Out of the Mouth of Babes explains the Constitution to our Stalinist/Fascist Prez

you're as brain dead as you appear.

thanks for proving that low IQ seems to correlate with being a rightwing hack. :thup:

again, start using your terms properly. until you can do that, and stop repeating the rightwingnut spew that you read, you don't really have much to add to the discussion.

It's obvious that you cannot refute the fascist aspects of ObamaCare, and hence must resort to the typical personal attacks you favor.

you're as brain dead as you appear.

thanks for proving that low IQ seems to correlate with being a rightwing hack. :thup:

again, start using your terms properly. until you can do that, and stop repeating the rightwingnut spew that you read, you don't really have much to add to the discussion.

It's obvious that you cannot refute the fascist aspects of ObamaCare, and hence must resort to the typical personal attacks you favor.


That is what it is, just like Medicare Parts "C" and "D".
you're confusing stalinism with communism and are only giving examples of two different countries. you need to be more exact in your terminology.

you're also confusing the example as the definition.

He's confusing Stalinism with communism?????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I hate to break it to you but Stalin WAS a communist.

And don't give me some egghead crap about how Stalin didn't practice "pure" communism. None of them ever have. That's because communism only works on paper. In reality it never works.

As for fascism vs. Stalinism.

All you have to do is compare Hitler and Stalin to know there isn't much difference.

They rose to power in very similar ways.

The only differences between them is Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler, including in the Holocaust.

Stalin directly owned all the businesses while Hitler let everyone still own their own companies but they had to do what Hitler said to do.

Hitler just put an extra step into it, while Stalin did it the direct method.

Other than that they were both evil, corrupt, murderious tyranical dictators.

Does that clear it up for everyone?

And they both had shock troops just like Obama called out against peaceful tea party protestors.

Other than that, I notice no one objects to Obama being called Bull Connor.

Do you liberal kiddies even know who Bull Connor was?

Why would I be surprised if some of you didn't?
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Dear idiot,

There is nothing on that tape that suggests anyones rights were infringed upon.

The president was being protected from anyone who might wish to do him harm and no citizens rights were damaged.

Do you suggest our first black president not be protected?
Dear idiot,

There is nothing on that tape that suggests anyones rights were infringed upon.

The president was being protected from anyone who might wish to do him harm and no citizens rights were damaged.

Do you suggest our first black president not be protected?

There is nothing on the first tape to suggest the little girl and her mom were at a Tea Party. In fact the evidence (the little girls T shirt) suggests she was at an anti-war rally during the time Bush was POTUS.
Dear idiot,

There is nothing on that tape that suggests anyones rights were infringed upon.

The president was being protected from anyone who might wish to do him harm and no citizens rights were damaged.

Do you suggest our first black president not be protected?

condoms--I'm down with that ~:cool:
It's obvious that you cannot refute the fascist aspects of ObamaCare, and hence must resort to the typical personal attacks you favor.


what is there to refute with someone who refuses to use terminology properly and keeps insisting on tossing around garbage she picked up on the interwebs?

before there is something to refute, you have to stop repeating your rightwingnut talking point that health care reform is somehow fascistic, because, frankly, that's insane and there's nothing to 'debate'... all one can do with someone like you is make fun of you unless you start debating like a grown up.
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please stop tossing around terms you can't even properly define....

no matter what glen beck tells you.

Please stop pretending you know anything about political philosophy or economics.

I don't watch Beck. I have an education and knowledge acquired on my own.

Jilly, I'm sorry to inform you,, is a kool aid drinker. She doesn't understand free thinking.
you're as brain dead as you appear.

thanks for proving that low IQ seems to correlate with being a rightwing hack. :thup:

again, start using your terms properly. until you can do that, and stop repeating the rightwingnut spew that you read, you don't really have much to add to the discussion.

It's obvious that you cannot refute the fascist aspects of ObamaCare, and hence must resort to the typical personal attacks you favor.


it's right out of joe biden's big mouff.. read my sign line..

they are actually marxist to the core.. Black Liberation Theology, and re distribution of wealth are the core tenets,, not to mention and unfettered allegiance to Africa..
Which is he? Stalinist or Fascist? I don't think one can be both.

