OUTRAGED Midwest Farmers Protest EPA Spy Planes Over Iowa Ranches

Gotta keep those farmers safe.
Might be Islamofascists lurking in the fieelds spreading bio weapons on our food.

We already have plenty of migrant Mexican farmworkers crapping in crops and spreading e-coli, I doubt the Mooslims want to take their place...
Contact your Representatives...something needs to be done about these out of control Federal Agencies
ok, if you don't mind a Federal Agency spying on you to impose fines

not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.

I take it you are OK with random traffic stops and trunk inspections... I mean you never know who is breaking the law.
If you are not hiding anything then you should be cool with it.... how about stopping you on the street to check your pockets for illegal substances??? If your clean, whats the issue??

Where do we draw the line???

Whats going to happen when these drones are armed with infrared cameras and they are peeping in on you and the wife getting it in bed?
I mean, ya never know what might be going on in your house... ya could be committing a crime up in there.

Im sorry bro... but I dont like this shit. Not even a little...

Just a reminder that it was the Right that brought us the TSA and the Homeland Security Gestapo. We already had various cop agencies in the air monitoring everything from traffic to border security to drug enforcement, etc. This is nothing new. For the past 10 - 20 years we have all been living in a surveillance society.
ok, if you don't mind a Federal Agency spying on you to impose fines

How is this any different than the DEA spying on private citizens to see if they are growing marijuana.

Oh, right, it isn't! Just more whining from people that think they are SPECIAL.


well because the two are same..one is illegal and the other produces the food you eat
good grief
Dumping poison into the groundwater is illegal too, and much worse for everyone's health, dummy.
not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.
Generally, you need "probable cause" to be able to search private property. Is the EPA above our Constitutional protections, or have they decided that improper disposal of cowshit is a terrorist act?

As was posted before the precedent was set by the DEA and widely supported by the right.
Not by this guy, but charges brought by the DEA, atleast go through the court system where we still have some rights.
Warrantless searches would normally get evidence tossed, but the EPA doesn't go through the court system. They simply levy fines and sanctions without hearings or right of appeal.
not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.

I take it you are OK with random traffic stops and trunk inspections... I mean you never know who is breaking the law.
If you are not hiding anything then you should be cool with it.... how about stopping you on the street to check your pockets for illegal substances??? If your clean, whats the issue??

Where do we draw the line???

Whats going to happen when these drones are armed with infrared cameras and they are peeping in on you and the wife getting it in bed?
I mean, ya never know what might be going on in your house... ya could be committing a crime up in there.

Im sorry bro... but I dont like this shit. Not even a little...

Just a reminder that it was the Right that brought us the TSA and the Homeland Security Gestapo. We already had various cop agencies in the air monitoring everything from traffic to border security to drug enforcement, etc. This is nothing new. For the past 10 - 20 years we have all been living in a surveillance society.

There's nothing partisan about it. Both teams want your money and your obedience.

2 cheeks of the same backside.
ok, if you don't mind a Federal Agency spying on you to impose fines

not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.

I take it you are OK with random traffic stops and trunk inspections... I mean you never know who is breaking the law.
If you are not hiding anything then you should be cool with it.... how about stopping you on the street to check your pockets for illegal substances??? If your clean, whats the issue??

Where do we draw the line???

Whats going to happen when these drones are armed with infrared cameras and they are peeping in on you and the wife getting it in bed?
I mean, ya never know what might be going on in your house... ya could be committing a crime up in there.

Im sorry bro... but I dont like this shit. Not even a little...

if they can inspect my trunk without opening it, like they can a farm without stepping on the private property, then you have a valid comparison.

Unless you have proof this is or will occur, it is speculation.
not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.
Do they need a warrant to come in your house? Yes.
Do they need a warrant to go onto your property? Yes.

Why do you think they don't need a warrant to fly over your property and look?

Because the farmer doesn't own the air above his farm. Public airspace. I can fly over his farm if I feel like it, and unless I damage his farm or harass his livestock or something along those lines, there isn't much the farmer can do about it, as I would be in public airspace.
ok, if you don't mind a Federal Agency spying on you to impose fines

not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.
Generally, you need "probable cause" to be able to search private property. Is the EPA above our Constitutional protections, or have they decided that improper disposal of cowshit is a terrorist act?

you need probable cause to physically search private property. Please show me the court precedent that shows you need the same to fly over private property.
Hey I am gonna start charging toll for the airliners to fly over my property!
I will be rich!
And for satellites parked in orbit over my property too!

God might even have to pay me some rent?
Hey I am gonna start charging toll for the airliners to fly over my property!
I will be rich!
And for satellites parked in orbit over my property too!

God might even have to pay me some rent?

part of my point. You simply cannot equate public airspace with private property.
Public air space is no different than public roads or land. It adds an extra dimension spatially, a major one, yes. But it is not illegal to fly over or drive by and and observe.
Hey I am gonna start charging toll for the airliners to fly over my property!
I will be rich!
And for satellites parked in orbit over my property too!

God might even have to pay me some rent?

