Boy Beats the Pants off of Girls in Track & Field Race

This wasn't even remotely close. I want the pro trans crowd to tell me that this race looked fair to them.

We desperately need to bring back bullying to schools.

Are you claiming that females should never join males on sports teams also?
This wasn't even remotely close. I want the pro trans crowd to tell me that this race looked fair to them.

We desperately need to bring back bullying to schools.

Why is this not fair.…….Women have dominated women’s sports for decades..why shouldn’t a man have a chance to compete against them….anything else is just anti-man discrimination…..
I don't think the tiny subset of female athletes is all that tiny. If trans-women want to compete in a separate category, that's fine, but I think we both know that ain't going to work cuz they are a really tiny subset. In this reality nobody is going to care about who won 1st place in any trans athletic individual competition. And I cannot see any team competition where trans women are allowed to compete with other women. What sport would that be? I see no possible solution that could be workable.

You speak of fairness and dignity but I see none of that in Lia Thomas' victories. If trans women want to compete then let them do it in a sport where their superior size, strength, and athletic ability does not give them an advantage.
I don’t think you understand what I meant. Trans women should not compete against biological women it isn’t fair and biology does matter In sports.

So let’s think outside the box..what would be a good compromise that would protect the integrity of women’s sports but also treat transgender women fairly and with dignity because it seems no one wants to do that.

I agree that trans athletes are too tiny a subset to compete in their own league.

IMO…sometimes life and biology just isn’t going to be fair and that is the way it is. Women’s sports were designed to accommodate the very distinct biological differences between men and women that made direct competition unfair. Transgender women are not biological women and the push to insist there is no difference ultimately does a disservice to both. Rather the focus should be on respect, acceptance and inclusion to the extent possible and women’s sports might just have to be where full inclusion is just not possible.

So…what are other alternatives? Competing for exhibition only is one thought.
I don’t think you understand what I meant. Trans women should not compete against biological women it isn’t fair and biology does matter In sports.

So let’s think outside the box..what would be a good compromise that would protect the integrity of women’s sports but also treat transgender women fairly and with dignity because it seems no one wants to do that.

I agree that trans athletes are too tiny a subset to compete in their own league.

IMO…sometimes life and biology just isn’t going to be fair and that is the way it is. Women’s sports were designed to accommodate the very distinct biological differences between men and women that made direct competition unfair. Transgender women are not biological women and the push to insist there is no difference ultimately does a disservice to both. Rather the focus should be on respect, acceptance and inclusion to the extent possible and women’s sports might just have to be where full inclusion is just not possible.

So…what are other alternatives? Competing for exhibition only is one thought.
LOL....Solomon you are not so don't even try "splitting the baby" on this one.
So…what are other alternatives? Competing for exhibition only is one thought.

Maybe competing in non-sports, like Debate for instance. Chess, billiards, arts and crafts, innovative and creative ideas and solutions that might have a benefit to society. Some might say that we place too much emphasis on sports and winning.
Maybe competing in non-sports, like Debate for instance. Chess, billiards, arts and crafts, innovative and creative ideas and solutions that might have a benefit to society. Some might say that we place too much emphasis on sports and winning.
Well… we DO place an inordinate amount of emphasis (and money) on sports.
The trans athlete in this story finished first in that heat but ultimately lost the competition to a cis female. That seems to be an important part of story you all are ignoring.
So what?

Not all men are faster and stronger than all women, but men are much faster and stronger as a whole.

Thats why men and women cannot compete against each other in most sports. There’s nothing sexist or transphobic about that.
My policy (as I think you know) is that if you have indoor plumbing, you compete against others who do as well. If you have outdoor plumbing, you compete against this who have outdoor plumbing.

You can't take a position that anyone can identify as any gender they feel at any given moment and everyone has to take that as gospel fact ... AND ... simultaneously take a position that we can exclude them from participating as the person they identify.

It's all, or nothing ... either we accept the delusion as a fact, or we don't.
You can't take a position that anyone can identify as any gender they feel at any given moment and everyone has to take that as gospel fact ... AND ... simultaneously take a position that we can exclude them from participating as the person they identify.

