Outlaw bullying?


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2021
Should the United States outlaw bullying? especially in schools to protect children?
How about greater and regular prominence in all areas of education, rather than further increasing legislation to further raise the endless number of "Do Nots" in life ?
How about greater and regular prominence in all areas of education, rather than further increasing legislation to further raise the endless number of "Do Nots" in life ?
i would be for outlawing bullying in schools. there is a local story in my area of a sixth grade girl who got beat up in the bathroom by a bully and other kids watched. no adults came to help her. her mom put her in a new school and the kids in the new school saw the video of her getting beat up in her old school and the kids in the new school bullied her also. she is very afraid of going to school and cannot go to school.
i would be for outlawing bullying in schools. there is a local story in my area of a sixth grade girl who got beat up in the bathroom by a bully and other kids watched. no adults came to help her. her mom put her in a new school and the kids in the new school saw the video of her getting beat up in her old school and the kids in the new school bullied her also. she is very afraid of going to school and cannot go to school.
here's a link to the story: Family speaks out after student attacked, fight videos spread
I don't see a way to criminalize bullying. Our jails would overflow and courts would cease to function.

I hate bullying and schools should do more to stop it for sure, but parents need to instill in their kids a sense of self-worth. My build is naturally thin. Had to go to the gym to put on some muscle, so I was sometimes a target of bullying but I always fought back. Most of the time, just standing up to someone and letting them know you're not going to take their shit stops the bullying.
One thing that can reduce bullying is "school uniforms." If all students are required to wear the exact same uniform, there is less confliction.
Another solution (in this case a method we took for our daughter who was being bullied). We located a martial arts school as close to our daughter's school as possible and enrolled her. Interestingly, word got around school about her attendance and amazingly, it all stopped, like flipping a switch.
I don't see a way to criminalize bullying. Our jails would overflow and courts would cease to function.

I hate bullying and schools should do more to stop it for sure, but parents need to instill in their kids a sense of self-worth. My build is naturally thin. Had to go to the gym to put on some muscle, so I was sometimes a target of bullying but I always fought back. Most of the time, just standing up to someone and letting them know you're not going to take their shit stops the bullying.
Thank you for sharing your personal story here! I was bullyed in high school, so I know what it is like to be bullied. I'm sorry about the bullying you had to go through.
One thing that can reduce bullying is "school uniforms." If all students are required to wear the exact same uniform, there is less confliction.
Another solution (in this case a method we took for our daughter who was being bullied). We located a martial arts school as close to our daughter's school as possible and enrolled her. Interestingly, word got around school about her attendance and amazingly, it all stopped, like flipping a switch.
i took martial arts in a private studio while in junior high and high school.
Thank you for sharing your personal story here! I was bullyed in high school, so I know what it is like to be bullied. I'm sorry about the bullying you had to go through.

Honestly it wasn't that bad compared to some of the shit I read about today. Online and social media bullying is insane. Didn't have that back then, thank God.

Kids need to learn to deal with bullies. I think the children who have the worst time of it are those with some sort of social awkwardness or impediment. A lot of bullying involves social isolation, which is why for most people, they learn to make friendships so that they're not taking on the bully by him/herself. People who don't form social relations easily are at a disadvantage, and this is where other people just need to have a sense of right/wrong and step in where appropriate.
i would be for outlawing bullying in schools. there is a local story in my area of a sixth grade girl who got beat up in the bathroom by a bully and other kids watched. no adults came to help her. her mom put her in a new school and the kids in the new school saw the video of her getting beat up in her old school and the kids in the new school bullied her also. she is very afraid of going to school and cannot go to school.
I am sympathetic to your thinking and , of course,the quoted anecdote is horrible . I guess that all I am saying is that through concerted effort and application , basic attitudes will change for the good . Just think of the dozens -- possibly hundreds --of things that we do not do now because they have become -- as it were -- instilled into our DNA -- through Education and Example .Always the much preferred route , imho .
One thing that can reduce bullying is "school uniforms." If all students are required to wear the exact same uniform, there is less confliction.
Another solution (in this case a method we took for our daughter who was being bullied). We located a martial arts school as close to our daughter's school as possible and enrolled her. Interestingly, word got around school about her attendance and amazingly, it all stopped, like flipping a switch.

Yeah bullies prey on people who give off the vibe that they won't fight back or won't defend their honor.
Honestly it wasn't that bad compared to some of the shit I read about today. Online and social media bullying is insane. Didn't have that back then, thank God.

Kids need to learn to deal with bullies. I think the children who have the worst time of it are those with some sort of social awkwardness or impediment. A lot of bullying involves social isolation, which is why for most people, they learn to make friendships so that they're not taking on the bully by him/herself. People who don't form social relations easily are at a disadvantage, and this is where other people just need to have a sense of right/wrong and step in where appropriate.

Bullying destroys lives--we all know this and can see it.

However, there's another side.

Parents/kids have latched on to bullying to describe ANY interaction that doesn't go their way. "Johnny said he doesn't like my shoes, he bullied me!" is the stuff we hear at school all the time. That was unkind, but not bullying. Bullying is targeted, repeated, and requires an unequal power.

The other downside is: some children (very few) have anti-social behaviors that are beyond just quirky into maladaptive, even dangerous. We have taught children to "accept" these kids, or else if you isolate them, you're "bullying" them. I don't like that either. I say: these kids have an instinct here that something is way off. Guess what? The teachers do too, only can't say it outloud. So eventually everyone suffers--maybe fatally. Again, that's very, very few kids, but it does happen. Not a reason to bully socially maladapted kids, but you can't blame other kids for shying away.
Should the United States outlaw bullying? especially in schools to protect children?

It's an abstract notion that's too ill-defined to be prohibited. One person's idea of bullying is another's reasonable treatment. It's why I'm dead set against anti-bullying campaigns and education. That's all well-meaning, but ultimately not useful.
Educate the young and bring G_d back into our oives. I learned from a Rabbi that if you humiliate someone in public to the point the other person feels they "want to die", it is a sin. Msny on here attack others without just cause, and these sre supposed to be mature adults...
i would be for outlawing bullying in schools. there is a local story in my area of a sixth grade girl who got beat up in the bathroom by a bully and other kids watched. no adults came to help her. her mom put her in a new school and the kids in the new school saw the video of her getting beat up in her old school and the kids in the new school bullied her also. she is very afraid of going to school and cannot go to school.
That wasn’t bullying, that was assault. That is already illegal, why add another law that serves no real purpose?

When a minor is found guilty of bullying, its parents should be jailed.

Just a bit too far . As you know , a percentage of kids are naturally evil little swine . Whom do you blame ? Christians should blame their eternally loving , kind and good Boss -- according to Cultist apologists . Namely , the useless and unfair God bloke .

When a minor is found guilty of bullying, its parents should be jailed.

Why? Parents have less say in a child’s upbringing than the schools. Schools won’t work with parents and help kids create a double life. Abortion? Not the right of the parent to know. Gender transition, not the right of the parent to know. If you object to an abortion or a gender transition your kids can be taken away by the state.

Government seems to believe they know all the answers, this should be easy for them.

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