I think one could be. Sort of...

Fascist is a broader term covering the melding of the most powerful favorite corporations and govewrnment. The purpose of it is to permenantly ensure power for the leadership of both as a symbionic partnership.

Stalinism, Lenninism or Hitlerism are less easily defined in that the conditions for one of these personalities to rise to an "ISM" must be in place that were the foundations shaping them and thier followers. Being a Stalinist might not be so bad if one lived in Russia at that time. The same may apply to Lenniism if a country is dying under some weight that needs be destroyed. In short comparrisons to "elements " of these "ISMs" may apply. They are almost always abused.
I still see NO proof of what is supposed to have happened like the OP claims.

Of course you didn't. It's too hard to see the evidence in several videos when you are playing see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil about Obama.


I'm not sure that you're going to understand this....

But I'll try anyway.

First of all, someone local made the call - Obama doesn't control local police departments.

Second of all, no one got arrested, did they?
No one's rights were violated. The police were present because they thought it best to be - but they didn't do anything. Calling Obama "Bull Connor" is retarded - the fire hoses were NOT turned on, no tear gas was fired. In fact, the police just stood there and kept the peace - exactly what they're supposed to do.

Also, your video is fake.
you're confusing stalinism with communism and are only giving examples of two different countries. you need to be more exact in your terminology.

you're also confusing the example as the definition.

He's confusing Stalinism with communism?????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I hate to break it to you but Stalin WAS a communist.

And don't give me some egghead crap about how Stalin didn't practice "pure" communism. None of them ever have. That's because communism only works on paper. In reality it never works.

As for fascism vs. Stalinism.

All you have to do is compare Hitler and Stalin to know there isn't much difference.

They rose to power in very similar ways.
No they didn't. Stalin was Lenin's go-to guy, until his stroke, and succeeded him. Hitler organized a coup.
The only differences between them is Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler, including in the Holocaust.
No, one of the only similarities is that they both killed millions of people.

Stalin directly owned all the businesses while Hitler let everyone still own their own companies but they had to do what Hitler said to do.

Hitler just put an extra step into it, while Stalin did it the direct method.

Other than that they were both evil, corrupt, murderious tyranical dictators.

Does that clear it up for everyone?

And they both had shock troops just like Obama called out against peaceful tea party protestors.
Except their "shock troops" actually quelled protesters, instead of doing nothing at all.

Other than that, I notice no one objects to Obama being called Bull Connor.

Do you liberal kiddies even know who Bull Connor was?

Why would I be surprised if some of you didn't?
I did object.
I love propaganda

Nice film editing...nice leading questions to a little girl

I didn't happen to see the evil "Riot Police" do anything but walk around. Are TPs really that whimpy??
Dear idiot,

There is nothing on that tape that suggests anyones rights were infringed upon.

The president was being protected from anyone who might wish to do him harm and no citizens rights were damaged.

Do you suggest our first black president not be protected?

Yeah you know because just because they send out cops in riot gear to bully peaceful protestors shouldn't give ANY American citizen pause, should it?




I mean WHAT do American Citizens have to fear from Democrat Presidents ordering out troops in riot gear???????

Why you are so right, we really ARE making too much of this aren't we?

Dear idiot,

There is nothing on that tape that suggests anyones rights were infringed upon.

The president was being protected from anyone who might wish to do him harm and no citizens rights were damaged.

Do you suggest our first black president not be protected?

There is nothing on the first tape to suggest the little girl and her mom were at a Tea Party. In fact the evidence (the little girls T shirt) suggests she was at an anti-war rally during the time Bush was POTUS.

Is this guy for real? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Dear idiot,

There is nothing on that tape that suggests anyones rights were infringed upon.

The president was being protected from anyone who might wish to do him harm and no citizens rights were damaged.

Do you suggest our first black president not be protected?

Yeah you know because just because they send out cops in riot gear to bully peaceful protestors shouldn't give ANY American citizen pause, should it?




I mean WHAT do American Citizens have to fear from Democrat Presidents ordering out troops in riot gear???????

Why you are so right, we really ARE making too much of this aren't we?


Of course this is asking too much, but do you want to show some evidence that Obama called out the "shock troops"?

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