It's all, or nothing ... either we accept the delusion as a fact, or we don't.
Trans women people aren’t excluded on the basis of gender. They’re excluded on the basis of sex. Two different things.

Gender, being a social/cultural construct, they can change. What they cannot change is that they were born male. They were born with certain secondary sex characteristics that make them stronger and faster, and during puberty experienced a hormone-dump of testosterone that further accentuated these differences.

The gender part is social roles we ascribe, the sex part is hard science that can never be changed.
Trans women people aren’t excluded on the basis of gender. They’re excluded on the basis of sex. Two different things.

Then, what you're saying is, gender identity, a feeling, a whim, a passing fancy, isn't equivalent to sexual identity and isn't to be treated as if it were.
Then, what you're saying is, gender identity, a feeling, a whim, a passing fancy, isn't equivalent to sexual identity and isn't to be treated as if it were.
Sure, in the sense they’re two different (if obviously related) things

Whether it’s “real” or a whim is subjective. It probably is real to actual trans people. They “really” feel like a woman, I guess.

Gender= subjective

Sex= objective
Sure, in the sense they’re two different (if obviously related) things

Whether it’s “real” or a whim is subjective. It probably is real to actual trans people. They “really” feel like a woman, I guess.

Gender= subjective

Sex= objective

The problem is ... as a society, we're told that we MUST accept a gender identity as a fact else be labelled as "transphobic".

This leads to the very societal issues such as the one highlighted in the OP.

As long as people demand that everyone else accept a delusion regardless of the facts, we can't have reality based dialogue on any subject.
So what?

Not all men are faster and stronger than all women, but men are much faster and stronger as a whole.

Thats why men and women cannot compete against each other in most sports. There’s nothing sexist or transphobic about that.
What makes men stronger than women as a whole?
The problem is ... as a society, we're told that we MUST accept a gender identity as a fact else be labelled as "transphobic".

This leads to the very societal issues such as the one highlighted in the OP.

As long as people demand that everyone else accept a delusion regardless of the facts, we can't have reality based dialogue on any subject.
I think you’re still equating gender with sex.

Trans people do not deny that they were born whatever sex they were born as. They feel that their gender (their personality, temperament, whatever) does not match their sex.

If a trans woman who was born a man tries to tell you that they’re a biological woman then, yes, they’re out of touch with reality

But in most cases what they’re telling you is that they feel like their gender is female.

This is a “fact” in the sense that if they say they feel like a woman, well I guess they do. They can change their gender if they want. They can’t change the sex they were born with.
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This wasn't even remotely close. I want the pro trans crowd to tell me that this race looked fair to them.

We desperately need to bring back bullying to schools.

THis points out the perversion in the trannies, you see it, I see it, and the runner is stupid and out-of-it acting proudly the fool
What makes men stronger than women as a whole?
Do I need to go through it?

Men and woman have different sex characteristics.

From Wikipedia:

The increased secretion of testosterone from the testes during puberty causes the male secondary sexual characteristics to be manifested.[23] Testosterone directly increases size and mass of muscles, vocal cords, and bones, deepening of the voice, and changing the shape of the face and skeleton.[1] Converted into DHT in the skin, it accelerates growth of androgen-responsive facial and body hair but may slow and eventually stop the growth of head hair.[citation needed] Taller stature is largely a result of later puberty and slower epiphyseal fusion

I’m a powerlifter. I’m stronger than the vast majority of men, but there’s obviously a slew of male powerlifters stronger than I am.

On the other hand, I’m very confident that I am stronger than the strongest biological woman in the world, even though there’s obviously many women out there who’ve dedicated more of their lives to the sport than I have. (And please don’t drag out some juiced up ex Soviet female lifter who was born with a Y chromosome. That just proves my point)

My sex gives me an advantage they can never have.

Therefore, me competing in powerlifting against other men equals fair. Me saying I identify as a woman and competing against women equals unfair.

It’s really that simple.

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