I have some Sicilian cousins by marriage who collect even that "rent".
links in article at site
Isn't the ObamaNation great, now we have unelected people from a Federal Agency using planes to SPY ON YOU...


Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 5:57 AM

Midwest farmers were outraged to hear that the Obama EPA was spying on ranches in surveilance planes. Rep. Tom Latham sent a letter to the EPA demanding answers,

“No federal agency has the right to treat the American farmer like the Taliban.”

To the Obama EPA – Iowa farmers are the enemy.

The AP reported:

Midwest ranchers have never been enamored with environmental regulators, but they really began to complain after learning that federal inspectors were flying over their land to look for problems.

The Environmental Protection Agency flies over power plants and other facilities nationwide to identify potential air, water and land pollution. It began using aerial surveillance in the Midwest in 2010 to check farms for violations of federal clean water regulations.

Ranchers who object to the program said they’re not trying to hide anything. It’s the quiet approach the EPA took with the program designed to spot illegal disposal of animal waste that they find upsetting. Most were not even aware of the flyovers until regional EPA officials mentioned it at a meeting three months ago.

“For me, it just creeps into the ‘Big Brother is watching you’ area, to where the government just feels like it’s getting more and more intrusive,” said Buck Wehrbein, who manages a cattle feeding operation in Mead, Neb., about 30 miles west of Omaha.

EPA officials explained during a meeting with ranchers in West Point, Neb., that they lease small planes that fly EPA staffers over cattle operations. The staffers take photographs as they seek evidence of illegal animal waste running off into rivers and streams.

the rest here

That's what those Red Army fascist Marxists did first - attack the farmers - this time it is just the government doing it - not the people. Either way it is the same game plan. The Marxists infiltrated our government and are now attacking industry....

It is just going to get worse. We as a nation are heading down a true path to Orwells 1984.

This is 1917 all over again....

We're repeating history.
links in article at site
Isn't the ObamaNation great, now we have unelected people from a Federal Agency using planes to SPY ON YOU...


Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 5:57 AM

Midwest farmers were outraged to hear that the Obama EPA was spying on ranches in surveilance planes. Rep. Tom Latham sent a letter to the EPA demanding answers,

“No federal agency has the right to treat the American farmer like the Taliban.”

To the Obama EPA – Iowa farmers are the enemy.

The AP reported:

Midwest ranchers have never been enamored with environmental regulators, but they really began to complain after learning that federal inspectors were flying over their land to look for problems.

The Environmental Protection Agency flies over power plants and other facilities nationwide to identify potential air, water and land pollution. It began using aerial surveillance in the Midwest in 2010 to check farms for violations of federal clean water regulations.

Ranchers who object to the program said they’re not trying to hide anything. It’s the quiet approach the EPA took with the program designed to spot illegal disposal of animal waste that they find upsetting. Most were not even aware of the flyovers until regional EPA officials mentioned it at a meeting three months ago.

“For me, it just creeps into the ‘Big Brother is watching you’ area, to where the government just feels like it’s getting more and more intrusive,” said Buck Wehrbein, who manages a cattle feeding operation in Mead, Neb., about 30 miles west of Omaha.

EPA officials explained during a meeting with ranchers in West Point, Neb., that they lease small planes that fly EPA staffers over cattle operations. The staffers take photographs as they seek evidence of illegal animal waste running off into rivers and streams.

the rest here

That's funny I had no idea ranchers also owned the AIR SPACE above their ranches. Where in the Constitution does it say the government isn't allowed to look at you at all?
Last edited:

links in article at site
Isn't the ObamaNation great, now we have unelected people from a Federal Agency using planes to SPY ON YOU...


Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 5:57 AM

Midwest farmers were outraged to hear that the Obama EPA was spying on ranches in surveilance planes. Rep. Tom Latham sent a letter to the EPA demanding answers,

“No federal agency has the right to treat the American farmer like the Taliban.”

To the Obama EPA – Iowa farmers are the enemy.

The AP reported:

Midwest ranchers have never been enamored with environmental regulators, but they really began to complain after learning that federal inspectors were flying over their land to look for problems.

The Environmental Protection Agency flies over power plants and other facilities nationwide to identify potential air, water and land pollution. It began using aerial surveillance in the Midwest in 2010 to check farms for violations of federal clean water regulations.

Ranchers who object to the program said they’re not trying to hide anything. It’s the quiet approach the EPA took with the program designed to spot illegal disposal of animal waste that they find upsetting. Most were not even aware of the flyovers until regional EPA officials mentioned it at a meeting three months ago.

“For me, it just creeps into the ‘Big Brother is watching you’ area, to where the government just feels like it’s getting more and more intrusive,” said Buck Wehrbein, who manages a cattle feeding operation in Mead, Neb., about 30 miles west of Omaha.

EPA officials explained during a meeting with ranchers in West Point, Neb., that they lease small planes that fly EPA staffers over cattle operations. The staffers take photographs as they seek evidence of illegal animal waste running off into rivers and streams.

the rest here

That's funny I had no idea ranchers also owned the AIR SPACE above their ranches.

no one expected you to get what the thread was about

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