Boy Beats the Pants off of Girls in Track & Field Race

Obviously, but don't forget that it has been directly devised as just a strand of Project Chaos and it helps further deflect from the greatest crime in our species history -- Killer Shots and the depopulation programme .
The WEF/Democrats want to use America to "depopulate" Iran.
We desperately need to bring back bullying to schools.
As much as I would like to agree with you because I know what you are meaning when making such a statement, you make it sound like it isn't already here in one way or another. The winner, I guess you are meaning, is bullying those who didn't win. The kind of bullying that you want in the picture will not erase the bullying that is already happening. It will just be one form on top of the other which is why eliminating competition all together could be the only answer.

God bless you always!!!

If you are born a boy then you compete against boys, who cares if years later you think you are a girl. They need to put an end to this crap. What's next? If you can't cut it in the NBA you claim to be a girl and play in the WNBA, this is just stupid. They need to pass a federal law that states "If you have a Johnson or had a Johnson, you must compete in Men's sports. No exceptions to the rule."
Babylon Bee.-

"Biden Says When It Comes To College Women’s Sports, 'May The Best Man Win"

What I don't understand is why every woman in America isn't totally opposing this shit. It wouldn't be happening if that was the case. Hey, if you were born male but you wanna identify as female then be my guest and good luck to you. But don't be competing against others who were born female, that's chickenshit.

I agree

Born males who compete against females are losers.
What I don't understand is why every woman in America isn't totally opposing this shit. It wouldn't be happening if that was the case. Hey, if you were born male but you wanna identify as female then be my guest and good luck to you. But don't be competing against others who were born female, that's chickenshit.
Maybe it is because you are talking about a very tiny subset (trans athletes) of a tiny subset (women athletes)?

Still, everyone seems focused on outrage rather than looking for solutions that can insure the fairness and integrity of women’s sports while also treating trans women with fairness and dignity.

One person’s ideas:

Maybe it is because you are talking about a very tiny subset (trans athletes) of a tiny subset (women athletes)?

Still, everyone seems focused on outrage rather than looking for solutions that can insure the fairness and integrity of women’s sports while also treating trans women with fairness and dignity.

One person’s ideas:

I don't think the tiny subset of female athletes is all that tiny. If trans-women want to compete in a separate category, that's fine, but I think we both know that ain't going to work cuz they are a really tiny subset. In this reality nobody is going to care about who won 1st place in any trans athletic individual competition. And I cannot see any team competition where trans women are allowed to compete with other women. What sport would that be? I see no possible solution that could be workable.

You speak of fairness and dignity but I see none of that in Lia Thomas' victories. If trans women want to compete then let them do it in a sport where their superior size, strength, and athletic ability does not give them an advantage.
This wasn't even remotely close. I want the pro trans crowd to tell me that this race looked fair to them.

We desperately need to bring back bullying to schools.

This is good, I hope it continues. I say the repubs need to just step out of the way and let the democrats show the country who they really are.

Sure, it’s going to hurt for a little while, but I think it’s necessary for us to get to the other side. So, let them allow trans women into women’s sports and let them beat the snot out of every natural woman. Let them decimate every bit of headway women made for equal rights and equal standing in the country, only to be shoved to the back yet again, by men who have transitioned to women beating the natural women in every facet of life, sports and employment.

Let it happen. Welcome, women, to being in the back of the line…be sure to thank a democrat as you are pushed behind men, yet again.

What I don't understand is why every woman in America isn't totally opposing this shit. It wouldn't be happening if that was the case. Hey, if you were born male but you wanna identify as female then be my guest and good luck to you. But don't be competing against others who were born female, that's chickenshit.

What I don't understand is why every woman in America isn't totally opposing this shit

They are starting to, I say the repubs just need to step out of the way and let dems do…what dems do, eventually, women will start turning their backs on the democrat party, as they and their daughters get beaten, literally and figuratively, by biological men.

Repubs just need to get out of the way and let it happen..let the dems show everyone who they really are

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