Boy Beats the Pants off of Girls in Track & Field Race

Did you bother to actual read that article? It supports my argument, not yours so let's go through it.

The results, published last month in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, could mean the current one-year waiting period for Olympic athletes who are transitioning is inadequate.

“For the Olympic level, the elite level, I'd say probably two years is more realistic than one year,” said the study's lead author, Dr. Timothy Roberts, a pediatrician and the director of the adolescent medicine training program at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. “At one year, the trans women on average still have an advantage over the cis women," he said, referring to cisgender, or nontransgender, women.
So right off the bat the doctor is saying two years after starting hormone treatments Trans athletes should be allowed to compete at the Olympic level with their cis gendered peers. Then it goes on to say:

For the first two years after starting hormones, the trans women in their review were able to do 10 percent more pushups and 6 percent more situps than their cisgender female counterparts. After two years, Roberts told NBC News, “they were fairly equivalent to the cisgender women.”
“More realistic” and “fairly equivalent” doesn’t mean equal.
“More realistic” and “fairly equivalent” doesn’t mean equal.
It certainly doesn't support your argument and it was a very small study with a handful of people, non of whom were athletes but that's what you chose to present.
And why aren’t transmen clamoring to compete against cis men in sports, even if they’ve taken years of hormone therapy?

Answer: because they know they’d lose. Because no amount of hormone therapy will make a transmale athlete stronger than a cis male athlete.
The current IOC regulations allow transwomen athletes to compete if testosterone levels have been lowered to <10 nmol/L for 12 months prior to competition. While this begins to address the advantageous effects of circulating testosterone on athletic performance, it does not take into account the advantage afforded by testosterone exposure prior to transitioning. The existing data suggests that lowering testosterone to less than 10 nmol/L for 12 months decreases muscle mass but not to biological female levels and despite the decrease in mass, muscle strength can be maintained, especially if concurrently exercising. Estrogen therapy does not affect most of the anatomical structures in the biological male that provide a physiological benefit.

Transwoman Elite Athletes: Their Extra Percentage Relative to Female Physiology
That's a transmale athlete who wanted to compete with cis males that you claimed didn't exist.
Obviously nothings universal.

They’re the exception that proves the rule, the entire trans/sports debate in society has been about transwomen competing with ciswomen because that’s where the unfairness arises.

If this Mack Beggs did compete against cis men, they’d obviously lose unless the opposing team happened to have spectacularly bad wrestlers. I’m sorry but you can look at his/her build to know thats the case.

And when Beggs competes against cis women wrestlers it’s very literally a case of a woman on steroids competing against other women who aren’t on steroids. As in literally.
Basically, we all know that no amount of hormone therapy will ever enable a trans man athlete (someone born a woman) to reach the elite levels a cis man athlete can.

Again, if this were possible, there would be female bodybuilders on steroids (and they all are) able to reach the insane growth of cis male bodybuilders. Has never happened.

Just as the female body has limits placed upon it that no amount of hormone therapy can ever overcome, the male body has advantages that no amount of hormone therapy can ever fully take away.

The playing field can never, ever, ever, ever be fully leveled.

It certainly doesn't support your argument and it was a very small study with a handful of people, non of whom were athletes but that's what you chose to present.

Must be why men are constantly breaking women's records.

Never in human history have people like you purposely behaved stupid thinking you're being clever. This is all basic human biology. If you want to go through life wallowing in ignorance and intentionally being obtuse, go for it.
Must be why men are constantly breaking women's records.

Never in human history have people like you purposely behaved stupid thinking you're being clever. This is all basic human biology. If you want to go through life wallowing in ignorance and intentionally being obtuse, go for it.
Human biology is dictated by hormones and genetics and its not clever to ask you for scientific evidence to support your claims that's simply rational.
Human biology is dictated by hormones and genetics and its not clever to ask you for scientific evidence to support your claims that's simply rational.
Yeah, and all makes got a shit ton of those hormones at puberty and beyond and no amount of blockers later in life can erase that.


You’re being deliberately ignorant
Yeah, and all makes got a shit ton of those hormones at puberty and beyond and no amount of blockers later in life can erase that.


You’re being deliberately ignorant
Your own link begged to differ you dumb Bingo.
I’m curious…will there be trans women in the next Olympic Games? How will other countries who don’t allow trans women in women’s sports react to that? Will trans women be unable to compete in Olympic Games because of this? How will the dems explain that to said trans women?

How will it affect women who have been training since they were very young for an opportunity like that, only to get beaten by a mile by a trans woman?

Hmm… 🤔
They’re free to compete along with other athletes born the same sex as them, I say
Nooope….trans women should be allowed to compete against other women in women’s Olympic events. I just wonder how some of those other teams from around the world are going to deal with that.

Will be interesting to watch.

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