, limited range, and critically limits the design specs of new weapons (such as ammo capacity and weight). All of this outweighs the benefit of its high stopping power.

The pentagon sidelined the Tommy Gun after WW2, and they were completely phased out by 1971. It's laughable that you would attempt to compare the Thompson Submachine Gun with a modern day service rifle.


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Just remember while you watch this USMB community - the American people do not own "heavy machine guns" or "AT launchers" or "mortars" or "grenades" or "grenade launchers" or "land mines", etc. so says Onyx...


Oh look, a bunch of old ass machine guns from WW2! But where is everything else.....
And it's the right that constantly tries to take them away

Which rights are are you talking? How about the right to own any weapon we want, to defend ourselves, choose what kind of health insurance we want, to say anything we want (yes, I know that you can't say "fire" in a crowded movie theater) even though you may not like what I have to say, pray in public, drive the vehicle we want without penalty, have fewer stated right than non-male/non-white citizens, to own and operate a legal business as we see fit, choose who we have a relationship with either business or personal, etc.

What rights has the right taken away, or threatened to take away, from you?

It's the left that wants to take rights away, starting with the 1st and 2nd Amendments
And it's the right that constantly tries to take them away

Which rights are are you talking? How about the right to own any weapon we want, to defend ourselves, choose what kind of health insurance we want, to say anything we want (yes, I know that you can't say "fire" in a crowded movie theater) even though you may not like what I have to say, pray in public, drive the vehicle we want without penalty, have fewer stated right than non-male/non-white citizens, to own and operate a legal business as we see fit, choose who we have a relationship with either business or personal, etc.

What rights has the right taken away, or threatened to take away, from you?

It's the left that wants to take rights away, starting with the 1st and 2nd Amendments

Go ahead and name right other than the second and I'll give you an example.
Oh look, a bunch of old ass machine guns from WW2! But where is everything else.....
Just remember while you watch this USMB community - the American people do not own "heavy machine guns" or "AT launchers" or "mortars" or "grenades" or "grenade launchers" or "land mines", etc. so says Onyx...


Oh look, a bunch of old ass machine guns from WW2! But where is everything else.....

A majority of those "old ass machine guns" would do gruesome damage to you. Feel free to stand before just one of them on the firing range. They can't do you any harm. They're just old ass machine guns

A majority of those "old ass machine guns" would do gruesome damage to you. Feel free to stand before just one of them on the firing range. They can't do you any harm. They're just old ass machine guns


Try using those old ass guns against a modernized military force, and you'll get smoked. I can't believe you dipshits are trying to compare weapons developed in the 1930s with those of today.
No matter how much the left attempts to oppress the American people - the citizens always find a way to overcome. I love the resolve of real Americans. I love the ingenuity of real Americans. I love the spirit of liberty of real Americans.

It's epic to watch left-wing hatriots attempt to control the masses and then fail miserably!


The MA Loader Uses 19th Century Technology To Combat California Compliance

Which illegal law does this help one get around?

I'm guessing it's a way to get around the ten round mag law in California.
Personally I dont care for the assembly that you have to attach to your upper.

I'm all about loading up a shitload of thirty round mags and never reloading while shooting.

These things are great!!!

The best way to get around that law, would be to move the fuck out of that shithole.

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