Outsource White House Press Conferences and Charge Media a Fee

Trump said reporters aren’t showing decorum and they have no respect. This is coming from Donald Trump. I mean come on, can you believe it? Decorum and respect?
Trump demanding decorum and respect? This is an a joke? Trump just said that TV! Trump!
People have to behave. And practiced decorum.

As in decorum and respect?
Trump said reporters aren’t showing decorum and they have no respect.
He said SOME reporters...and he is spot on.....some of them are hate filled spiteful disrespecting anti America bastards and bitches....
So the WH sets up the rules for press briefings: you get one and only one question and then you sit down. And you don't get to offer your sermon or analysis of the President's decisions or policies, you are there to get information and disseminate it to your audience. If you don't have the mike you cannot speak, and you are not allowed to interrupt the WH briefer once your question has been asked. Then set up the due process: both you and your media boss gets written notification of your failure to abide by the rules. Either you and/or your boss gets to appeal and make your case. Subsequent misbehavior will get your individual press pass suspended for say a week, then a month, then a year.

Seems to me the WH press briefings need not take questions; if members of the media cannot act in a respectful manner then the President or the Press Secretary can stop the briefing in progress at their discretion. Or walk in and give their briefing and then leave without taking questions, at least for awhile. An orderly and respectful briefing should be required, but the President can get his information out in a number of other ways. He can even accept written questions from the press or from the public, and provide responses on a WH website. IOW: no more political grandstanding bullshit.
CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting which is a private media/entertainment conglomerate. Optimum word being “private.” If they sign a contract then they have to abide by it.
Trump's judge based his decision on the 5th Amendment because of White House lies about Acosta
LMAO...Acosta has shown the world his ass...he is being ridiculed by everyone in the business for his actions and behavior that day.....He will act up again and Trump will kick him out again causing CNN to go back to court....bet Trump will outlast them...
Trump said reporters aren’t showing decorum and they have no respect. This is coming from Donald Trump. I mean come on, can you believe it? Decorum and respect?
Trump demanding decorum and respect? This is an a joke? Trump just said that TV! Trump!
He is the President of the United States of America.
I keep going back to the court's ruling back in 1978 regarding sports teams banning of reporters. US district court said the 14th Amendment provides equal protection and due process in terms of the fundamental right to pursue one's profession. There are alternative ways to deal with Acosta. As many here noted, simply allow him to listen and not speak by not taking his questions.
Trump said reporters aren’t showing decorum and they have no respect. This is coming from Donald Trump. I mean come on, can you believe it? Decorum and respect?
Trump demanding decorum and respect? This is an a joke? Trump just said that TV! Trump!
He is the President of the United States of America.
When will he act like it?
Little Trumpsters don't like tough questions for Trump.
Why Little Trumpsters? Is it because,,,,,
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Sure I can handle it...if liberal press would actually report on it.

They do and LIttle Trumpsters scream out "FAKE NEWS"! :2up:
Uhhhh...no they don’t. Look at Obama’s coverage and Trump coverage. Total bias. CNN actually supported Iraq war in 2003-2007 with positive coverage. But then became slobbering lovers of B. Hussein Obama. Their network is now a joke.
Trump said reporters aren’t showing decorum and they have no respect. This is coming from Donald Trump. I mean come on, can you believe it? Decorum and respect?
Trump demanding decorum and respect? This is an a joke? Trump just said that TV! Trump!
He is the President of the United States of America.
When will he act like it?
He has from day one. After Obama you simply can’t recognize a real 100% red blooded American as President.

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