So, you're indifferent to the suffering of others
Tell me something honestly NK....why are you indifferent to the suffering of all of those who gave their lives and the others who gave their limbs, to give us liberty? How many mothers and fathers stood over flagged-drapped coffins? How many brothers and sisters mourned an 18 year old? And you have so little reverence for their sacrifices that you would surrender the freedom they died for over some simplistic sentiments?

That is some serious indifference. Far more offensive and repulsive than any I've shown to victims of gun violence.
Do you actually believe that anyone is glad whenever tragedies happen because it strengthens some perceived political agenda?
Yep. Do you have any idea how callous and vicious power-hungry authoritarians like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Saddam Hussein, etc. can be?

Are you familiar with Operation Northwoods? Drawn up by Kennedy's Joint Chiefs of Staff (a Democrat Administration). What could possibly be more tragic and callous than that?
So, you're indifferent to the suffering of others
Tell me something honestly NK....why are you indifferent to the suffering of all of those who gave their lives and the others who gave their limbs, to give us liberty? How many mothers and fathers stood over flagged-drapped coffins? How many brothers and sisters mourned an 18 year old? And you have so little reverence for their sacrifices that you would surrender the freedom they died for over some simplistic sentiments?

That is some serious indifference. Far more offensive and repulsive than any I've shown to victims of gun violence.
When have we Liberals failed to give thanks to our heroes? Playing the 'support the troops' card is cheap and disrespectful of our heroes by politicizing their sacrifice. I know freedom isn't free. I honor their sacrifice and service.

But the fact remains, we Americans suffer from gun violence disproportionately among first world nations. Guns, the abuse of guns, present a problem that may not directly effect your life, my lips to God's ear. But it effects too many of your fellow citizens. And the effect isn't like cold and flu season. The effects shatter lives. They ruin neighborhoods, property value, health care costs. Fun violence is a national problem and deserves a national solution.

After the tragedy at Newtown there was a choirus of voices calling for national background checks. A modest request in light of the circumstance. It had bi partisan support and massive popular support too. But he polarization, the bitter (yeah, I said it), the intractable talking points kicked in and the children of Sandy Hook died in vain.

One simple popular proposal shot down (pun very much intended) by people more concerned about themselves than their fellow citizens.
After the tragedy at Newtown there was a choirus of voices calling for national background checks. A modest request in light of the circumstance. It had bi partisan support and massive popular support too. But he polarization, the bitter (yeah, I said it), the intractable talking points kicked in and the children of Sandy Hook died in vain.
You do realize that everything you and society proposed in the wake of Newtown would not have prevented anything as Adam Lanza didn't purchase a single firearm. He stole them from his mother.
But he polarization, the bitter (yeah, I said it), the intractable talking points kicked in and the children of Sandy Hook died in vain.
But it's ok for millions of our servicemen die in vain? It's ok for liberty to die in vain? Because that's what happens if you use Newtown as an excuse.
Playing the 'support the troops' card is cheap and disrespectful of our heroes by politicizing their sacrifice.
Wait....exploiting the children of Sandy Hook is kosher in your mind but talking about the men and women in uniform is "cheap and disrespectful"?!? :uhh:
After the tragedy at Newtown there was a choirus of voices calling for national background checks. A modest request in light of the circumstance. It had bi partisan support and massive popular support too. But he polarization, the bitter (yeah, I said it), the intractable talking points kicked in and the children of Sandy Hook died in vain.
You do realize that everything you and society proposed in the wake of Newtown would not have prevented anything as Adam Lanza didn't purchase a single firearm. He stole them from his mother.
So on site gun safes or other hazards, and the insurance companies can work that out, are off the table?

I know. You'll say only law abiding citizens will be forced to comply and the terrorists are criminals and rationalize as criminals do.

We know that traffic regulations do not hamper your driving privileges, but enhance them. But there is still reckless drivers and far too many drunks and testers behind the wheel. Automobile deaths can be analogous to gunshot deaths.

You can bear arms. Your self defense rights (with in my opinion does not include 'stand your ground' laws) will not be restricted by your needs.
Playing the 'support the troops' card is cheap and disrespectful of our heroes by politicizing their sacrifice.
Wait....exploiting the children of Sandy Hook is kosher in your mind but talking about the men and women in uniform is "cheap and disrespectful"?!? :uhh:
The children of Sandy Hook are the tangible victims of a mad man with a powerful gun. The service and sacrifice of our troops does not effect the mad man with a gun. Our troops are not EMTs in Chicago, Newark, Orlando, Newtown. You played that 'troop' card as if it were an ace in your sleeve.
No matter how much the left attempts to oppress the American people - the citizens always find a way to overcome. I love the resolve of real Americans. I love the ingenuity of real Americans. I love the spirit of liberty of real Americans.

It's epic to watch left-wing hatriots attempt to control the masses and then fail miserably!


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How dare the left try to tell me how many rounds per second my gun can fire!
The children of Sandy Hook are the tangible victims of a mad man with a powerful gun. The service and sacrifice of our troops does not effect the mad man with a gun. Our troops are not EMTs in Chicago, Newark, Orlando, Newtown. You played that 'troop' card as if it were an ace in your sleeve.
Again - many millions of people lost loved one's or were separated from them during long and crucial periods (such as the birth of their own children) so that his nation could be founded and liberty could be delivered to you on a silver platter. For you to have such little reverence for their sacrifices and voluntarily surrender liberty because you're scared and because you don't want to have to take personal responsibility for your own security is appalling.
How dare the left try to tell me how many rounds per second my gun can fire!
Right? That's literally the smartest thing you've ever posted on USMB.

Not for nothing though - the post you were replying to wasn't about how many rounds per second a firearm can fire. It was about magazine capacity and the ability to easily swap magazines (essentially - the amount of rounds). Lefties are hilarious when you get them talking about firearms.
Right? That's literally the smartest thing you've ever posted on USMB.

Not for nothing though - the post you were replying to wasn't about how many rounds per second a firearm can fire. It was about magazine capacity and the ability to easily swap magazines (essentially - the amount of rounds). Lefties are hilarious when you get them talking about firearms.
Save it. I'm not a gun guy. I could care less about the 2nd amendment.
An increase in the presence of guns always seems to result in a decrease in deaths...

As gun sales soared into record highs, accidental gun deaths sank to record lows
It didn't help the folks at Waco. Or the folks at Ruby Ridge. We had a lot of guns in Vietnam, still lost that war. It doesn't matter how many guns you have, if the government wants to make you their bitch, you will be their bitch.
Thank you for illustrating just how badly you lefties have abused the U.S. Constitution. If the 2nd Amendment had been upheld properly, we would be every bit as armed as the government. But then again - the entire focus of the left is to ensure that we will be the "bitch" of the government.
The children of Sandy Hook are the tangible victims of a mad man with a powerful gun. The service and sacrifice of our troops does not effect the mad man with a gun. Our troops are not EMTs in Chicago, Newark, Orlando, Newtown. You played that 'troop' card as if it were an ace in your sleeve.
Again - many millions of people lost loved one's or were separated from them during long and crucial periods (such as the birth of their own children) so that his nation could be founded and liberty could be delivered to you on a silver platter. For you to have such little reverence for their sacrifices and voluntarily surrender liberty because you're scared and because you don't want to have to take personal responsibility for your own security is appalling.
Reverence for service and sacrifice is not exclusively measured by who owns a gun.

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